A Sorcerer’s Journey

v6 Chapter 340: Nest of the world

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Five days later.

After passing through more than sixty hourglasses in the nest of the tarantula, he even accidentally experienced a passage that was not recorded on the crystal ball. The pedestrian stopped in the long darkness and looked at the front.

The tens of thousands of soul slaves, under the leadership of hundreds of hunters and wizards, flew in a mighty flight.

This huge team of hunters and sorcerers quickly noticed the Thousand-eyed Cancer and the Dark Hunter.

Fighting, rushing...

Behind is a huge soul slave monster army with a mix of noisy squeaks, snoring, and flapping wings. The front is a lineup of neat, disciplined, wise and powerful hunters.

The leader of the Hunting Magic Wizards Corps is a female third-level hunter and wizard, standing majestic at the forefront of the entire army.

The gathering of the elements of the Ming Dynasty's sorcerer's army led to the glory of the sky.

A white wizard's robe, wearing a tall high-top hat, the face of a middle-aged woman of the wizard's leader, seems to have no other features. The light of the pale yellow element at the top of the straight magic wand shines, stimulating The element of a ribbon shines.

Do not!

Not without features...

In the heart of Grinn’s surprise, the other’s control over the power of nature was so strong that it actually formed some suppression of his own faintness. Although it did not reach the absolute suppression of the wizard’s apprenticeship by the wizard, if it was really two If you play against it, you will be completely played by the other party in the palm of your hand!

Green and Alain flew forward a distance, and the three-level female hunting magic wizards respected the wizard etiquette and slightly lowered their heads.


The middle-aged graceful witchess nodded mammothly and looked at the thousands of giant crabs in the distance. Faintly said: "Be careful on this road, the voice of the nest tarantula is extremely restrained by the elemental wizard. Although there are three teams of the sorcerer's nest, there are three sorcerers in the Qing dynasty remnant nest tarantula, but the space of this nest is It is not too small, and it is inevitable that there are many omissions."

Alain and Green nodded. Did not tell this powerful three-level hunting witch wizard, his own group has just cleared a small tarantula nest.

Alain suddenly asked: "There is no arrangement for the hunter-hunting wizard, the combat command for this tarantula's nest?"

The graceful three-level female hunting wizard, a faint look at the face of the old witch, Ala.

"You are the first group of hunting wizards who have been assigned to the nest of the snow line by the combat command. The combat command is indeed not properly arranged in this respect. Later, the dark wizards will arrange soul slaves before entering the nest of the wolf spider. Guard, so don't worry."

"It turned out to be."

Alain nodded.

Green is wearing a gray-white spiral that is the face of truth. The eyes of a pair of elements in the hole of the mask looked quietly.

As a first-level wizard, Green just stood quietly and did not speak.

After a short stay, the third-level wizard continued to carry the hunter-cleaning mission with the mighty team. Ala and Green continued to fly with their players.

Two days later.

"Oh... finally left this broken place."

The starling seems to have rested enough in the gap between the dimensions. It was full of energy and it was very windy. Standing on Green's shoulder, he said with joy and satisfaction.

The ground in the distance is a huge canyon. There are several high-power magic lights floating above the canyon. It shines around, and hundreds of soul slaves and a small team of hunters and wizards guard.

Not only the starling, the two teams of hunting witches have been secretly relieved at this time.

The pressure on the people in these days is too great. Although Salis used the police **** to temporarily solve some of the threats of the voice of thought, it was only in front of some low-level nest tarantulas.

If there are really two-level nest tarantulas, or even three-level nest tarantulas leading hundreds of adult lair tarantulas...

Fortunately. The people did not encounter such a terrible situation.

"Hey? This is..."

Above the gorge of the tarantula's nest, Green smelled the familiar scent of death and muttered in surprise.

Among the fourteen hunters and dark wizards. Only Green had the Medal of Honor and was assigned a special mission by the Black Sota Stigma Wizard.

Other hunting wizards also noticed this unusual fragrant death, and cautiously opened the wizard's hood to isolate this fragrant smell.

Everyone can't help but glance at Green.

At the top of the thousand-eyed giant crab, the color of the face of Green Truth is dignified, but there is nothing to say. Instead of using ultrasound to locate witchcraft to perceive the surrounding situation, it is best to hold the shofar magic wand. It also illuminates the light of an element.

Gradually, as thousands of giant crabs get closer and closer to the bottom. The scene of the incomparable dignity appeared.

These countless bones...

These dense six-petal gray flowers...

These skeletons turned out to be the same skeletons that the earth gathered at the time of the occasion when the surface ice sheet was executed by the black ice tower.

Green is a humanoid with a height of about one meter and five, a head to body ratio of one to thirteen, a double-winged back, a vegetarian diet, and a death energy nucleus. It is speculated that it is privately named as a locust. .

Green did not think that not only the remains of the bones that Green could not understand appeared on the surface of the nest world, but even in the deep space of the nest, such relics appeared.


The Black Sota Stigma Wizard must have walked through the passage of this world in person, and must have discovered the situation here, but there is no reflection.

what is this?

Green stood in the perspective of a first-class sorcerer, there is really no way to understand, such an unusual relic, why is there no notice of the operational headquarters?

If the demon sorcerers were attacked by the locusts in the lair world, they would be unimaginable afterwards.

After the sorcerers were shocked by these innumerable bones, several of them were amazed to begin researching these sacral and death nucleus crystal nucleus.

The blossoming gray death flower flower is close to the hunter, and it is involuntarily indented into the crystal nucleus.

In the distance, a stone building of more than 30 meters has attracted the attention of others.

Although this stone building is simple, there are only two stone pillars left behind, but some symbols on the stone pillars have attracted the attention of everyone present, and they have observed them with dignity.

This time, everyone can no longer deceive themselves with accidental events.

Under the face of Green Truth, the eyes stared straight at the strange and familiar text symbols on the stone pillars. Unbelievable, a cortical scroll was taken from the gap between the dimensions.

This scroll is the "devil contract" that Green had deceived from the alien world during the apprenticeship of the wizard.

Yes, it is indeed the same civilized system!

After getting a certain green and taking a deep breath, I meditated quietly. What is the relationship between this nest world and the **** of annihilation?

What is the great black sorrow sorcerer planning?


Starling was curiously turning around the two towering towers, but suddenly he was amazed and fell to the ground covered with bones.

"Hey, young master, young master, come over, we are rich, oh..."

The younger version of the starling is trying to sculpt the sacral layer like a puppy. Green has a dignified meditation on one side, and walked over to the starling, and found the shiny things under the light of an element below the bones~www. Mtlnovel.com~ What is this? ”

In the slightest surprise, Green put Xiaoba on his shoulder and used a double force to dig up the bones buried in it. A large glass mirror appeared.

"This, this is!?"

Green picked up the glass lens and his eyes burned, even though Green was dull and couldn't think of it.

This nesting world must have inextricably linked with the **** of annihilation, and the purpose of the black stag sorcerer to conquer the world must be the same purpose!

Then, if this is speculated, the black stag sacred sorcerer takes care of himself, and the task that will be entrusted to him before the end of the hunter’s expedition will probably be...

Thinking of this, Green took a deep breath, and the eyes of the gray-white truth gradually calmed down and deepened. (To be continued)

