A Mercenary’s War

v1 ~: ,thanks for your support.

Crazy money tree is another two rewards, when I found out that the crazy money tree is already a master, I am really excited, thank you.

Thank you to all the bookmates who clicked on this book, collected it, and cast their valuable votes. With your support, there will be a war of mercenaries. Now with this little achievement, as a newcomer and new book, without your support, I do n’t dare to think what it will look like. With your support, it makes me stay up late every day. Codewords are not enough for sleep. I still feel that it is still worth saying. Thank you for your support. With your support, I can do well. Write it down.

Thanks to Brother Cai for reading, changjingyu, the floating undead, Sandy Xie, and several brothers for their rewards.

In addition, there is one more today, which will be presented later, and finally say a word, thank you everyone who supports this book, support the brothers who like the water.