A Surprise Pregnancy: Billionaire’s Secret Baby

Chapter 1486: Vivian's Invitation

Chapter 1486

Xu Yue knew that her mother was worried about her being hurt again in her relationship, but the truth was not what her mother thought. She didn't know how to explain to her, so she had to remain silent.

"I know that I am getting older now and can't control the feelings between you young people, but there is one thing you have to protect yourself. If that kid bullies you, you must tell me and I will help you clean him up." Xu The words of her mother reminded Xu Yue again of what her father said during the visit.

It was really pitiful for the parents of the world. She held back her tears and hugged her mother tightly...

If there is a kind of love that does not ask for anything in return, it is undoubtedly the love of your parents. Although many times you will find them very annoying and nagging, and even have obstacles in communication, the person who cares about you most at the critical moment is always they.

Xu Yue once thought that her mother had to sacrifice her own daughter for Xu Mei and misunderstood.

In the end, it was her mother who encouraged and supported her and He Dong to be together!

Xu Yue once thought that her father was not a good person. Her bad life was all caused by his irresponsibility, but as a result, he was worried about them for seven years and spent seven years in prison with his grievances...

Whenever she thinks of them, Xu Yue's heart is full of guilt, and the more she does this, the more eager she wants to make up for them.

Lying in bed at night, Xu Yue imagined countless scenes close to Li Wanxiang in her mind, but they were all denied one by one. She can't even touch Li Wanxiang now, so how could she be in contact with Li Wanxiang? This is simply a daydream!

He Dong didn't contact Xu Yue either. She wondered if he was annoyed by her little emotions in the afternoon, but it was also possible that he was really busy with his own affairs, so she didn't contact him either.

After a night like this, what even Xu Yue thought in her dream was how to help her father find evidence that Li Wanxiang framed him back then.

It was a brand new day when I opened my eyes.

It was raining lightly outside. The weather in this city is always weird. It changes every weekend. Anyway, Xu Yue has no plan to go out to play. Let’s go down. Just after dinner, I can watch with my mother on the sofa. An old movie, quietly accompany mom to do what they all like.

Because there is no need to go to work or go on a date, Xu Yueda can stay in bed for a while, until her mother knocks on the door and tells her to get up for breakfast, she slowly gets up...

"It's rare for you to be idle for a day, and you don't have to rush to the subway to go to work. Today, my mom made porridge to nourish the stomach. Come and drink it while it is hot." Mother Xu saw her daughter's unkempt appearance, her face was less sad, but instead A little more smile.

She feels distressed that her daughter is too tired...

"Okay, I'll go wash my face and brush my teeth. Come here right away, you drink first." Xu Yue smiled and walked into the bathroom after speaking.

People’s hearts are really strange. When they’re busy, they always want to rest, but when they’re really free, they always feel that something is missing, probably because of recent events that put Xu Yue under too much pressure. After washing, When she looked in the mirror, she found that she had a few pimples on her face. I really hope that everything will be like the pimples on her face, and it will come fiercely and go quickly!

Oh yes, but she seems to have forgotten that acne marks and acne pits are hard to get rid of on the face, so how long will it take for the seven years of grievances to be thoroughly investigated?

Xu Yue seemed to be under a curse, thinking about her father's affairs all over her head. She was troubled because she didn't have a clue, and couldn't be interested in anything because of troubles!

"Yueyue, have you washed it? Why is it so long? The porridge is going to be cold." A mother's cry came from outside the door, and she was knocked awake again.

"Okay, I'll be here soon!" After wiping her face with a cloth, Xu Yue walked out of the bathroom with a smile on her face.

"It's so fragrant, how come I feel like I haven't had your porridge for a long, long time!" Walking to the table, Xu Yue sat down, picked up the porridge that her mother had prepared for her and took a sip.

"Isn't it, you are so busy every day, you rarely eat breakfast, take advantage of the time today, drink more, mother will help you every weekend from now on." Mother Xu saw her eating delicious, her face showed Gave a relieved smile.

Looking at the smile on her mother's face, Xu Yue suddenly realized that happiness is sometimes simple.

Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

While eating, Xu Yue’s bedroom suddenly heard a ringing tone, so she put down the tableware and went into the bedroom to get her mobile phone. The caller ID was an unfamiliar number. She thought it was a harassing call, so she hung up. .

Just when she put down her phone and was about to go out to eat again, that number was dialed again, and out of curiosity, she connected the phone.

"Hello? Who?" Xu Yue asked curiously into the phone.

"It's me, designer Xu Da. We were drinking coffee together two days ago. You wouldn't forget me so soon, would you?" Vivian's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Xu Yue didn't expect Vivian to take the initiative to call her, there must be something important.

"It's you, Miss Vivienne, you called suddenly, is there something wrong?"

"Today happens to be the weekend, and I don't have work arrangements, so I want to invite you out for a meal, and by the way, we will discuss the catwalk clothes together." Vivian sent an invitation to Xu Yue for lunch over the phone.

What makes Xu Yue feel strange is that He Dong told her yesterday that he wanted to invite Vivian to dinner. How could Vivian turn off his dinner with He Dong and take the initiative to ask her again? The only possibility is that He Dong has no Jovivian at all.

"Okay, you decide the time and place, I must be there on time." Since Vivian said that it was a work matter, Xu Yue couldn't refuse, so she had to agree.

After a while, Vivian sent the address of the meal to Xu Yue's mobile phone.

When Xu Yue returned to the dinner table, she had to tell her mother apologetically that she could not eat lunch with her at home.

Having become accustomed to her daughter's behavior, Xu's mother kept comforting her and said that it was nothing, work was important, and the only hope was that she would not be too tired.

The more her mother understands Xu Yue, the more guilt she feels in her heart, but many things are uncontrollable. She never expected that Vivian would take the initiative to ask her to talk about work, and she could never refute the international supermodel. For the sake of face, they finally ended their hostile relationship.

According to the address and time Vivienne sent her, she arrived at the restaurant on time.

This is a private high-end restaurant, ordinary people can't get in at all, except for international-level celebrities like Vivienne, they are famous stars in the entertainment industry.