A Genius and a God Fell In Love

Chapter 11: Slept for two hours

At some point, she found that her heart no longer hurts, but the attack on the face did not stop.

The girl was pale and still weak.

She avoided human faces with difficulty, and was almost succeeded by them several times.

In the end, she ran out of strength and fell softly to the ground.

The human face flew from all directions, and the voice was noisy, like a hodgepodge in a downtown area.

Nangongnan was stunned when all the brains got into her body.

She struggled to get up and found that her body did not hurt, and there were no wounds.

Nangong narrowed her eyes, so these faces wouldn't hurt her? It's just scary.

If there are eyes on the floor, she must be able to see the astuteness of the unknown in her eyes.

She was right.

Just now the face was rubbing her arm and she didn't feel any pain in her arm, as if a cloud of mist had hit it, silently.

Therefore, she guessed that these faces were not harmful.


Since it can't cause harm, why bother to deal with them and waste her energy.

Nangong made a trip to the ground and decided to take a good night's sleep.

She is very tired, very tired very tired.

When was the last time you went to bed?

Can not remember.

Because she hasn't slept for a long, long time.

Above his head was still a scary expression pack flying around with teeth and claws, and the weak little girl had already fallen asleep.

Her consciousness was groggy, and she slept unsteadily. There seemed to be many people and many pictures in her mind.

Each picture reveals endless horror and blood, as well as sadness and anger...

Nangongnan refused to dream of reminiscence. She struggled desperately from the dream, but her consciousness became sober, but her hands and feet could not move.

She gritted her teeth and struggled to break free.

No one can suppress her!

In the next moment, Nangong Nan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Nangong, get out of the way!"

The gale hit her head on, blowing her long hair back.

Zhao Feiyuan ran in front, and the big fat sheep, like a hill, was chasing behind.

It cut the black cloth with sharp horns, and then trampled and tore it with sheep's hooves, revealing its fierceness.

It's completely different from the goat they used to see in the past, this is a monster sheep that is crazy.

The cry of bleating was long and strange, and the bloodthirsty and brutality all over made people tremble.

Nangong Nan's face paled as soon as he recovered his ruddy face, and Zhao Feiyuan pulled him up and ran forward before he could react.

"Run, my belt is broken, I don't have time to tie it together, so I can only escape for my life." She explained breathlessly, and there was time to look back at Nangongnan, "You look much better in spirit."

Nangong South said: "I feel better after I slept, I'm sorry Fei Yuan, I slept for so long, and I didn't notice the appearance of the guard beast."

At this time, Zhao Feiyuan can still laugh. Her temper is really good. When she laughs, her eyes become two slits. "You slept for two hours. This is already the second guard after you fell asleep. Beast."

Nangongnan opened his eyes wide, "I slept for two hours...?!"

"Don't stop, the guard beast is still chasing after it."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The girl quickly apologized, feeling very guilty, "I really shouldn't, I was still sleeping when the danger came, let you face the guard beast alone, I'm really, really...I'm sorry, If your teammate is someone else, you won’t..."

"Don't blame yourself. The last guard beast was a mutant dog. It's easy to deal with. If it wasn't for my belt to break, this fat sheep would not be a problem."