A Sorcerer’s Journey

v15 Chapter 709: Spring Guardian

"Is there any way to stop it?"

The magical disorder, the magical power of the body that Green can control is rapidly decreasing. This is the result of Green's forgetting the truth of time and space seals being forcibly destroyed by external forces, and the magic is back!

Through the indirect hand-induction of the giant tongue, Green faint has sensed the other side of the space-time node in the world of illusory scent. A powerful ancient scent creature is peering into the wizarding world, and the huge and invisible body peeks at the other end of the space node. The intention is to touch this wonderful real world full of smell.

The more detached from the illusory world of reality, the more likely it is to create an illusory master who masters the wonderful ability to communicate with the rules of the illusory world. As for the semi-illusive world, it is a world of transition between reality and illusion, with the ability to The ability to navigate through reality and illusion.

Strictly speaking, the nightmare world is not an illusory world, but it is more illusory than the smell world.

Hey vomit!

The yellow odor liquid spreads. With the influence of the illusory rules on the wizarding world, a powerful atmosphere in the space-time node emerges. This powerful scent creature can finally break through the gap between reality and illusion and fall into the wizarding world.


A sigh, although the wizarding world will certainly not fear any world outside the civilized world community, but this powerful creature is coming, this small piece of 910 East Coral Island...



Green finally noticed something wrong, thinking of the East Coral Island until now there is no reason for a world guardian!

The East Coral Island is the dark well of the port of Lato, but the eye of the Wizarding World is located. The guardian of the Spring is guarded by the will of the guardian. As a result, the entire East Coral Island and even the surrounding waters are naturally in need of other world guardians. Monitoring.

However, for the powerful guardian of the Spring Guardian, the weak scent creatures below the heads of these worlds may be invaded by ordinary people. It is hard to detect, so that more than one day will pass, and this disaster will not be reflected.

In other words, if the disaster here is further expanded, I am afraid that the guardian of the spring will immediately notice the abnormality of the rules here, and then personally come to explore.


Green couldn't help but use the hunting nose to cautiously sense the spatio-temporal node anomaly, silently waiting for the arrival of this horrible powerful semi-illusive scent creature, forcibly stopping his impulse to escape from the time and space with Xiao Ba.

The magical counter-intensification has intensified, and the magical power that can be mobilized in Green's body is getting less and less. This time, Green's magical counter-attack is absolutely not light!

From two to three hundred years, and more than five or six hundred years, Green will no longer be able to mobilize the magic.

Such a degree of magical resilience is a huge blow to the general elemental wizard. After all, the vast majority of wizards usually live between four thousand and eight thousand years old, and there are very few 10,000 who can live to the limit of the official wizard. In the year, equivalent to about one-tenth of the life of a wizard, there is no magic, and it becomes an ordinary human.

But for the refining wizards like Green, it is still barely acceptable. At least Green will not be an ordinary human.

Maybe Green can take advantage of this opportunity to better go to the underground abyss to experience the path of practicing wizards.

The reason why Green stayed here is not willing to leave, because Green has been waiting for his own compensation and gains after paying such a heavy price here.

If Green leaves this dangerous place at this time. Although it will be safe, it will probably miss an opportunity to meet with the Spring Guardian.

Time passed by little by little, and the magical power of Green's body was less and less, and the face of the truth began to gradually stiffen. Even unconsciously, there has been a layer of cold sweat, which constantly senses how much the body of this scent creature has passed through the space-time node and the body of the wizarding world.

"No. It's too late..."

The last piece of magic that can be mobilized in Green's body can only support the use of a long-distance transmission of witchcraft. Suddenly, the power of a life-filled world spreads over and is slightly stunned by Green's keen sense. A little, and then missed the last chance to escape.

Bang, boom, boom...

The harsh space turbulence sounded far and near, and an old witch appeared in the unimaginable speed of the air. It was the guardian of the spring that Green once saw in the dark well house.

At the height of the kilometer, the guardian of the spring stayed in the air, and looked around at the wide-angled yellow stinking liquid lake on the ground. After the eyes were visited by Green, Green had a feeling that the whole wizard world was peeping at himself. .

Immediately afterwards, the old witch's eyes fell on the invisible and odorless creatures that were coming to the wizarding world through the bluestone altar.

Clouds within a few hundred miles of the sky, unconsciously turned out to be the center of the guardian of the spring, forming a huge nest, the violent elements of the turbulent flow in the power of the world, desperately gathered.

It’s awkward!

Surrounded by a red and blue intertwined thunder arc, the attack intensity of each thunder arc is far greater than the arc intensity of the annihilation force that Green played at this time. However, there are more than a thousand thunder arcs gathered in the sky, but these are only because of the spring. The natural phenomenon formed by the guardian after urging the power of the wizarding world!

The pair of turbid eyes filled with unyielding, intelligent, and angry eyes fell on the foreign body of the wizarding world. Suddenly, the huge scent creature settled and stuck in the space-time node between reality and illusion.

At this time, the chaotic rule space of the Wizarding World Bethel City became extremely repressed, strangely quiet, and Green could even hear his breathing.


However, the next moment, Green only felt that he was like a fallen leaf in the storm, the sailboat in the rough seas, and the power of the world and the power of nature could not even control itself.

A roaring, violent muscle layer stacks up and bulging, rough blond hair fluttering, black wild hair grows, barbed bones and black scales are covered, and the upper body of a body more than ten meters tall is like a round ball. The lower body was short and powerful, and the big mouth roared. Green actually aroused the form of the barbarian giant on the third floor of his wild instinct!

After this, Green was finally able to stand upright, with his powerful arms covering his head and protecting himself from the catastrophic sky of the end.

After a long period of time, the end of the world's power and elemental turbulence stopped, and Green opened his head to protect his head and looked at the ground with horror. He was stunned and unbelievable.

The yellow odorous liquid has disappeared, and the scent creatures seem to be an illusion of Green. They are all erased and completely disappeared.

Even the city of Bisser seems to have never appeared in the wizarding world. The vast lush forest has replaced everything that was once, lush, prosperous and endless. (To be continued.)
