A Clash of Gods

v4 Chapter 1282: False

When Qi Ning was imprisoned, it was still a snow-covered season. In this moment, the ice melted and the snow was no longer visible. The pouring rain just let Qi Ning know that the coldest season has passed.

In the prison for nearly two months, I came out to breathe the rain and the breath of mud and trees, which really made Qi Ning's body refresh for a while. The umbrella was not big, but Qi Ning turned the umbrella to the butterfly. , Half of his body was wet by rain.

If it is during the day, the Yeguiling in the rain may still be a beautiful scenery. Although it is not overnight, Qi Ning has good eyesight, but the distance he can see is actually not far away.

Fortunately, Fluttershy has already pointed out the direction of the other mountain, and there is still a road between the two mountains. Just follow the road and go there.

Although it is impossible to determine whether it is in Xixi, Qi Ning judges that Yeguiling should still be in Xichuan. After all, Dizang has always been in Xichuan, and its old nest is naturally in Xichuan.

In addition, there are many mountainous areas in the southwestern part of the country, and the Qifeng is steep, especially near the border. The actual control of the court is not very strong, and many places are inaccessible. It is really difficult for people to find the Tibetan nest in these places.

Walking on the winding path, Qi Ning knew that although it was raining heavily, he walked on the road with his own umbrella and Fluttershy. Someone would surely see it in secret. In fact, he found someone nearby at least twice along the way, but those people were obviously Also mistakenly thought that he was his own and did nothing.

Qi Ning knew that hiding and hiding at this time was easier to doubt. It was the safest choice to walk on the road like this.

Facts proved that Qi Ning's judgment was correct, and went to the foot of another mountain. No one dared to come out to harass along the way. At the foot of the mountain, there was a mountaineering path leading down to the mountain. The artificial stone level was not regular. Ning stopped and whispered to Fluttershy: "Follow this path, the others should be locked there. Fluttershy, you stay here and wait, I will go up the mountain and take a look."

He didn't know the situation on the mountain, and he didn't know what the situation would be. He took Fluttershy up the mountain, lest there might be any accident.

Fluttershy shook her head and said softly, "I am with you." Although her voice was soft, she was firm and abnormal.

Qi Ning thought for a while, that Fluttershy staying here may not be the safest. Although it is not a perfect strategy to follow him, if he really encounters a situation, he will always be able to protect her desperately and nod, the two of them Step up.

Although Fluttershy looks pretty weak, she didn't feel tired when she went up the mountain. Qi Ning knew that Fluttershy's strength training was really not a problem on this mountain.

After walking for a while, I heard a voice in front of me: "Who?"

Qi Ning raised his head. Although the rain was still there, he saw two figures appearing in front of him through the rain curtain. Qi Ning coughed and did not stop. Since the past, Fluttershy ’s psychological quality was also very strong, and he deliberately dragged the latter half. The position, no longer parallel with Qi Ning, the rain immediately hit her.

Qi Ning knew that Fluttershy was deliberately doing this. Fluttershy had a low status on this mountain, but Bao Bao was one of the six ambassadors in Dizang. I can only pity in the rain.

When I stepped forward, I was able to see clearly at this time, but I saw that both of them were dressed in sackcloth, sackcloth, and hats, and both were wearing masks on their faces. The two of Ning were startled, but quickly saluted: "Have seen a boy!"

Qi Ning knew that the other party had misunderstood that he was a treasure boy. He coughed and glanced, and saw that there was a cave not far away in front, and an iron fence door blocked it. At this time, another thunder sounded, and Qi Ning was waiting for thunder After the sound passed, he said in a deep voice, "How is the prisoner now?"

"Returning to the boy, everything is as usual, and there is no difference." One person respectfully said: "Every day, someone delivers food, and the three prisoners are very honest."

Qi Ning thought that this person said that there were three people closed here, and that Xuanyuan was naturally in it. In addition to Xuanyuanye, Anau should also be here. Who is the other person? Is it Yin Wuji? Could it be that Yin Wuji was not dead, but was also taken to Yeguiling to be imprisoned?

Qi Ning nodded slightly, and kept walking. He walked towards the cave, and Fluttershy was behind him. The guard saw the person brought by the boy, and naturally dared not stop him. Seeing the boy seemed to be going in, someone hurriedly ran In the past, the iron gate was opened.

Qi Ning said: "You two are guarding here, no one can enter without my command." The voice was cold, knowing that Bao Baozi's status on this mountain is not low, and naturally there must be a prestigious prestige. The two guards quickly called Yes.

Qi Ning handed the umbrella to one of them, and then led Fluttershy into it. The two guards were outside to respect the guard.

Going forward for a while, the stone road is indeed slightly wider than the stone road where I was before. Looking back at Fluttershy, seeing Fluttershy behind him, he lowered his voice and said, "Sure enough, he passed."

Fluttershy also whispered: "When the boy saw us, he was very indifferent, just like you, but anyone who makes a mistake will be severely punished by him, so the people on the mountain are very afraid of him."

Qi Ning thought that the boy holding the treasure had been in Fengjian Mountain Villa before, should he not be sitting in Yeguiling for a long time, and asked, "Is the boy always on the mountain?"

"We sometimes only see him once every two or three months." Fluttershy whispered: "There are judges on the mountain, and the judges are usually in charge, but those judges are also afraid of the boy."

"Judgment?" Qi Ning suddenly remembered that when he was in the old house of Xiangyang, Qi Yuan, Zhao Yuan was the judge who was lurking in the old house of Qi family. At that time, Zhao Yuan had already taken someone to completely control the old house of Qi family. Very strange, why the gang of ghosts, snakes and gods will stare at the Qi's old house?

At this time, when I heard Fluttershy saying this, I realized that there was not only one judge under the hands of Di Zang.

Inquisitor Zhao Yuan was lurking in the old house of the Qi family, of course, it was sent by the Dizang, that is to say, the Dizang had been staring at the Qi family for a long time, and Zhao Yuan has actually been using the Qi family's Fengyi to gather money.

In order to maintain the continuity of the forces, even the great master such as Dizang, of course, needs money. Qi Ning concludes that there must be many people under Dizang's hands to help gather money and support the operation of this force. Zhao Yuan is only one of them, but There are so many officials and nobles in the world, why did Tibet choose Qi Family?

But he didn't have time to think about it at this time. The two of them walked inside for a while, but found that when they formed a cross, they could continue to move forward, and there were forks on the left and right sides.

Qi Ning stopped, thought for a while, and continued to move forward, but this passage was getting narrower and narrower. At the end, there was a distance that only one person could pass through. It was very different from where Qi Ning was held. .

The two passed through the narrow section, but suddenly there was a stone ladder down in front, and it was dark all around. Qi Ning frowned, and turned back: "Little Butterfly, the structure here is different from the previous one, and I do n’t know where it is. If you have any questions, just wait here. I will go down and see. "

Fluttershy stopped talking, and finally said softly: "I am waiting for you here, you have to be careful."

Qi Ning agreed, and then took the cold blade in his hand and descended down the stone staircase. The stone staircase was nearly a hundred levels deep, and there were no lights or darkness along the way. Qi Ning was alert. , Completely down to the depths by feeling, down to the last stone steps, but the front is a lot wider, Qi Ning thought that this place is more secret than the place where he was imprisoned, knowing that it should be closed, but It is really unclear who has this treatment for a while.

After a short walk in the dark passage, I finally saw the dim fire in front. The air in the ground was very muddy and the smell was very unpleasant. When I reached the end, there was a stone wall in front, left and right. There are oil lamps hanging on the wall, the lights are flashing, not very bright, it is very cold here, and the flashing lights are quite gloomy.

At the bottom of the stone wall, there was also a small hole for meal delivery, but there was a block of stone. Qi Ning squatted down and pulled the stone out, and the hole appeared, but there was no sound in it, Qi Ning Wei pondered, thinking that this person was imprisoned here. Naturally, it was the enemy of Dizang. Even if it was not Xuanyuanye or Yinwuji, it was definitely not a Dizang person. "It would naturally be impossible for Dizang to care so much and imprison her deep underground.

There is a silence in it ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Qining thought no one was in it, coughed, and asked again: "Which hero is inside? It's an enemy and not a friend with Dizang, if you can Tell me your identity, or I can save you. "I thought whether it was Xuanyuan broken or Yinwuji, as long as I heard myself talking, I would be able to recognize my voice and there would never be no reply.

"Yes ... is Jinyihou?" Weak voice came from inside, fine mosquito ants, Qi Ning really couldn't hear the other party's voice, but the other party was able to call his identity at once, obviously it was I am very familiar with myself, and uttered my voice, and approached the past: "But Elder Taiyin?"

There was a voice inside: "I ... I am Xiang ... Xiang Baiying!"

The three words "Xian Baiying" Qi Ning heard clearly, his face changed suddenly, and he lost his voice: "To the lord?" Immediately said: "Are you Uncle Xiang? I ... I am Qi Ning, Uncle Xiang, you What now? "

After Xiang Baiying disappeared in the mourning cave, he listened to cheating Qi Ning on Bai Ying as a holiday, but was eventually seen by Qi Ning, and the real whereabouts of Xiang Baiying was always unknown, knowing that the other party turned out to be Xiang Baiying, Qi Ningxin The next wave of excitement finally realized that Xiang Baiying was the one who was imprisoned underground in the ground.