A War Between Spies

Chapter 1094: Kidding

If you miss a shot, you can see it immediately.

Yang Yi and Cupid's fight was too short, and the bartender didn't realize what happened.

Even the woman pushed by Cupid didn't know what happened. When she stood up, she couldn't see Cupid except seeing Yang Yi standing next to her.

So that women who feel that they are being pushed down are beginning to wonder if they have an illusion.

Yang Yi did not go to the woman who was helping her. He looked at the figure of Cupid and mixed into the dancing crowd, and then lost between the flashing lights.

Yang Yi is only a memory, but he does not have the same falcon eyes.

Yang Yifu got down and helped the woman pushed by Cupid, a gentle face: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you, just like someone pushed me, I don't know..."

The woman who was pushed down obviously drank too much, and Yang Yi did not pay too much attention to her.

After A had already arrived at him, Yang Yi let go of the woman he was holding, and sighed low, saying: "Go, no chance."

A is shocked, but he is not at all annoyed or resentful.

The two men failed to win Cupid, and they also wasted a great opportunity. The prey that had already been trapped in the trap escaped. Isn’t it a win?

Since I lost, I feel unwilling, can I hate the prey because I don’t want to die according to my own wishes.

There are no ambush outside, and there is no use. This is a showdown between the masters. There is no point in arranging several bodyguards to ambush outside.

A sighed, facing Yang Yidao: "Cupid?"

"It's him."

"I have a wound on his body?"

"I'm sure he has a wound on his body, no lighter than me."

A silence for a moment, then he nodded and said: "Let's go, leave here."

Yang Yi looked at A, Shen said: "You have nothing to say?"

A stared at Yang Yidao: "I have nothing to say, yes, I have nothing to say."

Yang Yi turned to look at one side. He clenched his fist and said: "Fak! Fak! Fak!"

A long sighed, but he said calmly: "The curse and anger can't solve any problems, calm down, let's go."

After Yang Yi and A took two steps together, he suddenly said: "Can you really keep calm?"

"To tell the truth... No, but I have to keep it calm, you can just swear, but if I swear because of failure, it will only affect my rating, so I have to be calm."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Thank you for being so honest, it makes me feel better. I thought you really wouldn't be angry."

A is still very calm: "This is the first time I have been so humiliated, you must let me admit that I am a failure?"

"It will be better for two people to bear the failure together. I don't want to bear it alone, especially knowing that Cupid will never fall into the trap that I set up again, and that his next shot will only have a complete grasp. Dead, think of this, I really feel terrible now, I need you to share the feeling of failure with me."

A looked at Yang Yi, and then he looked helplessly: "You are a jerk, you don't even want to take the responsibility of failure and the embarrassing bitterness."

"Help me, you patted the **** and left, and Cupid's goal is me."

A exhaled, and then he turned his face to the side, screaming and shouting: "Fak!"

Noisy music obscured part of A's shouts, but even if others could hear it, but A immediately after shouting, a faceless expression, extremely calm, does not make people think he is shouting.

Seeing Cupid calmly away, and he could not leave it, Yang Yi’s feeling is really terrible.

Going out, A suddenly slowed down, then he sighed: "Do you think he will look for a second shot here?"

"With my understanding, no."

A sighed and continued to move forward with Yang Yi, then he suddenly said: "You and I said that Cupid is a man."

"It was a man when I saw him last time."

"What about this time?"

"This time is a woman."

A frowned and said: "Is it a man or a woman, don't tell me that you can't see it."

Yang Yiqi opened his mouth and smiled. It was a pure smile. Then he whispered: "Dude, what do you think of my eyesight?"

"I don't know, but it should be good. I didn't find any abnormalities in Cupid until you spilled the wine."

Yang Yi pointed to his glasses and said: "I don't have extraordinary vision, but believe me, I can still judge whether a person is a man or a woman, but..."

Yang Yi stopped, he and A looked at each other, and then slowly said: "I can't see if Cupid is a man or a woman! From the action to the manner, from appearance to body shape. It’s a man.”

The movements and manners should be placed in front of the appearance and shape, because a person who is good at disguising is simple in appearance and male or female.

A touched his hair, and then he nodded: "Yes, this time he appeared as a woman, from movement to demeanor, appearance and body shape, completely a woman."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The last time I didn't see his throat, because he wore a shirt with a bow tie, and this time... well, I still didn't see if he had a throat."

A immediately said: "Woman, hey, it should be..."

A is not very sure, because the man's larynx is a bulge on the thyroid cartilage of the throat. In theory, it is perfectly acceptable to press the larynx from an early age, and some people do.

Yang Yi sighed and said: "His strength is great, big people don't want to be women, but his body or skeleton looks really like a woman."

A whispered: "Cupid, I remember him."

"Would you forget to forget it? Can you forget it?"

"Don't always remind me to remember this failure~lightnovelpub.net~ I walked out of the nightclub with Yang Yi, then A took Yang Yi quickly to get on the bus, and after he got on the bus, he looked calm. Yang Yidao: "Help me, if you kill Cupid in the future, please let me know." ”

"How do I find you, and, how do you know that I will kill Cupid?"

A smiled and said: "If you are killed, I will know."

Yang Yi hesitated a moment and said: "Otherwise, no one should say what to say tonight, just when he has never appeared, when our trap fails, you protect me for two days, then we What to do, what to do, can't you?"

It’s too shameful to pass it out, and it will affect the image in Aaron’s eyes, but after hesitated for a moment, A whispered: “Sorry, I can’t do this, I can’t hide my failure.”

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Of course it is a joke, don't take it seriously, haha, hahaha..."