A War Between Spies

Chapter 1095: Turn off the light

If you arrange a few more people around Yang Yi, even if there is one more person, you will be able to leave Cupid.

But if there is more than one person around Yang Yi, Cupid will not shoot.

Yang Yi has worked hard to create an opportunity for Cupid to start, and this opportunity will never appear again. After two consecutive failures, Cupid will kill Yang Yi and will only choose not to contact him. .

Yang Yi is worried about this.

The eyes that Cupid finally looked at were very confused. Yang Yi thought that he must be wondering why he would reveal the stuffing. Really, Cupid really did everything best and did the best. Unfortunately, he met Yang Yi’s memory. Abnormal.

For the individual, no matter who they are, they can't recognize Cupid.

Yang Yi has a very deep understanding of makeup and camouflage, but he knows that it is too simple for a person to change his face. It is too difficult to change some habits, especially postures. Even if you don’t look at the face, you can tell a person from walking. Most people will have it.

But the scary thing about Cupid is that he can really become another person, a completely different person.

Kate can't do it, Anton can't do it, no one can do it in the water organization, and no one can do it in Yang Yi's cognition.

But a killer did it, and the target of this killer was himself. For this, Yang Yi just wanted to cry.

Cupid, the two masters can't keep together, what will he appear next time?

Yang Yi couldn't help but sigh, and made his voice for the first time after he and A were silent for a long time.

"I still have two days to protect you. In these two days, you can think of a way..."

A said that there is no sound, and this words are used by others to bring comfort to Yang Yi. He feels that he has insulted Yang Yi’s IQ.

Two days, what is enough for two days.

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Let's go, let the people who took you leave."

A faint road: "Are you sure? I hope you understand one thing. Cupid wants to kill you. Maybe you have to wait a month and then you may wait for the previous year, but you may want to shoot again this evening. Don't use it. Fixed thinking to look at a killer, you think he will be scared and never dare to appear, but he may use your psychological blind spot to shoot again, and if Cupid is deliberately letting you discover it? Deliberately impossible to succeed To assassinate you, when you think it is safe, is it his real chance? You will set a trap, then the killer will."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Don't say it, I am already under a lot of pressure. If I want to think about whether this is a trap that Cupid deliberately set for me, then I really don't have to sleep, I can't even eat." ""

A whispered: "You need protection, it takes a lot of people to protect yourself for 24 hours. This is the most stupid way and the most passive method. This is not the best method, but it is also the safest method."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "No, there is actually a choice. I should completely solve the threat of Cupid. From the root, once and for all, solve it completely!"

A immediately said: "I am very interested, please come and listen."

Yang Yi said faintly: "Cupid was hired to kill me. He is like a shadow. Now it is the shadow that exists behind me and in my heart, but there is a light source to shine the shadow. All I have to do is turn it off. This light source."

A smiled and said: "Understood, you have to kill the employer, and naturally solve the trouble, but there is a problem, if the light source is the sun? If you regard the killer or threat as a shadow, then turning off the light source is indeed The best way, but if the light source is the sun, how do you turn off the light source?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "I am not the same as the person you need to protect before. First of all, my shadow is not made by the sun. He is a lamp at best, and I have touched the switch."

"Oh, this way, that's really a lot better."

Yang Yi’s face nodded solemnly, and then he sighed: “I want you to help me find a safe place, not to be traced, and then you can leave.”

As long as you can find a place that is not discovered, no matter whether it is protected or not, of course, this is based on the premise that Cupid is a person. If there is a team around Cupid, then Yang Yi only has Kate and Bonnie. Personal words will definitely be dangerous.

Yang Yi is already considering whether to recall the man who sent to Italy.

I don’t know how long the war between the big Ivan and the Cicero family will last. If they keep playing this way, Ivan, the nephew of the big Ivan, will not be able to make a lot of time for a long time. If he can’t make a shot, Yang Yi You can't sit on the mountain and let Ivan rush to solve Nicholas for him.

I could have waited, but there was a killer like Cupid, and Yang Yi really couldn’t wait any longer.

If you can't wait, then do it yourself. People, after all, still have to rely on themselves.

Yang Yi has already made up his mind. The next thing is to let A lead his security team to put Yang Yi in a safe place.

The so-called security, in fact, is temporarily guaranteed not to be discovered by Cupid. As for security measures, it will no longer exist after A and his team leave, but in any case, it is definitely better than Yang Yi’s eyelids in Cupid. It is much safer under the child.

It’s not that simple to live in another place, because after coming out of the nightclub, Yang Yi and A are not sure if there are still a pair of eyes staring at them, so what they can do is to do anti-tracking measures. The ultimate ~lightnovelpub.net~ Several people split into several roads at the same time, then change the car, then divide into several ways to go back and forth, go back and forth and observe whether there is anyone tracking.

When Yang Yi finally met Kate and Bonnie again, it was already the morning of the next day.

The tedious process, but the results are really reassuring.

Now Yang Yi lives in a French farm on the outskirts of Paris. The farms and pastures are all nearby. It is really obvious that people who are unsightly can find out. Of course, this is Yang Yi. They have arranged for people to be on duty for 24 hours. Row.

As for the three people, you have to wait for the truth. If you have a 24-hour person, don’t think about it.

When he lived in the farmhouse, Yang Yi couldn't get a sense of tranquility away from the city for a while. On the contrary, he had to start to make the water organization work, so he could hide from behind the scenes and become a charge.

The killer that Nicholas found was too successful, and Yang Yi had to speed up the pace of killing Nicholas. I don’t know what Nicholas would say if he learned the truth.