A Surprise Pregnancy: Billionaire’s Secret Baby

Chapter 1500: You must have some difficulties

Chapter 1500 You Must Have Some Problems

"I think He Dong should have explained everything to you clearly. Now the whole world knows that he is my boyfriend. If you are still stubbornly refusing to let go, I can't control it." Xu Yue didn't know. Why did Vivian's attitude toward her become so indifferent? Even the last trace of fantasy in her heart was shattered...

"You tell me what happened, okay? I don't believe it, I don't believe you two will be together!" Xu Yue didn't know who she was fighting against, even if they both said nothing, she Still unwilling to believe it.

"If you have nothing else, I'll hang up first." Vivian said to her in a very indifferent tone.

"I want to see you, shall we meet and say, OK?"

"Xu Yue, I beg you to stop being stubborn, I won't see you, if you want an answer, go to He Dong, I have to rest, goodbye!" After saying that, Xu Yue heard the call from the phone. Toot toot...

After the phone was hung up, Xu Yue felt that her whole world had collapsed...

As if she had a dream, she pinched herself severely, hoping to wake up, but the pain reminded her that this was not a dream but a fact...

Xu Yue decided to return to the villa again to ask He Dong to ask for more information, so she wiped away the tears on her face and ran towards the villa.


Xu Yue used all her strength to knock on the door.

When He Dong opened the door and saw her, his eyes were full of surprise. He obviously didn't expect her to come back again.

"What the **** is going on!" Xu Yue asked, staring at him with wide eyes.

"It's what you saw, do you believe it now? Everything I said is true." He Dong said, looking at her solemnly.

"Why? Why do you treat me this way? If you really like her, you could be with her a long time ago? Why did you turn around and tell me you love her a long time ago? Others?" Xu Yuehong asked him with her eyes open.

He Dong looked at her and was silent.

"You speak! Tell me why? Otherwise I can't believe that all of this is true, He Dong, you must have some difficulties, right? You speak out, we face the responsibility together? You tell me things Is the truth okay?" Xu Yue took his hand and said in a tone almost pleading.

"Xu Yue, you are enough. You should know me. If you don't really like me, I can't make such a decision for no reason. Vivienne is much better than you in all aspects. You are not asking me Why do you want to love others after you provoke you? I tell you, because I want to retaliate, seven years ago you did not keep your promise and left me behind, so I also want you to taste the taste of being discarded. That's enough Is it?" He Dong looked at Xu Yue's eyes with disgust, an expression she had never seen before.

After listening to what he said, Xu Yue slowly let go of his hand, her whole figure was hollowed out, in a daze, she turned and left the villa in despair...

He said it was to retaliate against her, because she left him seven years ago, then everything she experienced during this period was her wishful thinking and sentimentality. If this were the case, God would really joke with her!

Xu Yue no longer knows what words to use to describe her feelings at the moment. She only knows that she will face the reality that she should face sooner or later. Without He Dong, she must find Li Wanxiang to frame her father. Evidence, anyway, she has to return her father's innocence...

I know that I don't have so much time to feel sorry for my children, because there are more important things waiting for her to do!

After getting the taxi, Xu Yue went home directly. She just wanted to take a good bath and sleep, even though she didn’t know if she could sleep...

Xu Yue always plunged herself into endless sadness and couldn't save herself. The only one who could save her was her mother.

Mother's love and company kept pulling her back from the abyss again and again.

Xu Yue believes that at this moment, her mother must have cooked the meal again and waited for her to go home. Although she will complain that she did not go home last night, she will soon be coaxed by her sweet words. In this world Only her mother will not leave her to hurt her, only her mother...

When the car was parked downstairs, Xu Yue took out the mirror to touch up her makeup, because she didn't want to be worried by her mother seeing the signs of her crying. After finishing her emotions, she took a deep breath and went upstairs.

"Mom, I'm back." After opening the door, Xu Yue walked in with a smile.

"Yueyue, are you okay?" Mother Xu quickly ran to her when she saw her daughter come in through the door, asking worriedly.

"It's okay, what can I do!" Xu Yue looked at her with a smile.

"I have seen the news, what is going on with you and He Dong?"

Xu's mother's words made the smile on Xu Yue's face gradually disappear.

Xu Yue originally thought that as long as the traces of her crying were not found, her mother would not know about this, but she ignored the power of the Internet and the things the world knew, how could she have kept her from her mother.

"Mom, don't worry first." Xu Yue helped her mother sit on the sofa.

"At the beginning, He Dong swore in front of me that he would protect you and love you, but after a long time, the news exposed his relationship with a model. Yueyue, you tell your mother, did that kid bully you? I will definitely not let him go!" Xu's mother said very angrily.

Xu Yue didn't know how to tell her mother, should she tell her mother like He Dong said that He Dong was with her just to avenge her failure to keep her promise seven years ago? The matter has become complicated enough, she doesn't want her mother to be involved anymore, her current body can no longer bear too much stimulation and harm...

"Mom, just leave this matter alone. He Dong and I will solve it by ourselves. Don't worry too much, it's okay." Xu Yue said pretendingly.

"Yueyue, since you were a child, you have reported good news and not your worries. Mom knows that you don't want me to worry about it. But my child, my only hope of life is you. Without you, my mother's life would have disappeared seven years ago. The second thing is definitely not as simple as you said. With He Dong’s way of doing things, even if he really has something to do with the model, it is impossible to be put so much by the media. Now that it is exposed, it is even more affirmed between them. The relationship is unusual, so don't argue for him anymore!" Xu Yue knew that her mother was distressed, and it seemed that she couldn't hide it from her mother.