A Sorcerer’s Journey

v8 Chapter 445: Dark Empire (below)

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Ps: Look at the exclusive story behind "The Wizarding Journey", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter qdread), tell me quietly! The war was carried out for five days and five nights.

Green, Xiao Ba, Chretia and more than 10,000 elites of hunters and sorcerers flew over the fortress, even if the war was too fierce and did not mean to do so, including the black sacred sorcerer.

Because this is not their task.

All the sorcerers have their own responsibilities and perform their duties.

Nowadays, with the complete resistance of the locusts' normal resistance, the Dark Emperor can no longer find a complete flaming nest. The wizards fly again and again between the Dark Emperor and the Space Fortress, and even begin to have a large number of mechanical shackles. Start picking up the wounded and collecting the spoils...

"Hey, start!"

The surrounding space is constantly collapsing and twisting. The black sacred sorcerer seems to be a collapsed black hole, falling toward the unstoppable emperor.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

The Wanming Ming and Sorcerers’ Legion was neat and uniform, and the orderly and orderly follow-up was only a relatively backward one. It was opened by the Black Sota Stigma Wizard.

Only a few hundred scattered hunters and dark wizards scattered and screamed, and turned into a fireball star to fall down and plunged.

Although the speed is still not comparable to the black stag sorcerer, it is not as bad as the wizard.


Xiao Ba learns to be next to other hunting demon dark wizards, and as a low-level wizard, quiet, Green, and Chretia looked at it strangely, making a small eighty-one embarrassed: "Hey, match The atmosphere is down."

Green was speechless, turned his head and tried to control the perfect form of the wizard's cover when rubbed against the air in high-speed dive. This requires Green to concentrate quite a bit of mental power.

This simple action is also a fairly control technique.

Even with a sorcerer's hood, it is by no means a general sorcerer of the wizarding world can do it.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

A dark sorcerer fell to the ground faster than the wizard. There was a bang in the bang, but it was not like the time when the hunter was on the expedition. The first time to summon the elementalized creature.

There are tens of thousands of slave monsters around, and they don’t dare to lift their heads, welcoming these distinguished wizards with their most humble posture.

Thousands of hunters and sorcerers who completed the pre-emptive quests, all of whom followed the wizard etiquette and reveredly looked at these elite dark wizards.

Hundreds of hunters and dark wizards, each wizard has a three-level medal of honor, the second-class medal of honor is also sporadic, and even the first-class medal of honor. There are two more people besides Green!

Green has become accustomed to the gaze of others, just like the three pepper ghosts.

Following a huge twisted crack on the ground, a row of dark magic wizards came to the Temple of the Dark Temple.

In the square, the main temple of the dark temple bound by the chain was squatting under the uniform of two third-level wizards. Although the look was almost crazy, he was helplessly bowing to the **** of the wizard.


Like a breeze, thousands of hunters and sorcerers fell gently on the ground, neatly surrounded by the Temple Square, the strength of the elements in all directions gathered. Undoubtedly powerful elements are undulating.

"The **** of evil wizards, the great darkness of the sacred light, one day you will..."

The main sacrifice, the cheeks, was cursed on the masonry of the Temple Square. Roaring.

The masonry is stained with blood and exudes the scent of death belonging to the locusts. It is the blood of other sacrifices. At this time, the main sacrifice seems so embarrassing and helpless.

Reluctant and unyielding.

The main sacrifice swayed his body, but he could not break the chains of his body and the suppression of two dark magic wizards.

In front of me, I was forced to bow in the most respectful manner. It was the **** of a horrible wizard who was constantly collapsed in the surrounding space. I could not even see his figure. I could only see the eyes full of cruelty, evil, and indifference. Intriguing.

See him. The sacred sacred **** sacrificed himself as if he saw the incarnation of evil.

This is the brutal will to show up unscrupulously, without disguise. Only by self-improvement will overwhelm and crush other wills.

Behind him, he followed one and another evil minion. They are dressed up in a strange way, seemingly cruel to beauty, violence as beauty, and weird and beautiful.

The noble mistress wizards who seem to be civilized and ceremonial, they are just changing their skins, and the heart is also the evil and brutal wizard.

The main sacrifice is roaring and cursing.

Perhaps other people are afraid, surrendered, and desperate, but as the spokesperson of the great dark **** in the world, the most loyal servant in the world, the sacred **** worship will never make any compromise!


Suddenly, after a dark and sinister laughter of the black staghorn sorcerer, a thin palm was stretched out in the distorted space, and the sorrowful sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred song was sucked.

The main sacrifice 祀 袋 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主 主

After a few breathing hours, the original sleek green skin will be old and the foam will be spit out in the mouth.

It seems that I got the information I wanted. The black sacred sorcerer stopped the suction between the palms, and the old master sacrifice gradually became clear.

"You... can you spy on my memory? You devil, you..."

The sacred sacred **** sacrificed half of the ritual, and the impatient black stag sorcerer waved a random hand and took the main sacrifice to a few tens of meters high with one hand and one finger.


A few meters thick black light column runs through the darkness of the gods, and in a flash it smashes into ashes, and there is no residue left.

Everything is taken for granted. Every step of the Black Sota Stigma Wizard will make a large area of ​​twisted cracks spread under the feet and make a "beep" sound.

As the Black Sota Stigma Wizard walked step by step, suddenly stopped in one place and gently rubbed his feet.


The shock wave spread out in all directions, and then the ground under the foot "banged" and sank, and a black hole appeared.


Hundreds of red-eyed ice bats flew out, and when they were hundreds of meters away from the black staghorn sorcerer, they glanced at the eyes in the collapsed space of the black sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s face, and they screamed, smashed, smashed. It was blown up into a group of blood fog, and the body fell through the cave.

咻, 咻, 咻, 咻, 咻...

Green and hundreds of hunting dark wizards first followed the black stag sorcerer into the ancient seal array, followed by the Wan Ming Ming wizard team ~lightnovelpub.net~ just a little time, the Grand Plaza It’s empty and empty.


After three hourglass hours, deep seals.

The black stag sacred sorcerer is in front of him, and the step is unstoppable, as if walking a walk.

The flaming chain was destroyed by the black staghorn sorcerer, and the surrounding blue glaciers melted. After a snow worm was gathered toward the light group, dozens of meters of giant snow worms appeared in the rear part.

"Hey, it's still three." (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter qdread) Join now! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to qdread WeChat public number!) (To be continued)

Ps: I had a fever yesterday. I slept at seven. I got up at 6 o'clock this morning and got a word for one day. Who knows how many monthly tickets? I made up to the 225th monthly ticket today, and I will make up tomorrow.
