A Clash of Gods

v4 Chapter 1286: Father's Revenge

Several ghosts held a knife and shoved Yin Wuji forward. He kicked a foot on Yin Wuji's **** from time to time. Yin Wuji's body was weak. Although the ghosts even kicked the kick, the speed was not fast.

Qi Ning and Xuan Yuanbao were not far behind.

The rain didn't mean to stop. The road in the mountains turned east and west, but after walking for more than half an hour, it walked into a narrow valley, because the mountains on both sides were high, but it blocked the heavy rain. Two or three miles away, I walked out of the valley. The front was suddenly bright, but the front was brightly lit, which was very different from the muddy and dark road.

Out of the valley, the road is paved with bluestone slabs, and flowers are planted on both sides, but there is only one mile ahead. A rockery is in front, and the bluestone road is divided into two by the rockery. A sackcloth ghost was wearing a trousers with a waist and a large sword to block the way.

"Following the order of the ghost lord, raise a trial for evil." The first ghost ghost saw the "Blood Pool Judge" falling behind, and immediately sent a message to the guard ghost.

The ghost looked at Yin Wuji, then he gave way, and a group of people continued to move forward. When Qi Ning stepped forward, the guard's ghost immediately bent down and appeared extremely respectful.

Turning around that rockery, the scene in front is completely different from before. It seems to be in an exquisite garden. Red plums, green bamboos, green pine and cypresses are very ingeniously arranged. In front is an octagonal pavilion, passing through the octagonal pavilion. A very exquisite house appeared, with antiques and antiques, white lanterns hanging on the door, shaking in the wind and rain.

In front of the door, there were still two sackcloth ghost guards. After Yu Ming passed, everyone passed smoothly, and they saw a courtyard. The courtyard above was very ingeniously covered with wood. The zenith was made of vines. The vine was sealed and in the courtyard, it was rainless.

In the eyes of Qi Ning, he knew that this house would cost a lot.

In the four corners of the courtyard, there are ghost ghosts with shoulder knives, all wearing ghost masks, which look extremely gloomy.

Seemingly hearing the movements in the yard, I saw a person walking slowly out of the brightly lit lobby. The man was wearing a black brocade, wearing a mask on his face and carrying his hands. Qi Ning only looked at the man's walking gesture. It was Lu Shanghe who recognized it.

Lu Shanghe walked into the courtyard with his hands on his back, and glanced at Qi Ning, his head slightly bowed. Qi Ning was quiet, and nodded to Lu Shanghe.

Several ghosts scattered away and left Yin Wuji in the middle. Lu Shanghe walked around Yin Wuji with his hands on his back. After reaching Yin Wuji, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked at Yin Wuji's knee, Yin Wuji Unexpectedly, one leg immediately knelt down, then stood up, and two ghosts rushed up on the edge to kneel Yin Wuji on the ground.

Yin Wuji sneered: "Lu Shanghe, what exactly do you want?"

"Yin Wuji, Lu is a reasonable person." Lu Shanghe smiled and said: "Lu has always served people with virtue. You are on the mountain, and Lu will send you living things every three miles, I heard that you eat something Taste, this Miao family is barbarous, it really is not yet civilized ... "

"Lu Shanghe, I should have killed your dog thief that day." Yin Wuji said sharply: "Villain wins!"

Lu Shanghe laughed and said: "I gave you a few opportunities to talk to you, you missed the opportunity, and it is useless to ask me later. It is useless to ask me to come today, I will no longer discuss the matter of the Heilian Remnants The so-called gentleman ’s revenge is not too late for ten years. That day in Chaowuling, you shot me to hurt me. I am broad-minded and did not seek revenge from you, but since you are stubborn, we should settle the accounts. "

"You want to kill or kill, you come here." Yin Wuji said with a sneer: "I Yin Wuji is afraid that you won't be able to wait this night?"

"Don't yell here, it's like you are a gentleman." Lu Shanghe waved his hand, someone had already brought a chair over, and Lu Shanghe sat down on that chair, and raised his hand to signal to Qi Ning While moving a chair, Qi Ning shook his head slightly. Lu Shanghe thought that Qi Ning was a treasure-holding boy. The treasure-holding boy was always silent. Although he had a lot of interactions with Lu Shanghe, the two did not speak much. Bao Tongzi has a weird personality and does not pay much attention. He stared at Yin Wuji: "Knowing that his wife is occupied by others, he has not dared to say a word for many years and left his head green. Your patience is really not bad."

This was a fatal wound in Yin Wuji's heart. When stimulated by Lu Shanghe's words, he struggled to stand up, but his internal strength disappeared, and the ghosts held him down, but he was difficult to get up.

"If you fight for the last death and fight against that great grandmaster, I still admire you a little bit. You are brazen, knowing that you can't beat him, even using a little girl." Lu Shanghe sighed: "I confuse my daughter to kill It ’s rare in your world to die of your own biological father. "

Qi Ning sneered under his heart, thinking that if he was mean and shameless, I am afraid that few people in the world could compare with you, Lu Shanghe.

He and Lu Shanghe were only ten steps away. It was not difficult to take Lu Shanghe's life, but the situation was under his control. He wanted to see what he wanted to do tonight.

Yin Wuji closed his eyes and said no more.

Lu Shanghe smiled strangely and shouted: "Girl Anau, you are killing your father and the enemy, are you still here?"

Qi Ning sighed, looked up slightly, and saw that from the hall, a few figures walked slowly. When a person was petite and exquisite, Qi Ning knew that it was Anau only with a glance. What surprised Qi Ning was that Anau At the moment, he was dressed in sackcloth, and he even wore a mask on his face. The dress was just like Fluttershy.

He thought in an instant that the Tibetan people would be imprisoned by all the people present, and Anau was naturally one of them.

It was just that he didn't see Anau in the two places where he was imprisoned, and he was still puzzled. At this time, he finally understood that Anau seemed to have turned to Dizang.

Anau's young age, coupled with her selfish selfishness, was lured by Lu Shanghe's co-op, and it became not unbelievable to devote himself to Tibet to become a ghost.

Behind Anau, he followed two sackcloth ghosts, looking at their figure, but a woman.

Although he wanted to come to Anau, he turned to Jizo, but Lu Shanghe was not at ease with her and still sent someone to guard him.

Anau walked to Lu Shanghe, a few steps away, Lu Shanghe smiled and looked at Anau, saying: "Anau, your father is a great master, and the great master was originally a black lotus master. Strong and powerful, if he is still alive, who would dare to move you a hair in this world? With the protection of the Grand Master, you can do whatever you want, even the emperor and the child dare not treat you, dont you agree?"

Anau was obviously terrified of Lu Shanghe, lowering his head and humming.

Lu Shanghe sighed: "You could have lived a life longer than the princess, but it was a pity that everything was destroyed by this person." He slowly stood up, with one hand behind him, one finger pointed at Yin Wuji: "He not only It ruined your life as a fairy, and also tricked you into killing your father. You are young and do n’t understand the sinister heart. You are used by him. The death of your father actually blames you. It ’s all because of this person. It ’s your father ’s enemies. Tell me, is the father ’s enemies small? ”

"Destroy the father's hatred, don't wear it together!" Anau's voice was bitter.

"Good talk." Lu Shanghe said: "The hatred of killing the father is not common. As a son of man, if he can't even report his hatred of killing his father, it's really not as good as a dog."

Anau said with hate: "I'm going to kill him to ... revenge for my father and my mother!"

Lu Shanghe smiled and said, "Revenge for your parents is justified. I will give you this opportunity today. This person's martial arts have been abolished. Now he can't even match a dog. You can kill as you want." He took off the mask of Anau, revealing the pretty white face of Anau, but in those eyes, he was full of resentment.

Lu Shanghe said softly: "You want to surrender to Dizang, which is naturally a great thing, but not everyone is eligible for the protection of Dizang Bodhisattva." One hand actually caressed the fair face of Anau: "Today If you kill this person with your own hands, it will be regarded as a confession of surrender. You will be sheltered by the pilgrimage in the future. As long as we protect it, no one in the world can pick you up. "

Anau gritted his teeth and said, "I ... I'm going to kill him!"

Lu Shanghe withdrew his hand and nodded, "Good boy!" Shen said, "Come here, take the knife!"

Someone immediately stepped forward and presented a sharp sword. Lu Shanghe took the sword and made two strokes before saying, "Good boy, he was chopped off with a knife, which is too cheap for him. You are a poisonous king of Jiuxi." Disciple, mastering poison, why not torture him with powerful poison? Kill the father ’s revenge ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ You ca n’t report it all at once. This killing is about killing. If you want to make the enemy suffer, you should let him Life is better than death, do you say that? "

Anau said: "I ... I'm going to cut him knife-by-knife into meat, making him both painful and unable to die at once." Look at the landing merchant He Dao: "This knife is too big, cut it up Meat is inconvenient, you ... can you give me a sharp dagger? "

"Oh?" Lu Shanghe said with a smile: "Good idea, cut off his flesh with a knife, so that he can't die for a while, hahaha, Anau, you are really clever." Commanded: "Take a dagger!"

Immediately, someone brought a dagger. Lu Shanghe handed the dagger to Anau and smiled, "Don't let me down."

Anau took the dagger and turned to look at Yin Wuji, but saw Yin Wuji's eyes closed.

Qi Ning frowned, thinking that the Lu Shanghe was indeed poisoned, he would use Anau to kill Yin Wuji, he knew that Anau was used by Yin Wuji to kill his own biological father, and it must have been a hatred of Yin Wuji. Among them, Ling Chiyin Promise can be regarded as revenge for his father, but the thought of this flower-like little girl was going to be so cruel, but the heart was chilling.