A War Between Spies

Chapter 1023: Informer

Subconsciously, Yang Yi wanted Tang Guo and Schultz to check Petra for him, but he only reacted in a flash.

Now that they are all CIA people, why bother to check with their own people?

CIA's network monitoring capability is one of the most powerful in the world. If you want to check out a girl, it is not something that can be done in minutes.

But should it be checked from the channel of the Security Division of the Management Office, or should it be checked from the channels of the Action Department? Although in the end, the intelligence information center's network information center provides information, but the identity of which department to use to get information is still different.

Just transferred to the action department, this identity and function arrangement is a blank, or else wait and say.

The investigation into Petra was temporarily suspended. Now, Yang Yi thinks why Aaron wants to destroy the marriage contract between Petra and Carlson.

If Aaron is not okay to eat, he will certainly have a reason to prevent the marriage of the two giants. The daughter of a banker and the son of an old-fashioned industrial consortium, such a marriage does not have to think about it, it will inevitably make People contact the new and old giants to get what they need.

The Medellon consortium is still one of the few super-consortiums in the United States. It is not as strong as it used to be, especially in recent years. If you can get support from a bank, the help of the Medellon consortium is great, but In any case, the Medellon consortium is also a deadly camel than Ma Da, the two marriages can only be said to be a strong alliance, really to the end, or Petra climbed.

There is nothing to say about the marriage of the two giants, but why Aaron wants to stop, the real reason is only he knows, but in any case, Aaron is not to test Yang Yicai deliberately giving him such a weird and tricky task.

Do you want to inform the cleaners about this task?

Yang Yi thought about it and decided not to say it for a while. He could wait for the cleaner to send someone to talk to him when he said this, but there is no need to inform the cleaners that there is such a thing, it is not very It is not worth the risk to meet with the cleaners on the premise of stability.

After a night in doubt, the next day when I arrived at work, Yang Yi could not wait to go to work.

Then Yang Yi faces a new problem. Is it necessary to open the favorite 6 to go to work, or to drive a sports car?

I bought a lot of cars, but I didn't have a chance to open them. This is also a big distress. After a moment of entanglement, Yang Yi decided to open Ferrari to go to work, and the person can't be too arrogant. Königsegger is still a parking garage.

It must be said that there are very few people in the CIA headquarters where there are very few people driving sports cars, especially the Ferrari.

When Yang Yi stopped the car, it attracted many unimaginable eyes without any accident.

Aaron's office is also at the CIA headquarters. He is the director of the operations department and is mainly responsible for overseas work. But this does not mean that he will be resident overseas, so he is still at the CIA headquarters most of the time.

If you don't see Aaron, Yang Yi doesn't know where he should go to work. The original office can't go anymore, but he has only gone twice.

"I want to see Aaron, there is something to report to him."

This unit of the CIA Action Office must not have to make an appointment to meet, so Yang Yi said that he wants to see Aaron, and Aaron’s secretary immediately informed the past.

Soon, Yang Yi entered the office of Aaron under the leadership of the secretary.


"There are many things, sir, first I want to know where to work."

Aaron smiled and said: "If you don't need it later, you shouldn't come to the headquarters."

Yang Yi felt a little annoyed. His house had just been bought, the car had just been bought, and there was no chance to use it. This was useless.

If you don't have to come to the headquarters often, where is Yang Yi not, why not live in Washington, DC.

"Yes, sir, there is one more thing. I need to investigate Petra's personal situation. I need the support of the network technology department. I want to know who to look for to help me with this."

Aaron frowned and said, "Hey, can't you do such a simple thing yourself?"

Yang Yi can of course, but the problem is that he does not want to show his network intelligence capabilities.

"The time is a bit tight, sir, of course I can do it myself, but the time is a little too long."

Aaron thought for a moment and said: "I know, I will arrange it for you soon."

"About Ferguson and I said Ben Alfred, when can they be assigned to me, I need someone to do something for me now."

"Today, is there anything else?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "I need some people who can use it to abandon...man, sir, although I will form a core team, but I also need to... I don't know what you say."

What Yang Yi wants to say is that he needs to have cannon fodder. If he runs out, he will lose it. If his conscience is not painful, he will not feel the pity.

Aaron smiled a little and said: "The informant, I give you the authority to recruit the informant yourself, and give you money, is there any other problem?"

Aaron certainly understands what is going on, recruiting local people as informants to provide intelligence, and when they are finished, they will not be the life of the pipeline, and the CIA thief slips.

Yang Yi scratched his forehead, and then he whispered: "Sir, or you still give me a helper that can be trusted, so that we can contact us. Otherwise, I can only find a lot of things for you to handle." ”

Aaron said faintly: "It doesn't matter, you just transferred it, you are not familiar with anything. After you are familiar with it, you don't have to ask me anything, but if you have something to tell me, then find me. Ok, I don't mind."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "In this case, I will go to the training camp to find the book and let him leave with me. As for Ferguson..."

Aaron smiled and said: "I have informed Ferguson~lightnovelpub.net~ He will return to the United States tomorrow. As for where you want to meet him, I will give you his call. You can contact directly. Ok, are there other questions?"

"No, when can I get Petra's profile?"

"what do you need?"

Yang Yi thought for a long time, then he sighed: "Her online shopping record, from the time she entered college until now, she participated in any extracurricular interest activities at the university, her activity track, her circle of friends, also Yes, her fund account and usage."

"that's it?"

"Yes, that's all."

"I thought you would start from the interaction between her and her boyfriend. Well, what you want is not difficult to find."

Aaron looked at his watch, and then he smiled. "You can get the information you want after waiting for twenty minutes. You can take a break from the outside for a cup of coffee or something."