A War Between Spies

Chapter 1019: condition

Yang Yi put himself in a weak position, but he dared to look directly at Aaron and dared to directly reject Aaron.

"You want me to join the action department. You said that you need an Asian. If I am not an idiot, I should understand that you are planning to send me to the East, right?"

Before Aaron replied, Yang Yi followed: "In fact, I am not an American. I am totally uninterested in things like ideology. Frankly, I have no patriotism. Now I have almost everything, you Let me abandon everything I have and run to the East Asian generation as a spy. How can I promise?"

After that, Yang Yi sighed and whispered: "The words have already been said here, we can all be honest. Yes, I am in the management office, and I can continue to have everything now, without any risk. I have to take risks, why bother?"

Aaron didn't say anything this time. His face looked very calm, but after two minutes of silence, he said: "Do you think it is time to enjoy it now?"

Yang Yi was also silent. He bowed his head and was silent for a long time before he whispered: "You see it."

Aaron smiled lightly, but did not answer, and Yang Yi was silent again.

If it is an ordinary person, no, as long as it is a person with insufficient vision and experience, it will be fooled by Yang Yi’s words.

Aaron said that he needs an Asian, so Yang Yi’s move to the action must be sent to East Asia, and the most likely is Huaxia. This is not necessary to analyze, and understand that people will know what is going on.

Yang Yi said that he has money. He does not want to go to East Asia as a spy. In the eyes of ordinary people, this excuse is perfect and impeccable, but Aaron does not believe it at all. He just asked one sentence and put Yang Yi out of the prototype.

For a person who already has a certain position in the underground world, who has a great fortune, now enters the CIA as a special agent. How can such a person relax and concentrate on enjoying it? How can he escape the danger and only want to be rich? life.

Not wanting to, but not, Aaron knows that if Yang Yi loses his power, without the current power, even if he has more money, he can't keep it.

Others don't know, people who are not familiar with the underground world don't understand, but Aaron understands what the underground world is all about, so Yang Yi can't lie to him.

Finally, after a long silence, Yang Yi said: "I have nothing to say, nothing can hold you, and then say some meaningless lies, that is to insult your IQ, I have to admit, you are more than I imagine it is a lot better, but sir, I... can't really join the action."

Aaron’s face looked better, and he whispered: “Can you tell me why?”

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "The management office can give me, you can't give it, first of all, freedom, the management office does not have the power to act overseas, they have no manpower, but I am someone, I am in Europe or even the whole The underground intelligence community of the world has a certain status. I am an intelligence service. I have seized the legacy of Djoy Mather. I have to take over his arms business. With these, I am incompetent for the management office. The lack of people, I can rely on the management office to get help from the CIA, this is my purpose."

Aaron smiled. "Continue."

"But when I got to the action, my advantage was gone, and it became a newcomer who competed inside the action department. Sir, I rely on the management office and the action department to grab the benefits, but in the action department and other It is another matter for the elderly to grab the benefits."

Aaron sighed. He pointed to his head and looked helpless. "It's still a typical underground world thinking. Don't you understand it now, it's not a community of interests in the underground world. The benefits are more important. To be exact, do you understand what is the biggest benefit of CIA agents?"

Yang Yi took a moment and said: "Not money... I understand!"

Yang Yi made a clear gesture, then he smiled and said: "Do you want to say that power is right? But sir, I believe that in front of money, the rest must go to the back."

Aaron said faintly: "It seems that you pay the most attention to money."

Yang Yi shook his head and smiled. "You have read this wrong. What I value most is not money, but I understand that if there is no money, then nothing will be done."

Aaron put his hand on the road and said: "We will circumvent this topic first, Poseidon. If I promise you, let you replace the position of Nicholas, give the Druid's arms market to you, and I will give you the greatest freedom. Degree, are you willing to join the action department?"

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "Don't just say the benefits, ask, what are your requirements for me, what do I have to do, let me know."

Aaron smiled, but his face quickly pulled up again and said: "I won't send you to East Asia. I don't want an undercover. I want you to continue doing what you were doing before. What you are good at, of course, you need to complete the tasks I gave you, but I don't care what you do, as long as you can finish it."

Yang Yi’s strange saying: “No matter what I do?”

"Yes, I give you the greatest degree of freedom, but note that in the freedom of the rules, I will give you a task to tell you what you can't touch, and then you try to give me the task, how? Is not it simple?"

Yang Yi is somewhat unbelievable: "Why... conditions are so good?"

Aaron grabbed his mouth. After thinking for a moment, he approached Yang Yi’s ear and whispered: "Why do I need you because some things are not suitable for people who send CIAs, and you have your own people," Do you understand me?"

Yang Yi sighed and smiled. "I am suitable for doing some dirty work, understand."

Aaron smiled ~lightnovelpub.net~ Road: "But the most important thing is that I am optimistic about your ability. Your personal ability is the best I have ever seen since I entered the CIA. You are really a genius. You should have listened to it, but genius is rare. I think you are wasting it in the management office. Therefore, I am looking at your ability. This is the biggest reason."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Thank you for complimenting, you are not mistaken."

Aaron spread his hand and said: "So you just agreed?"

Yang Yi whispered: "You are willing to take the initiative to recruit me, and I am willing to pay such a big price. I am very honored and grateful, but I still have some problems."

"You said."

"In the management office, hey, I was allowed to form my own team."

"Of course you can do it in action, I will not rush to give you any position, but you will be a leader of the team. This is the treatment you deserve. You don't have to say more. I can give you someone you are looking for. you."

Yang Yi nodded and whispered: "I am not greedy, but I want to know, since you can naturally replace Nicholas, what are you going to do?"