A Clash of Gods

v4 Chapter 970: ready

In the afternoon, Shen Liangqiu ordered the ship to turn to the southeast, in order to bypass the most frequent sea areas where pirates infested. ()

This time the cool autumn brought three ships out, and the number of people added up was not more than a hundred people. If the pirates really knew where they were, it would be hard to guarantee that the pirates would not take the opportunity to round up. After all, the black tiger shark was already blatantly with the East China Sea Division. People who have robbed the head and have killed the East China Sea Marine Commander will naturally not care about enemies with the East China Sea Marine Commander again.

Although the two spies spoke eloquently, and there were indeed enough reasons to convince them to be sincere, whether the intelligence they brought was really true. No one could be sure until the black tiger shark was caught.

In case this is a trap under the black tiger shark, just to lure people from the East China Sea Mariners into the net, the situation of the three ships is very dangerous.

Fortunately, between sailing all the way, I really did n’t encounter a pirate ship, let alone pirates. Shen Liangqiu and others were after all in the East China Sea for more than ten years. Although it is very difficult to entrap and suppress a black tiger shark, it is very difficult, but Even the pirates cannot find it, but it is not difficult.

Along the way, I encountered several islands and reefs, all deserted deserted islands. The island was even lush with trees and greenery. If there was something important to do, Qi Ning even wanted to visit the island.

However, the emergence of several islands and reefs is of great help to the route. These islands and reefs are marked on the charts. With these islands and reefs as the standard, the location of the unknown island can be determined.

The people on the ship changed into two shifts, taking turns to change their posts. By the afternoon of the next day, they were getting closer and closer to the Unnamed Island, and the route had also been bypassed. They successfully crossed the pirate area and entered the distant sea area.

Qi Ning thought that the place where the black tiger shark chose was actually impeccable, not only an unremarkable desert island, but also a pirate activity area in the middle as a barrier, if there is a layer of defense, if there is no spy Leaking his whereabouts, it is really impossible for the East China Sea Marine to find his whereabouts.

"Hou Ye, in two more hours, you should be able to reach Wuming Island." Standing at the bow of the boat, Shen Liangqiu said to Qi Ning: "Since he has few people, he should not send spies near Wuming Island, but if the island There is a high point, and the black tiger shark has sent people to stare at the sea near the unknown island, then once we get close, it is likely to be found. "

"It makes sense." Qi Ning nodded: "We can stop for a while and wait for it to get closer to the past after dark. Their vision is not good at night. Even if there is a high point, they can't see the distance, and their spirit must be at night. Be slack and less likely to be discovered when approaching. "

Shen Liangqiu said with a smile: "Hou Ye's idea coincides with the inferiority. The meaning of the inferiority is also to let everyone rest for two hours, to eat and drink, to recuperate and recharge, and wait for us to sneak into the island at night. , Kill them by surprise. "

When Shenliangqiu ordered the ship to stop, and asked everyone to drink water and dry food, they could even take a nap.

Seeing the main ship stop, Tang Hui's ship immediately stopped. Here, the order was passed there, and everyone rested to replenish their strength.

"Hou Ye, this island doesn't look very big. Humble will think about the plan of the action, and ask Hou Ye to consider it." Shen Liangqiu waited for Qi Ning to eat, and then came over with a sketch, which was drawn casually. A sketch resembling an island is spread on the table with fingers pointing on it: "The black tiger sharks must come by boat when they come here. They only have four people. There are not many people, so the boat will not be too big. Break them. In the future, they must first destroy their ship. "

"Good." Qi Ning said: "The boat may stop on the shore, but if in case, in case of fear of being discovered, the black tiger shark may hide the boat on the island, but it won't hide too deep."

"So when we get close to the island tonight, Beibei will first send a few people to dive on the island, let them find the boat, and control it." Shen Liangqiu whispered: "Then we divided into four roads, from the four directions of the unknown island at the same time After landing on the island, General Bei and Tang Hui Zhushuo each led the way. Wu Tongling under Hou Ye could also lead all the way. To avoid injury, Wu Tongling ’s team only needed to hold the position and did not have to deal with them. Killing the past, the black tiger shark found the situation and sought to escape from the direction of Wu Tong's guard, and he could be captured in one fell swoop. "

Qi Ning said with a smile: "General Shen's plan is very thorough. The black tiger shark cannot escape unless it has the ability to enter the earth. () In fact, if we find their ship, we can send only a few people without moving the ship. Hidden near the boat, even if the black tiger shark escapes from under your hand, he will leave the Unnamed Island. Without a boat, it will naturally fail, and he will go to find the boat first.

Shen Liangqiu nodded and said: "Hou Ye is more sure about this plan. He will leave ten people to guard near the boat. When he appears, he will immediately arrest him."

Qi Ning knew that this was just in case. After all, as many as 100 people came this time. Although Wu Dalin and his own escorts were all in the same role, the people in the cool autumn were also selected from the navy Valiant and warrior are elite, siege on all sides, four people in the Black Tiger Shark area, and one is a doctor. In any case, it is impossible to withstand the siege of so many people.

"General Shen's plan can be said to be very thorough, and it can be implemented according to your plan." Qi Ning smiled.

Shen Liang Qiu Gongdao said: "The humble will now dispatch tasks."

"General Shen, I said that this operation, you have full command, and once it is successful, it will also be your credit." Qi Ninghan said with a smile: "Benhou hopes this success will not only offer a sacrifice to the Governor, but also It can also frustrate gangsters in the East China Sea. "

"The humble will not dare." Shen Liangqiu said immediately: "If you can succeed, it is the blessing of Hou Ye, who is the one who really makes great contributions."

Qi Ning laughed and said: "You are a soldier, you don't have to say these unspoken words, when you celebrate the feast, you should pay more attention to Ben Hou. You have made great achievements, and Ben Hou can recommend you to the court as the great governor. People come to rule the navy. This is a favorable court. I do n’t fight for your merits, but it ’s not because of you, but for the royal plan! "

Shen Liangqiu respected abruptly and respectfully said: "Duke Hou is selfless and will admire humble!" A deep respect, said abruptly: "Hubei will never live up to Hou Ye's great expectations!"

Qi Ning smiled slightly and thought of something. He asked: "General Shen, to catch the black tiger shark, are you going to catch it alive or how?"

"Hou Ye, the black tiger shark is the most powerful gangster among the gangsters in the East China Sea. If he can be captured alive, he can force out the hiding places of those pirates from his mouth." Shen Liangqiu said: "This can be done once and for all. Really solve the problem of pirates in the East China Sea. "Then frowned:" It's not that easy to worry about trying to catch the black tiger shark alive. "

Qi Ning sighed: "Actually, I'm the same as you think. The black tiger shark has the ability to gather several pirates together, and still has some ability, and it is also a bit bold to dare to be an enemy of the East China Sea Division. It can be regarded as a maritime owl, such a character is naturally unwilling to be captured by the sailors and students, if it is forced to a dead end! "

Shen Liangqiu naturally knew what Qi Ning meant, and said abruptly: "The humble people will try their best to catch him alive. If there is really no way to do it, they can only take the head of others and go to pay tribute to the Governor."

Qi Ning just nodded slightly, not much.

All three ships stopped at sea, recuperating, and waiting for the night to come. Once they waited, the time seemed to pass slowly. Finally, after dark, Shen Liangqiu ordered the three ships to the unknown island at the same time. Advance.

Although there is a moon in the sky, the distance to see is not far away. Shen Liangqiu is always staring at the sailor on the lookout platform, waiting for him to pass the message.

Although the Clippers were small, they also had small observation decks. They had always arranged a sailor with excellent vision to watch the movement of the nearby sea, and suddenly saw the sailors on the observation deck make a gesture. At that time, the target was found. Qi Ninghe Shen Liangqiu immediately arrived at the bow of the ship. Sure enough, only a moment later, with his extraordinary vision, Qi Ning found that a group of gray shadows appeared on the sea in front of him, just like an ancient sea beast crawling on the sea.

Although Shen Liangqiu was unable to achieve Qi Ning's vision because of internal skills, he soon discovered his goal, and Mei Yujian offered a trace of excitement, whispering: "Hou Ye, this island really looks right."

Qi Ning nodded. It was already late at night. Since Shen Liangqiu found the target, he would not let the three ships continue to approach. He ordered all three ships to stop and sent six sailors who had already arranged to dive to the island first. , Looking for a black tiger shark vessel.

These sailors are trained in the water all the year round, and these six men are the best among the sailors. After launching, the three ships held their breath and waited for them to return the news.

Although I saw the shadow of the Unnamed Island, there was still a little distance. After waiting for more than an hour, two sailors finally came back. The companions took them on board. One sailor immediately reported: "Hou Ye, General, we After landing on the island, no people were seen, but a boat was found in the benefit cave near the shore. "

"How many people can that boat accommodate?"

"Up to six people!" Sailor said: "The ship is hidden in a cave ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ There is a big rock outside, but it is not deep, we can easily find it."

Qi Ning and Shen Liangqiu looked at each other, and without further ado, they both understood.

Since there are ships on the island and they are hidden in caves, it proves that there are indeed people on the island, and it is almost certain that they are black tiger sharks. The purpose of the black tiger shark to hide the ship is not really to hide the ship strictly. In fact, it is nothing more than to ensure foolproof. If there are other ships near the unknown island, but there is no boat on the shore, it will naturally not think of someone on the island.

And here is far away from the coast, and the nameless island is also an isolated island. There are also very rare boats nearby, but you don't have to hide that boat too deep.

"Hou Ye!" Shen Liangqiu turned to look at Qi Ning, his hands arched, Qi Ning knew Shen Liangqiu's meaning, and nodded slightly: "You can act as planned!"

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ps: Explain to everyone, everyone knows that the desert participated in the Guo Jingyu special training camp. Last month, he participated in the first round and successfully entered the second round, so he arrived in Beijing the day before yesterday. I set off at more than five in the morning. After arriving in Beijing, I naturally wanted to meet some related friends and teachers. Socializing was essential. I returned to the hotel at midnight and was exhausted, so I couldn't update. I went to class yesterday morning until more than six o'clock in the afternoon. I went out to attend the dinner party and came back to talk about the creation with the instructors. I returned to the hotel at ten o'clock. The desert knew that I could not be lazy. There is really no way, everyone be considerate. On the last day of tomorrow, the course is over, and the desert will immediately resume updating. Three more will appear, bow!