A War Between Spies

Chapter 1076: saved

Save, how to save, not saved.

Anna Starkina glanced at Yang Yi with sympathy, then she whispered: "Don't expect others to help you, rely on yourself."

Anton had never spoken. Now he stood up and patted Yang Yi’s shoulder. Shen Sheng said: “You can, I believe in you, play the strength you deserve and get them without any problems.”

After the talk, Anton also has to go, but he just took two steps, but turned back to Yang Yidao: "take care."

Yang Yi is a little anxious, and he screams: "What do you mean by this? What is it to take care of? Why take care?"

Anton was silent for a moment, then he whispered to Yang Yi: "We are not the same."

"Where is not the same, how is it different."

"I don't have a woman who loves, you have, I don't know how to do anything, but someone will condemn me, but you..."

Anton looked at Yang Yi, helplessly spread his hands and smiled and said: " Take care, goodbye."

Anton also left, Brian went to Yang Yi's side, reached out and pressed twice on his shoulder, and then sighed away.

Yang Yi has an ominous premonition, a very unpredictable hunch.

Anton's tone, and Brian's movements, only heralded a possibility.

It’s going to be bad.

Bohr just looked at Yang Yi's eyes and revealed a mysterious smile, but Yang Yi thought that Boer was gloating.

Tang Guo went to Yang Yi's side, then she whispered: "Boss, that..."

"What's wrong? Tang Guo, or you are the best, tell me, is there any conspiracy waiting for me?"

Tang Guo was quiet for a moment, then she whispered: "I think, Kate squats, you can play at most, but Xiao Yu... You are still hiding in these two days, um, hide!"

After that, I felt like Tang Guo, who was a guilty conscience, quickly left, and then Yang Yi looked at Zhang Yong who left behind.

"Brave brother!"

"Brother, let's be honest, my brother admire you, and then I really admire you, and then, everything is for work, right?"

"Yes indeed!"

"The attitude is sincere, this... In fact, there is nothing to say, I still sympathize with you, um, I am very sympathetic to you, you should not look at me so pitifully, you can see me, I can't help you. Ah, I am leaving first, you should be careful."

Yang Yi grabbed Zhang Yong and Zhang Yong hurriedly opened Yang Yi’s hand. Then he whispered: “What are you doing? You can’t help you.”

"Brave brother! You tell me honestly, is it that Anton’s **** is whispering!"

Zhang Yong scratched his neck with his hand, and then he whispered: "An Dong did not inform the secret, that is... Xiao Yu went to the United States, and Anton’s footsteps came, and I wanted to help you. The result... Look at the fiery hots of your daughter and the banker’s daughter, Xiao Yu didn’t tell you.”

Yang Yi feels that the whole person is soaked in the ice water, he has frozen.

Zhang Yong continued to whisper: "Kate..."

Yang Yi whispered: "Kate didn't go right?"

"You are stupid, Kate makeup technology is the best, she does not go to South America how to do ..."

Yang Yi sighed for a long time, Zhang Yong whispered: "Speak up, this is also a coincidence. Is Hans going to South America to fight against Nicholas? When he finished his work, he happened to be with Kate. Going to the United States, hey, I guess she is also regretting it. If the three of them left, they can help you. Maybe the killer will be left behind. The result is what you are called...Pate Pull it right? It’s so comfortable to live in Petra’s house, I’m not alarmed, the three people are coming back together.”

Yang Yi whispered: "Anna Stinkina! She is not authentic! Isn't this what she should command?"

"Brother, have you not realized?"


"You said that you and Kate have confirmed the relationship, and Xiao Yu has determined the relationship. It is finally rotten in the pot, but you are holding it at home. When you get to the United States, it is quite open."

"I don't understand you."

Zhang Yong smiled and said: "In short, you are all offended by all the women here. Anna helps you? She helps Kate and Xiao Yu to pack you up, so, um, you ask for more happiness. Goodbye, oh, don't say I told you this, you still think about how to lick Kate."

"What about Xiao Yu?"

"She ah... Hey, you still hide for a few days, just like this, I am leaving."

Zhang Yong hurriedly opened Yang Yi like a dog skin plaster. Yang Yi fell into a chair.

It’s terrible, it’s really bad.

The location is not a secret. It is not a secret to do anything. Xiao Yu and Kate want to find Yang Yi. That is not a matter of words.

The professional skills of the little friends are too high, and Yang Yi didn’t even find Xiao Yu and Kate taking turns to see him.

In short, Yang Yi is miserable.

When Yang Yi was thinking hard about how to deal with the next scene, the door was knocked, and then waited for Yang Yi to open the door. The door opened and Kate showed a head and smiled at Yang Yi: "Now not Excuse me?"

"Don't bother, the meeting is over, I really want to find you."

Yang Yi stood up. He extended his right arm toward Kate. He smiled first, but his face quickly became serious. Then he looked sad and sad: "Kate, I..."

Kate closed the door and then she put a finger on her lips.

"Oh, don't talk."

Kate walked up to Yang Yi's body. She opened her arms and hugged Yang Yi and whispered: "I miss you, I am worried about you."

Yang Yi was even more guilty, but he also breathed a sigh of relief, so he whispered: "I miss you too..."

"is it?"

Not good, there is murderous!

Yang Yi was shocked, because Kate let go of him, and then used a plain tone: "I have been waiting for you for a few years! But you don't even kiss me, then, you go to the US and climbed up today." Other women's beds, or two!"

Yang Yi looked sad and said: "Do you think I think? I..."


Kate put her index finger on Yang Yi's lips this time. After Yang Yi stopped talking, she smiled sweetly, put her right hand down, and then swung it.

Most of Yang Yi’s kung fu is on the knife, but can he get a knife for Kate? Can he break Kate's arm even if he doesn't have a knife? Most importantly, Yang Yi is now injured in one arm and one hand.

Therefore, Kate’s punch was heavily hit on Yang Yi’s stomach, and Yang Yi’s eyes turned up and almost didn’t come up.

"I will never forgive you!"

After Kate faintly finished, she turned to go, but immediately turned back, and then coldly said: "I wanted to hit you only, but I am still very angry."

Yang Yi Zhang Dazui is still breathing, he raised his right arm and waved.

Although it looked very pitiful, Kate's temperament seemed to be even bigger. She grabbed Yang Yi's right arm and yanked it, so Yang Yi's arm fell down after a bang.

Kate said coldly again: "Although I don't want to, I still have to tell you that it is better to stay away from Xiao Yu, otherwise she will kill you. I am not as embarrassed as she is, but I will never forgive you!"

Yang Yi trembles: "I'm sorry, if you kill me, it's me wrong, I..."

"Oh... shut up! I wanted to let go of your ~lightnovelpub.net~ but seeing you looks makes me more angry. Do you think I am an idiot? I will be fooled by your poor acting skills. Is the arm hurt? Right?"

Yang Yi looked terrified: "Don't face, don't hit your face, Kate! I don't admit it to me, but I don't mean it, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Yang Yi’s satellite phone rang, so he hurriedly said: “It’s a satellite phone. It’s definitely an emergency. Please pick up the phone for me. You can pick it up for me. I can’t move my arm, it hurts!”

Kate hesitated for a moment, or connected the phone for Yang Yi, and then she turned her face in the ear of Yang Yi.

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Hey, who?"

"I am Justin, come save me! Save me, please."

Saved, really saved, Yang Yi is extremely grateful to Justin for calling this phone, really.

After saying two words, Yang Yi looked at Kate and hurriedly said: "Call everyone, call it fast!"