A War Between Spies

Chapter 1070: Re-recognizing 1

In the best surgical hospital, Yang Yi can get the best doctor and the best treatment, not because he is a CIA agent, but because he has money.

Yang Yi came to the surgery at his own expense because he wanted to get the best.

When the operation was still in preparation, Yang Yixian saw Anton.

"I failed. The killer is a white man. The male is about one meter tall and weighs about sixty kilograms. It has a short brown hair and green eyes. The hand is well maintained and exceeds the average level of the average person. In his left ear. There was a small black scorpion at the bottom two centimeters. Now his left leg and right arm are injured. Hey, he bleeds, and DNA information will be given to me soon."

After whispering, Yang Yi hesitated, then he shook his head and whispered: "I correct it, the killer should be male, but I didn't see his throat, it is very strange, so if he is A woman is also possible."

Anton nodded and said: "I understand, don't rush to determine gender, do you want to add it?"

Yang Yi whispered: "He is injured, it will not be lighter than me. If he does not want his arm and leg to lose some functions, he will have to undergo surgery as soon as possible, and it is a sufficient level of surgery."

“It’s hard to check, there are too many doctors who are good enough to meet the requirements, and the CIA should be checked.”

Yang Yi nodded: "I didn't let you check, stay nearby to protect me. I think he might try to kill me because I will do this, so I think he will do the same, but if the CIA finds out, I I will tell you."

Yang Yi wants Anton to take the killer, because then he can be completely relieved.

"Know, prepare for surgery, the doctor has come."

After that, Anton rushed out of the preparation room, and just after Anton left, St. Regis rushed in.

"Oh, Shet..."

St. Regis looked a little flustered. Yang Yi took a shot and whispered: "Stay Petra, tell her that you are my assistant, don't divulge anything, you should understand this, wait for me to explain to her."

"I know, head, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already been dispatched, you don't have to worry, everything will be fine."

St. Regis pressed on Yang Yi's arm, and then he walked out quickly. Then he handed over to the police and the hospital. As for Yang Yi, he certainly had peace of mind waiting for the operation.

The operation lasted for four hours. This time is very slow, but the slowness also has the advantage of slowness. That is, Yang Yi does not have to worry about any sequelae in his arms and legs.

By the early hours of the morning, when Yang Yi was introduced from the operating room, Petra was still at the door of the operating room.

Yang Yi didn't have general anesthesia, just a local anesthesia, so when he was awake from the operating room, the first person he saw was Petra, and he looked at Petra's red eyes because of crying, if his heart was It is impossible to be touched at all.

"sorry that I had you worried."

Yang Yi can still laugh at this time to make Petra very puzzled. She is lying beside Yang Yi, whispering: "Is it painful?"

Petra, who had not cried, seemed to be crying again. Yang Yi quickly smiled and said: "It doesn't hurt, it may hurt later, but after I see you, I have no pain."

Petra smiled with tears: "You still marry me at this time."

Petra grabbed Yang Yi's right hand and followed all the way into the ward.

The ward is of course single, and it must be the most luxurious ward in the hospital. In fact, this is not to be said.

I have to explain in detail what happened with the CIA, but before that, Yang Yi had to comfort Petra first.

After everyone left, Petra grabbed Yang Yi’s hand and looked worried: “Can you tell me what happened now?”

Yang Yi looked serious, and then he whispered: "My competitors have found a killer and want to kill me, that is, people on Wall Street."

Petra was so surprised that she grabbed her mouth. After a moment, she trembled: "How is it possible!"

"Why not?"

"Wall Street... It’s incredible how people in the financial industry can buy murders."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Dear, you don't know much about it. I came from Europe. I am not going to make a normal acquisition, but a hostile takeover. My funds are already in place and I have already started. Spread rumors, destroy the enterprises that my target invests in, the war has begun, you have to understand that rumors are easy, but rumors are much more troublesome, my opponents want to beat me in a short time, then they can only In the simplest way, you should understand it."

Petra whispered: "Killing you, this is the easiest way."

"Yes, my strength in the United States is limited. I have to send all the prepared people to the United States, but at the same time... I think I have to go back to Europe. If I stay in the United States, I will continue to cope with the possible assassination. But Europe is my home, where I will be safer."

"how did you do that?"


Petra bit his lip and whispered: "I want to ask how you survived the attack of a professional killer? I saw a lot of scars on you, but I didn't ask, but... how can you live? Down and can beat the killer? The killer should not be very powerful."

This woman is too smart and naturally difficult to fool.

Yang Yi smiled, then he whispered: "I started from the intelligence business, and then I am doing the arms business. Now you understand, why can I get the information from the Soviet Union, because I am an intelligence company? Hey, now I am gradually giving up the arms business, but I am still an arms dealer."

Petra looked a little worried, Yang Yi whispered: "Sorry, I didn't mean to glare at you, I didn't want to lie to you, I am transforming, but obviously my transformation will offend many people, if you... If you want to break up with me, I will say sorry, this is my fault."

Petra suddenly said: "So are you a spy?"

Yang Yi whispered: "I am an intelligence agent, but not a spy."

"So how are the scars on your body, do you often fight with people?"

"It used to be ~lightnovelpub.net~ Now my position has not been fought with people personally."

"Have you been hurt a lot before?"

"Yes, I used to be injured."

"Wow, then you must be very good. I mean, can you fight right? Just like in the movie?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "There are no more than five people in the world who can beat me."

Petra’s eyes were a little bright, and she whispered: "So, have you killed someone?"

Yang Yi did not answer, he just smiled, and the smile was very gentle and very good looking.

Petra sighed, then she flashed her hands and whispered: "I feel a little scared, I seem to have just met you, but... I feel very excited, my boyfriend is a hidden Super master, then why didn’t you have a woman before? You shouldn’t have a lot of women right?”

Yang Yi smiled. He raised his right hand and touched Petra's face: "Because I have not met you before."