A Surprise Pregnancy: Billionaire’s Secret Baby

Chapter 1664: Extraordinary Lightning Acquisition

Chapter 1664

"Let's go to the pantry." Xiaofang at the desk next door pulled Liang Xin away. Liang Xin did not forget to pick up the breakfast Shen Heqian gave her.

Whenever something happens in the company, the pantry and bathroom are the best places for employees to gather and discuss.

No, there was a circle of people in the pantry quickly. Liang Xin stuffed a sandwich in his mouth while listening to Xiao Fang and the team members whispering opinions.

"I said earlier yesterday. It has long been rumored that the company will be acquired by other departments."

"According to you, today's emergency notice says to announce important things. Does it mean that the company has been acquired?"

"Which group bought our company?"

"I don't know, I only heard that the other party is mysterious."

"Well, the need to use the large conference room in the building to announce things is something our company has never done before!"

After Liang Xin swallowed the sandwiches, he poured a whole cup of soy milk into his mouth. When the time was just right, the big guys went to the conference room for all-hands meetings.

The huge space was overcrowded by the two or three hundred people, and only the chairperson row was vacated.

There was a buzzing whisper in his ears, Liang Xin frowned and endured, but after waiting for twenty minutes, there was no sign of the meeting being held.

"President Shen, general manager, please come inside!" Liu Jing suddenly heard a pleased greeting on the aisle outside the door.

The department heads and team leaders who were waiting outside the door immediately came out and gestured to silence everyone.

For an instant, the conference room became silent.

Like the others, Liang Xin stared at the door with his breath.

Only a burst of messy footsteps came in, and accompanied by the company's general manager and Liu Jing's hello, a tall and tall figure appeared in everyone's field of vision for the first time.

Shen Heqian? Once Liang Xin saw the male figure clearly, the nerves in the corners of his eyes kept twitching!

Mr. Shen? Is he the mysterious person who bought their company? !

Shen Heqian calmly slowed down his steps, his majestic and fierce gaze swept the room around the room, and when he passed Liang Xin's face, he was visibly softer, and then there was a smile on his mouth, and he still kept standing upright. Stand there.

This makes the subsequent personnel naturally have to stand beside him.

The general manager of Aide Company looked down, approached Shen Heqian respectfully, and confessed to him in a low voice, "Mr. Shen, let me tell the employees first."

Shen Heqian's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a low voice, "Please."

The general manager had to walk around him, clear his throat in front of the microphone in the chairman seat, and said, "As the general manager of Aide, I hereby announce to all employees that, from now on, Aide is a subsidiary of Ruiqian Group. From now on, I will also resign from the position of general manager of the company. All the operations of the company will be taken over by Mr. Shen Heqian, President of Ruiqian Group!"

Ruiqian Group Lightning acquired Aide Company!

The employees hold their breath!

After the general manager bowed to the employees, Liu Jing, an eyebrow enterprise, immediately rushed to announce, "Next, we have the group president, Mr. Shen Heqian, to give a speech!"

Shen Heqian was calm and calm, and did not immediately speak after Liu Jing's report, but politely shook hands with the retired general manager, and waited for the latter to leave the conference room before he took the chair.

Liang Xin stared at Shen Heqian’s big hand inserted into his trouser pocket, his deep eyes habitually looked around at the people present, and then he opened and closed his thin lips, but she did not hear what he was saying. All I know is that my mind is full of mess.

It wasn't until applause broke out in the huge conference room that she clapped with hindsight, and when she fixedly stared at him, what she saw was the calmness that the shopping mall had experienced, and the sharpness that was bloodshot after staying up all night. Eyes.

When I came, I was surrounded by stars, and when I went, I was surrounded by stars.

After Shen Heqian delivered his speech, he left without staying too much, leaving Liu Jing, the department manager of "there is no tiger in the mountains, and the monkey is the king".

Liu Jing leaned on her hips and told the heads of various departments, "Don't worry, don't mess up, let them do what they should do!"

Xiao Fang approached Liang Xin's ear and whispered in a low voice, "Look, the person surnamed Liu is there again as a big-headed ghost, she is the best at grabbing the head. You just saw how she treats the general manager. Before she finished her bow, she squeezed people aside, but will Ruiqian Group lead her to this love? Maybe the people of Er Ruiqian kicked her kind of worship after taking over our company. goods!"

These words caught Liang Xin's heart, she curled her lips and nodded frequently.

Seeing that she nodded in agreement, Xiao Fang was even more energetic. While the two people got up and left the conference room with the others, Xiao Fang did not forget to bite his ears and say, "I see Ruiqian Group President Shen Heqian has bright eyes and has long given his last name. Liu's little tricks are in my eyes. No, he treats our general manager in public, shakes hands and makes people leave the stage with dignity. This is the person who does the big thing!"

Liang Xin is accustomed to being carefree, but after experiencing yesterday's continuous changes, he also understands the truth of calm and calm when things happen.

It was an eventful autumn now, with many people and mixed speeches, and beware of the ears on the wall, so she pinched Xiaofang's hand forcefully, and then left her chin to imply that the other party would lose their words at this time.

Xiao Fang will understand, and if he doesn't want to lose his job, he has to close his gossip mouth.

Back to the office area, the two team leaders of the marketing department reassure and exhort their respective team members so that they can work at ease and allow the company to smoothly transition.

The whole morning was spent almost in surprise.

Seeing that the lunch break was about to come, Xiao Fang took the post-it notes and asked the people in the same group what meals to order and what they wanted to eat.

Facing the computer, Liang Xin couldn't see the report in front of him. He only felt that the numbers had been transformed and could not be recognized.

"Liang Xin, come here." Sister AMY called Liang Xin while standing in the aisle.

Liang Xin quickly screened the computer, got up and walked over, before Sister AMY arrived, she turned around and walked into the office of the marketing manager.

Suddenly, eh? Isn't this Liu Jing's office?

Liang Xin faintly felt that the group leader's behavior in calling her to Liu Jing's was extraordinary!

Seeing Liang Xin walking slowly in, Amy lowered her voice and reprimanded, "Hurry up, Manager Liu wants to ask you something!"

Raising his eyebrows, Liang Xin asked directly, "Did I approve my resignation?"

"Liang Xin, pay attention to your attitude!" Sister AMY shouted with wide eyes.

Ok! Liang Xin turned his eyes to Liu Jing who was sitting behind the desk!

During these two seconds, the employees who came and went on the aisle outside looked sideways at Liang Xin and AMY through the open office door. At the critical time of the company’s handover, each department head or manager The offices are minefields.

Those who were summoned were either fired or promoted and transferred.