A Mercenary’s War

v1 Chapter 415: Whistle

Gao Yang was at the forefront, Li Jinfang and Sirte left and right, and the three approached Teodoro's camp in the shape of a character.

The three people used the night vision device to quietly walk through the jungle. Instead of using his shotgun, Gao Yang put the blade of Satan in his hand. His gun has a thermal imaging sight, which can be used as a low-light night. The effective complement of the sight, at least at close range, if there are enemies concealed after disguised, the low-light night vision sight cannot be seen, but the thermal imaging sight can be seen.

Sirte has been to Teodoro's camp, but he can be said to be familiar with the terrain in Teodoro's camp. After leaving the camp, Sirte's memory has no effect, let alone he did not leave. After passing the camp, even if he wanders outside the camp all day, finding a distinctive target in the rain forest is harder than ascending to the sky. All places look the same, so even if there is a Sirte to follow, they still have to fumble Move forward.

Gao Yang occasionally lifted the gun and observed through the gun sight, not only to observe the ground, but also to look at the top of the tree to prevent someone from hiding on it.

Already close to the camp, Gao Yang, who was walking in the front, stopped suddenly, raised his right fist, beckoned that he found the enemy, then extended two fingers, pointed to the air on the right side of the front, and signaled there were two people there.

Gao Yang used the thermal imaging scope on the gun to find two figures in the tree, which should be the dark whistle in the camp, and he was less than forty meters from the big tree where the sentry was hiding.

Gao Yang only found two sentries, but he still couldn't see the house in the camp, but he knew that it was only one step away from the house, and he might have to take a few steps forward. You can see the camp hidden behind the tree.

If the sentry in the tree does not have night vision. Then they can only whistle by hearing. The claim from Sirte is that Teodoro's men are not equipped with night vision.

After Gao Yang made a gesture of proceeding carefully, the three of them continued to move forward, but they only walked a dozen meters forward, and an empty camp suddenly appeared in front of them.

Sirte and Li Jinfang kept kneeling and protecting movements on one knee on either side of Gao Yang, and Gao Yang continued to observe with the thermal imaging scope on the gun after scanning.

The camp seemed scattered and all the big trees were preserved. But the shrubs and weeds under the big trees were all cleared, so the field of vision in the camp was much better, and the high thermal imaging scope could see farther away.

After reading the drawings, even if it is a sketch, even if I have never been to that place, I can visualize the scene on the picture. This is an indispensable skill for an excellent commander. When training, he performed very well in this subject.

Although it was nighttime, Gao Yang mapped the sight to the topographic map in memory. Justin's drawings are very accurate, and the scene he sees matches his drawings very well. This gave Gao Yang greater confidence in Justin's map.

Gao Yang found four dark whistle hidden in the trees, a total of nine people, but he could not see the heat source in the camp, there are many possibilities, people are in the house, and the walls of the house are thick, blocking the heat source , But Sirte said that the wooden walls here are very thin and can neither be used as a battle support nor effectively block the heat source, so it is more likely that people are in the room on the other side of the camp, or this is No one is an empty camp.

There is a dark whistle, it is unlikely to be an empty camp. Gao Yang they spared the road and changed their direction to continue the investigation. This time, Gao Yang found that there were heat sources in the two houses through the thermal imaging sight, and the number was quite large.

After determining the general direction, quietly backed away for a distance, and then arrogantly they lurked near the camp, notifying the followers that they could enter the battlefield and join them.

When they acted at night, the way to distinguish the enemy from the enemy was through the ir light that can be observed through the night vision device, and when they proceeded to conduct the investigation, they would leave a luminous object that can only be observed through the night vision device as a road sign.

After waiting for about an hour, they all arrived, and after gathering the people together, Gao Yang explained what he found, and then said: "Our goal is to kill Teodoro, the first point of attack is His house, because of the need to confirm the target at close range, Toad and I have a can opener as a group, the first echelon enters, as close as possible to the house of Teodoro, small flies, test tubes, and Grolev as b Group, the second echelon enters, fire cover, worker bees, the space in the camp is small, but enough for you to use mortars, rabbits, you are accompanied by worker bees as a group c, in addition to covering him to ensure continuous artillery fire, but also To cover us with precise shooting, Lucica, you five follow the worker bees, but do n’t join the war, as long as you can send the shells to the worker bees in time, OK, now do you have any questions? "

Gao Yang has made it very clear. The rest is to temporarily allocate positions when entering the battlefield. No one has any problems, but Lucica suddenly said at this time: "We will attack with you."

"No, it's impossible. Two of you were injured and you have difficulty moving. And you have problems with your actions now. I can't accept your terms."

Lucica and Camp whispered a few words in Spanish, then looked at Gao Yang and said: "They can not go, I am okay now, I will attack you myself, no one of you can speak Spanish, If you need me, I can follow the doctor. "

After talking, Lucica patted her m16 rifle and said in a deep voice: "I'm not your burden. I have been fighting for a long time. I'm longer than you."

Gao Yang knows that Lucica is right, as a witness is secondary, but Lucica ’s Spanish is very useful, and Lucica ’s combat effectiveness should be really good, especially in the jungle.

"Test tube, does Lucica's physical condition allow her to participate in the war?"

After thinking about it for a moment, Bruce nodded: "Although I don't think this is a good idea, her physical condition allows her to participate in the war."

Since Lucica is indeed useful, and her physical condition is also okay, Gao Yang does not need to refuse her participation in the war, but can not be put into the battlefield as the first echelon.

"Lucica, you can join Group B to join the battle and follow the test tube. Now, hand the mortar shells to the worker bees and rabbits, and leave the useless equipment to the guide to carry."

Grolev nodded and said, "Understood, but wait a moment."

After speaking, Grolev pulled out the baffle from the body armor on his chest and passed it in front of Gao Yang, saying: "Put on."

Gao Yang's baffle had been lost during mine clearance. He looked at the ceramic plate handed in by Grolev and shook his head. He said, "No, keep it for yourself."

Grolev frowned and said, "Don't let me say it a third time, put it on!"

At this moment, Tommy pulled out the baffle on his body armor quietly and threw it in the air, whispering: "According to the principle of who is at greater risk and who strengthens protection, do n’t you After a fight, I stayed on the periphery, there was no danger of being attacked from behind, and I would put the baffle behind in front. "

Gao Yang froze for a moment, and finally nodded without saying anything, and inserted the baffle into the bulletproof vest. Grolev also nodded to Tommy and rearranged the bulletproof vest.

After everything was ready to stop, he said in a loud voice: "The dark whistle in the book close to us must be solved. Their threat is too great. Once they have firepower like a machine gun, it will be very troublesome. The toad pistol and I have the lowest sound , The two of us approached them with a pistol within a range of 20 meters. If the plan succeeded, then the first echelon continued lurking in. If it failed, then it began to attack. "

Sirte shrugged: "I suggest to get it with mp7. The risk of a pistol is too high, or you can let me take charge of a target with a pistol. I have more confidence in my pistol."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I'm not familiar with mp7 yet, and it's too troublesome to change guns temporarily. Also, we are very sure of our pistols."

Hanging the shotgun in front of his chest, he took out the pistol and hit the silencer. After confirming that everyone was ready, he raised his hand and said: "Action!"

Surte was armed with a shotgun to cover it. Gao Yang and Li Jinfang each held a pistol. The three of them set off for the first time and touched the tree with a hidden whistle.

The jungle environment is a double-edged sword, and the dense vegetation has caused a great obstacle to launching an attack, but it also provided a high enough cover for them, and they did not emit any sound. They were close to a place only ten meters below the tree. Found ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Looking up from under the tree, you can see the small platform built on the tree branch. There are two people sitting on the left and the right. They are all slouching their heads against the tree. It seems to be asleep.

In order to avoid any one of the two sentries issuing a warning, it was necessary to fire at the same time. Gao Yang gave Li Jinfang a gesture to indicate which target each of them was responsible for. Then he held the gun with both hands and raised the pistol to aim at the left sentry on the tree Head.

Li Jinfang also took aim, and Sirte, in front of Gao Yang and Li Jinfang, confirmed that Gao Yang and Li Jinfang were both aiming well, raised his left arm high, and then suddenly swung down.

As Sirte's left arm fell, Gao Yang immediately pulled the trigger. Because the muzzle noise was reduced, he clearly heard the click of the gun when it hit the gun.

The gunshots of Li Jinfang and Gao Yang almost sounded at the same time, just like someone slap on the face vigorously, except for no sound, the two people in the tree collapsed their heads to one side at the same time, and neither fell There was no sound under the tree. (To be continued ...)

ps: Old rules, ask for the next monthly ticket.