A Mercenary’s War

v1 ~: Apologize to everyone

Something went out today during the day, but I did n’t get home until now, and I delayed updating. I ’m here to apologize to everyone, but now I ’m exhausted physically and mentally, and I ’m hungry. I really have no energy to code. I can only make up for it tomorrow. , Please don't be surprised.

In addition, thanks to kcr * 3, Fa Jin, instructor @ #, used to be very thin, clplhl, oldsnake, book friends 140213065029865, Xiahou Baxia, zjjmm and other brothers for their rewards, many book friends who support Rushuiyi, limited to space I wo n’t list them one by one. I ’ve been busy for a while. I have n’t had time to thank you. I ’m here to say thank you. Thank you for your support. With your support, there is a war of mercenaries. Results.

Finally, I had to cheer with a cheek, asking for collection, asking for votes, asking for everything.