A Clash of Gods

v4 Chapter 805: Emperor's tomb

Sima Changshen immediately said: "Father, you are old and hurt like this. How can you ... continue to travel to the tomb?"

King Huainan also had a dignified expression, saying: "Fan Yuan, if the old man's waist is damaged, is it really just a matter of muscles and bones?"

"The lord is relieved that the servant can guarantee his life. As long as the old man's injury is rehabilitated, he will be healed and there will be no major problems. Dust ↗ margin ↙ Wen × Xue? Net" Fan Yuan made right.

The Huainan King was slightly relieved and said: "Lao Guo Gong, this time you sacrifice the emperor's mausoleum, you naturally know that it is also very important. At that time, the four hereditary herds, the old grandpa of Dantai couldn't come because of illness, and only you were an old minister of the three dynasties, Although there are hundreds of officials, but there is no Lao Guo Gong present, it is always wrong, you see ... "

"Your lord, your father is so injured, do you think you can still go to the tomb?" Sima Changshen's face fell, and sneered: "Do you want to toss and die in the tomb?"

"Shut up!" Sima Lan's face was cold: "Sima Changshen, how can you allow you to be arrogant here?" Looking at the Huainan King Road: "The prince said very much, Dachu is very gracious to our Sima family, such a great sacrifice to the emperor's mausoleum , I must not be absent. ”Seeing the team stop, said:“ Your grandfather, the dragon is not good here, but I ca n’t move right now, but the doctors in the Tai Hospital are all masters of Xinglin. There will be a big problem. "He moved, and there was an" ah "in his throat, his face full of pain.

Envoy Fan quickly squeezed Sima Lan's arm and said, "The old man must not move, otherwise it will only aggravate the injury. Xiaguan sent people to the Tai Hospital to gather people and bring them with medicinal materials." Xiang Simachang Shen Dao: "Hou Ye, the holy drive can't be delayed. Please take someone to the old country to the roadside and set up a camp temporarily. The brigade can go to the emperor's mausoleum first. We will do our best to treat the old country. Catch up with tomorrow's ritual ceremony. "

Sima Changshen's expression was solemn, and the King of Huainan had asked: "Fan Yuan, this is located in the suburbs of Beijing, and it is not safe. Can people be carried to the emperor's mausoleum?"

"It's absolutely impossible." Fan Yuanzheng said righteously: "Your lord, Mo said that there is nearly a hundred miles from the emperor's mausoleum. According to the present state of the old country, if you carry it out of the ten miles, it may cause damage to the lumbar bone. Greater damage. As long as the current injury is treated in time, there will not be too many problems, but if you increase the injury, the lower officials will only worry that even if they are fully rescued, they will leave huge hidden dangers in the future, and even ... ... even causing paralysis. "

At this time, I saw a shrill voice and asked, "What happened to the old man?" Everyone looked at it, but it was Fan Dehai, the eunuch's general manager, who was next to the Emperor Longtai.

"Fang Gonggong, his father accidentally dropped his horse, and his waist was broken, unable to move." Sima Changshen immediately said: "Praying Gonggong to the emperor, his father can't go to the emperor's mausoleum."

"The old country's father lost his horse?" Fan Dehai was taken aback, and quickly said: "The family will go to the emperor."

Sima Lan sighed and said, "I can't think of the delay caused by the old man's negligence. Chang Shen, immediately sent someone to set up a temporary tent on the roadside, carried me over, and don't block the road." : "Fan Yuan, if there is labor, you immediately send someone to get medicine."

Sima Changshen was a little reluctant, but he knew that the current situation could not be delayed. He immediately ordered a temporary tent to be set up on the roadside, and ordered others to make a stretcher to carry Sima Lan to the roadside.

After a while, Fan Dehai had returned: "The emperor has a purpose, if the old country father is too hurt, he will return to Beijing for treatment immediately."

"Thank you Emperor for your concern." Sima Lan said: "Duke Fan, the old minister is not a big deal. Fan Yuan also said that as long as a little treatment, there will not be too much problems. The old minister is here for the time being, and then People are carried to the emperor's mausoleum, and they will definitely arrive before tomorrow's sacrifice ceremony. "

The Huainan King sighed and said, "The matter is here, and the old man can only stay here for a while." He glanced at Fan Dehai and asked, "When will Duke Fan start the memorial ceremony tomorrow?"

"Look back to the lord, the ritual department has determined that tomorrow is the auspicious time, and the ritual ceremony will be held from chen." Fan Dehai replied respectfully.

Sima Lan immediately said: "Before tomorrow, the old minister will arrive on time."

The Huainan King reached out to hold Sima Lan's hand and sighed, "Lao Guo Gong, although you and I are a little unhappy, but compared to the national affairs, the unhappiness between the privates is really nothing. You are my emperor of Chu, Chaozhong Many major events must rely on the old man, and I hope to recover as soon as possible. Do n’t worry the emperor and the king. "

Sima Lan showed a touch of emotion, saying: "The lord is in love, the old man is very grateful."

The Huainan king then said: "Submit the order and continue to move forward."

Someone came over as a stretcher and carefully lifted Sima Lan onto the stretcher, and a temporary tent was quickly set up by the roadside. King Huainan said with concern: "The old man, the king asked the emperor to leave, and he left some guards in the feather forest camp. This protects the old country's father. "

Sima Lan lay on the stretcher and shook his head gently: "Yu Lin Camp is to protect the emperor, how can it be done because of his veteran. The veteran, the veteran will make people from the Black Scale Battalion come to temporarily guard, so the prince does not have to worry too much . "

"Since this is the case, the old father-in-law takes care." The king of Huainan nodded slightly: "The king and the emperor went to the emperor's tomb first, waiting for the old father-in-law to come over."

Although Sima Lan accidentally fell off, delaying some time, the team quickly returned to the road.

Qi Ning walked out for a while, looked back, and saw that someone had already carried Sima Lan into his account.

Just before he did n’t speak aside, he had been observing the horse that Sima Lan was riding. The horse was indeed a good horse, and there was nothing wrong with it. Qi Ning was very curious and secret. Just thinking about why the horse was shocked suddenly, will Sima Lan fall off the horse's back firmly? Could someone do something on that horse?

He was strange in his heart, and in the sound of ritual music, he had traveled a while.

A hundred miles away is not far away, but it is not too close, and many of the courtiers still walk on foot. These officials usually walk on a hundred miles on foot, and many people are really some. Can't stand it, but some can't walk for twenty miles, and it's already breathless.

Coupled with the scorching sun, and the officials are traveling in kimono, sweating all over them.

Long Tai was considerate to the courtiers. After a while, he would rest for a while, and at noon, he rushed to the place where he had prepared meals in advance, and they prepared some flatbreads that were convenient for fast eating. Many officials cannot eat anything, but drink a lot of water.

Only in the afternoon did he arrive at the tomb.

After Chi Fengdian arrived, he immediately dispatched soldiers and horses to guard the roads leading to the emperor's mausoleum, and then deployed troops to guard around the emperor's mausoleum, and Chi Fengdian's guards stationed in the emperor's mausoleum were also under the control of Chi Fengdian.

However, the ritual ceremony is still tomorrow, so the emperor and the ministers do not have to enter the emperor ’s tomb today, and the monks of the Daguangming Temple and the Taoist priests of Longhu Mountain have to enter the emperor ’s tomb first, chanting, and the ritual department has already done it in advance. Preparations, after arriving, the officials of the private ritual led the monks of the two gates of Buddhism into the emperor's tomb, while the emperor and the civil and military officials stayed in the eastern suburbs of the emperor's tomb.

Before Longjia arrived, tents had been set up on the eastern outskirts of the emperor ’s tomb. The emperor ’s golden tent was in the middle. The two hundred feather forest camp soldiers were unable to drain the water from the three layers of the golden tent. The ritual system, the emperor was going to take a shower tonight, copy the Buddhist scriptures, but did not see any courtiers.

The tents of the Qunchen were surrounded by golden tents. The stars held the moon in general. According to the rank of the official, the higher the official position, the closer to the golden tent of the emperor.

Qunchen hurried off this day, and many people were exhausted. After sending the emperor to the account, the Qunchen returned to their accounts and rested. In the evening, the eastern suburbs of the emperor's mausoleum were silent. Some officials were indeed real. Unbearable, resting in the tent, some officials also copied the sutras in order to show their piety to the emperor's mausoleum.

After camping, Qi Ning walked around to make sure that the golden account was guarded tightly, and learned that before tomorrow ’s sacrifice ceremony, no one should be close to the golden account of the emperor. This road today is nothing but a piece of cake for him, and naturally there will be no sense of fatigue.

The camp was guarded by Yulin elite soldiers, and the elite Yulin soldiers were carefully selected brave warriors. It was an exaggeration, but one Yulin elite was really not a deal against three or five people, and Qi Ning had long discovered the court swordsman. Xiang Tianbei disguised as an **** in the palace, always guarding himself next to the emperor, Qi Ning knew that the group of eunuchs who guarded the side of Longtai might not be the master of Xiang Tianbei. Experts, not to mention that no one can approach the golden account, even if it is close to the golden account, it has been waiting for the eunuchs in the palace around the large account, it is also an insurmountable protection.

Qi Ning knew that the strength of the gang of people who had shadowed the child, even if he was good at assassination, would never have a chance to sneak into the emperor.

Chi Fengdian was in charge of guarding, so after camping, he didn't have a rest at all. He always patrolled around the camp with his guards. He dispatched nearly a hundred people to patrol around the camp. If there is something wrong with the whole camp, he can be immediately feathered Camp found.

At this time, Qi Ning no longer worried about the safety of Longtai ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ but he remembered Prince Dongqi hanging in Beijing.

He did not have any affection for Prince Dongqi, but Prince Dongqi is now in Chu. It ’s not a trivial matter. If any accident happens in Chu, then all the efforts made by Chu before will be lost, and Qi and Chu will be turned against each other. This is a huge disaster for the soldiers in Chu.

It is hoped that Prince Qi of the Eastern Qi will have an accident in the Chu Kingdom, which is naturally the result that many people want to see.

Prince Qi of Dongqi lives or dies, and Qi Ning does not care. He only hopes that his prince will never have any accidents in the territory of Chu. After his marriage, he will **** the prince to leave Chu as long as he leaves Chu, no matter what happens to this person, Qi Ning will not care.

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PS: On the first day of December, thanks to the love of brothers and sisters last month, I made a pretty good ranking on the monthly ticket list. Thank you here. Brothers and sisters who have a guaranteed monthly pass, please vote for your precious vote!