A Sorcerer’s Journey

v20 Chapter 894: Chaos doomsday

"Hey, just take a stone at twelve o'clock midnight and turn twelve turns in front of the mirror. You can summon me to come and realize any desire that you can afford the price..."


Situ Mo woke up from a nightmare, cold and sweaty.

Next to the dilapidated bed, the tired wife woke up and looked at Situ Mo.

"What's wrong, do you have that strange dream?"

The wife asked tenderly, then looked at the hungry daughter next to him, wiped the fire with a forehead, and sighed, and the old cotton was covered and covered in her arms.

"Fuck, let no one sleep, noisy in the middle of the night!"

"First small crying, big night is old, and it is enough to be attacked by mutant beasts during the day. I have to endure you at night. I want to change the house to the commander of the military region!"

"me too!"

The refugees who were crowded in the same cabin dormitory were dissatisfied with roaring.

Since the chaotic disaster, the world has been polluted by chaos, and all creatures have evolved and evolved. Instead, they have become the rulers of the world. They are the least affected by chaotic breath, the slowest degree of variation, and gradually become the evolutionary wave of living things. Behind, it can only be sneaked into a number of military bases in the period of civilization and glory, and become a refugee base.

The chaotic atmosphere will quickly erode dead creatures, including grain plants and meat products, so every day, everyone at the refugee base risk their lives to find food in a dangerous world outside.

However, as time goes by, the variability of the outside organisms is getting more and more high, the power becomes more and more incredible, and more and more dangerous. Every day, more people will die and become food in other bio-portions. The population is getting smaller and smaller.

Although there are some mutant evolutionary people in the spiritual world, the number is far from supporting the spiritual society.

Everyone is secretly discussing that the spiritual man is going to perish.

At least the world is no longer called the spiritual world. For more than ten years, the biological group that was once regarded as a wild animal by the spiritual people has developed their own social civilization, and at the same time, they are more adapted to the chaotic end environment than the spiritual people. Replacing the status of the spiritual person is just around the corner!

"Sorry! Sorry! I am sorry, I was scared during the day, I must have no next time, definitely..."

I kept laughing and laughing, and it took a while to calm the anger of everyone. Situ Mo sighed and held his wife and daughter in his arms, touched his daughter's head, and still had a fever.

Bitter in my heart.

In the end of the chaos, the most valuable thing is human life. This kind of baby girl Situ Mo did not know how much he saw death. He thought that his heart was already numb, but when things happened to him...

Situ Mo hates himself, hates himself for useless, hates that he is not an evolutionary person, and cannot find more food for his wife to feed his hunger. Can not save the daughter's life, can only see the two people suffering with their own suffering!

"Go to bed early, be careful when you go out tomorrow."

The wife gently comforted Situ Mo, Situ Mo was pressing his teeth, and his wife was tightened more tightly, closing his eyes.


the next day.

In the sky, there was a gray mist, and Situ ink put on a light leather jacket, dressed as a standard hunter, holding a blood-slot knife, and was about to join several refugees to leave the base to find food. However, it was discovered that dozens of gunmen in the military area surrounded a large public toilet, and there were even more evolutionary figures!

The end of the chaos, once the spiritual masterpiece of the world's ruler, the ordnance. Most of them have been eroded by chaotic fog. Today, the number of ordnance in the entire base is limited. This is one of the most basic guarantees that the refugee base can maintain relative in the last days, except for the evolutionary.

"What's wrong?"

One of the sergeants of Situ Mo, the big mouth Liu thief eyebrows asked a person who had been watching for a long time.

There are more than a hundred thousand people in the base, and things happen every day. However, relatively speaking, the base is relatively safe due to the existence of a large number of evolutionary people.

"It's a locust variation in the sewer. Mother's, it is said that it is several meters long. I don't know what happened. I suddenly got out of it last night. It is said that I died a dozen nights and I was pulled in. Now there are two evolutionists. Exploring the scene, then be careful when you go to the toilet."

This man, when he talks, looks awkward.

Big mouth Liu listened to a few meters long big locusts and smashed people, his face could not help but be blue, ugly, and it took a long time to return to normal, and Situ Mo left several people.

The seven-meter high wall is entwined with a circle of venomous wire mesh, and the watch tower is equipped with the most heavy weapon defense in the base, while guarding against possible danger from the air.

Out of this gate, it is considered to leave the base, a feeling of small, strange, crisis, diffuse.

"Be careful, I have an ominous premonition today."

Before going out, Meng Zijie muttered that the sophisticated look that had survived for many years had to be convinced.


Half a day later.

Everyone looking for food in the wild, like the mouse on the street before the end of the chaos, is careful, every time you take a few steps, you have to stop and watch for a while, and explore whether there will be any danger after a chaotic fog.

The end of the world is not just an animal, but plants have also evolved a coping mechanism. Ninety-nine percent of the plants are extremely poisonous for the spiritual people.

In this world, several people have become the bottom-most creatures in the food chain, and too many creatures can hunt a few people.

A few people have come to a region that they have never been to, but the ecological environment in the last days has changed too fast, and it is very likely that it will be the same every day.

"Old ink, look!"

Yan Nan was very excited and tried to suppress her voice.

After Fuji Man wrapped the woods, it turned out to be a large knee-high mushroom field. The meat quality was extremely high. It is incredible that the mushrooms on the silver needle are not toxic and can be eaten!

"I am going to go, so much, this time I have to eat a full meal, be careful and see if there is danger."

Sun Chen is tall, and before the end of the world, he was also the No. 1 handsome guy in the Lingren, but in the end of the world it was obviously not a civilized society that could rely on his face to eat.

Can survive in the last days, this guy is by no means not to disable the vase.

"My grass, over there!"

A giant wolf with many nausea and sarcoma on his body, cold eyes step by step, low voice, the pressure of nearly two meters high body, the strongest of the seven men, Meng Zijie can not help but swallow mouth, blood The slot knife is pinched in front of you.

From the vagueness of the appearance, this giant wolf ancestor should be a dog that feeds, but now it has evolved into such a monster because of the end of the chaos.

After doing a smear of the neck, Yan Nan nodded to the crowd and his body retired.

For this large piece of mushroom land, everyone can't go backwards. The difficulty of Situ Mo is the epitome of people in the end of the world, even if it is risking his life!

Ten minutes later.

Meng Zijie, the big mouth Liu corpse lying quietly on the ground, in the end of the chaos, their bodies will soon be corroded, nothing will stay, accompanied by them is a giant wolf body.


Yan Nan sighed, his friends died like this. In the end of the world, the most valuable thing is human life. The spiritual person who once created a brilliant civilization has now become the bottom-most creature of the food chain of this world~www.mtlnovel. Com~ sadness can't help but spread among the remaining few people.

"Come on, their bodies will soon attract the animals to go, pick some mushrooms and go back, their wives and children need..."

Situ Mozheng said, to listen to the distant chaotic fog behind the "啼嗒", "啼嗒", "啼嗒" horseshoes quickly from far and near, followed by a ring of metal armor, riding in The angle of variation immediately looked at the fierce light!


There is a group of monks social groups here! ?

Can it be said that this giant wolf is their watchdog! ?


A few people desperate, fled to the depths of chaos, hundreds of giants riding on the corner of the horse yelled and followed.

After at least telling the intelligence to the military region, the rewards were enough to satisfy the meal. (~^~)
