A Mercenary’s War

v2 Chapter 1556: Evidence chain completion plan

Gao Yang and Knight are seriously discussing how to splash dirty water to Russia.

Knight already had an idea, he said confidently: "In any case, the biggest suspicion of Americans in this matter is Russia, so as long as there are a few key nodes, then even if there is evidence that forces outside Russia have killed With a butter knife, Americans will not believe that they will only think that this is a false image thrown by the Russians in order to divert their attention. "

Gao Yang laughed: "How to do?"

Knight exhaled and said in a deep voice: "First of all, it is the issue of this executive's selection. The black devil is good. They have retired, but because they have retired, it is possible for them to come to Dayan."

Gao Yang thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, the black devil is capable, and they are indeed employed by the big Ivan. The main thing is that the black devil's people also want to let others know that they killed the butter knife, no The problem, the black devil can be exposed, they are happy to do this. "

Nete ​​said in a deep voice: "This battlefield will definitely be checked and checked. There are not many people here, so this battle is destined to be a small-scale battle. There cannot be a large number of troops in ambush, but It ’s not enough to have a black devil, because the black devil is too old. No matter what the facts, no one believes that the black devil can wipe out the butter knife alone, and the fact is the same.

Gao Yangsheng said: "If you must focus on Russia, you need to involve Russian forces. We need to find a small but powerful team to replace Satan, then Russia has the right one. What about? "

Knight laughed: "The special operations team of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, as the successor of the black devil, their abilities are far from the black devil. But they are really suitable for the dead ghost in eastern Ukraine."

Gao Yang snapped his fingers and smiled: "Very good. Do you know where they are?"

Knight shrugged: "Of course I don't know, how could I know. But Americans don't know, and don't forget, I came from Donetsk, where is the focus of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service's activities, even if they are The action team was not in Donetsk, but where did we come from, and that ’s enough, plus the Russians who are fighting for you now. The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service is determined. "

Gao Yang laughed: "Very well, there are two key nodes, but it needs to be improved. I don't think it is necessary to give a reason why Russia wants to protect the big Ivan. This is for the Americans to guess. We only need Do it realistically enough, so Ivan needs to find a place to continue hiding, and of course he will find a safe place, right? Countless eyes are staring here, if I take all of them to eastern Ukraine. Then where are they scattered Disappeared, some people entered Russia, so. The third key node is also there. "

Knight smiled: "These three key points are enough, the remaining evidence chain Americans will make up for themselves."

Gao Yang sighed and said in a deep voice: "My people are all seriously injured, they are not suitable for long-distance movement, and I need to send them to a safe place to recuperate. Now, they are not suitable for going to the United States. The Ukrainian protective net will be completely invalid after tonight. If there is no accident. It is likely that we ca n’t even go to the airport. I want to send the wounded to eastern Ukraine first. Where to stay for a while, do the necessary surgery first Yes, and then leave to recuperate elsewhere. "

Knight whispered: "I control a place in Donetsk, where there is an arm under my control, where are you safe enough."

After speaking, Nete suddenly smiled and whispered: "In addition, tell you one more thing, when we were robbing the helicopter, we spoke in Russian, and when driving the helicopter, we spoke in Russian, we did not change the communication. Frequency, many airport control stations in Ukraine should be able to hear our conversations. Of course, this is just a little oversight, but it is in line with the carelessness of the Russians. "

Gao Yang dumbfounded, then said helplessly: "I thought you guys with thick eyebrows and big eyes are gentlemen. It turns out that you have already found a good substitute for the dead ghost, Fak, and you really think of Russia as a potman. Russia dumped. "

Knight laughed and said nothing.

Gao Yang waved his hand and whispered: "Here I need to clean it again. I fired a lot of guns with my own gun. The cartridge case had to be picked up, but the warhead could not be picked up. Even if the amount of bullets hit by flying was taken, take the body Just go, and let your person clean it for me later, pick up the cartridge case for me, and then help transport the body away. "

If you want to divert your attention, you must not leave evidence, especially for Gao Yang, and absolutely not leave anything that might expose his identity.

The bullets fired are evidence of talking. When the warhead leaves the gun barrel, it will leave unique marks that cannot be forged or eliminated. Tens of thousands of guns are used as evidence in the evidence room.

Gao Yang ’s guns certainly cannot be archived in the United States, so he will not leave the information of the barrel as a comparable evidence, but Americans must have a bullet in the body, and Gao Yang will often get mixed in the United States afterwards. In case something happened, he was taken out of his gun and he was exposed.

Gao Yang didn't want to discard the guns he was already familiar with. He just had to work hard to avoid being traced by Americans just in case.

Nai characteristic said: "Yes, do you know the number of bullets hit? Count, so as not to miss, it is best to blow up this place when you leave, so that they can not find any useful traces ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Well, it must be blown up, but there is still a problem. There are doctors who hijacked them. They have looked at my people. These people will become a way to leak. "

Knight lightly said: "Do you want to kill them to kill the mouth?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said: "No, absolutely not! I'm a mercenary, but I keep the basic bottom line of a person, killing them and killing my mouth, I can't do it, so I won't do it, nor will I allow others to kill They, because I'm not a hypocrite who blamed others. "

Knight smiled and said in a deep voice: "Very good, your answer is over, I am a mercenary, but I always ask myself as a real soldier, if you kill those doctors, then you are not worthy to sit with me Together, it ’s fine now, and I appreciate your answer. "

Gao Yang sighed and spread his hands: "Then you teach me how to deal with them, OK?"

Nete's face changed, and he said helplessly: "We asked ourselves as real soldiers, and mentally put ourselves in shackles, and when we put shackles on, we could only dance with shackles, this thing, I do n’t know how to deal with it, so you can do it yourself. ”(To be continued.)