A War Between Spies

Chapter 1096: irrefutable evidence

Living in the farm where A is looking for, Aaron will naturally know where Yang Yi is.

So when Yang Yi had breakfast on the morning of the farm, an uninformed person put a folder on his table.

"This is something for you."

After putting the folder down, the man who sent the thing looked serious: "This is evidence."

Yang Yi, who was made up of some of the grass by the Cupid, immediately relieved.

Let Aaron help find evidence, this speed is okay, sent in two days, the efficiency is quite high.

Yang Yi opened the folder and pulled out a stack of documents from it. It was all paper documents, and it was not a photo. There was no photo in the entire portfolio. Some were just a list of funds exchanged between bank accounts.

The most intuitive evidence is of course the photo or video, but Nicholas has little chance of being filmed or photographed while doing hidden things. Aaron is no longer able to make such evidence.

However, a bank's fund flow record was sent, but I don't know how Nicarus can be proved to be the mastermind of assassination of Ivan.

Yang Yi looked carefully and the amount of funds exchanged was not too large. It has been maintained at several hundred thousand dollars. The only unusual fund record is only 10 million US dollars.

It is somewhat unclear whether the record of capital transactions is unknown, but there is still a material outside the record of capital transactions.

There are a total of seven accounts, five of which belong to one Colombian drug lord, and the other two belong to Nicholas, which is clearly stated in the information.

There is a long-term relationship between Nicholas and this drug lord, although the transaction amount is not too big, because a drug lord definitely needs weapons, but it does not need too many weapons, but this money is paid by Nicholas to the drug lord. Instead of the drug lords paid to Nicholas.

But the problem is that there is not enough of this, a money exchange between a drug lord and an arms dealer can explain what.

But continue to turn down, valuable evidence comes out.

Why did the poisonous daring dare to shoot at Ivan because he was provoked by Nicholas, why Nicholas dared to carry the Deyo secretly to Ivan, because he was instructed by the CIA.

So the only valuable evidence is a personal file, a file with a photo, and the person on the file is a special agent who communicates with Nicholas and directly conveys his will to the CIA.

Aaron directly took the roots of Nicholas out, because Aaron had the most source of intelligence.

Why did the CIA move the big Ivan because he harmed the interests of the United States.

Then why did the CIA want to make Dejoy a big bird and big Ivan? That is because the United States thinks that the Deyo should be replaced and replaced with Nicholas that they think is more appropriate.

Therefore, Aaron issued a command to his men to let him take a storm with Nicholas's hand, a storm that Djokovic and Day Ivan will inevitably fight, and there is no room for relaxation.

But this plan failed, why did it fail, because Ivan was not dead, and the magic was saved.

So the CIA's first action against Dai Ivan failed, and then canceled, but the CIA did not wait too long to directly launch an attack on Dai Ivan.

Because the CIA can't wait, this plan is invalid.

How does Yang Yi know this, because in addition to a personal file, there are two papers that explain in detail the ins and outs.

But these are not particularly good evidence. The hard evidence is a chip that records the recording of the conversation, but Yang Yi did not see the chip.

After picking up the portfolio and dropping a memory card without any protection from it, Yang Yi was very annoyed to throw this most important evidence into the portfolio.

At this time, Yang Yicai understands, what bank's capital transaction records, and what agents contact Nicholas, this is simply used to increase the thickness of the portfolio of waste paper, said useful is also a bit useful, say useless, what is it? No use.

What really matters is this memory card.

What's in the memory card?

There is a recording in the memory card, and the recording of the CIA director.

The incumbent CIA director personally interviewed the agent who contacted Nicholas.

Interesting, too interesting.

Why does Aaron have a recording of the Secretary and his subordinates? Did he monitor the director of the CIA?

Yang Yi thinks that he can rely on the evidence on his hands. These evidences that should have been provided to Ivan or Dai Ivan, if they were handed over to Porter, Aaron would have to take it.

Also, why did Aaron dare to give such sensitive materials to him?

and also,

Why did CIA want to shoot at Ivy? Is it really just because Big Ivan has jeopardized the safety of the United States?

One thing to understand is that Ivan is the biggest arms dealer, but he is not the only one. If there is demand in the world, there must be someone who can provide arms. Even if the CIA kills the big Ivan, it is only Turning a big arms dealer into a lot of small arms dealers to satisfy the market.

Therefore, the CIA is purely because the big Ivan is selling arms, so it is simply nonsense to deal with the big Ivan, because it is impossible for the big Ivan to invade the interests of the United States or the CIA. What about digging the grave?

So why, why did the CIA shoot for Big Ivan? Why did Aaron come up with this evidence and be willing to come up with this evidence?

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

Yang Yi looked at the document for ten minutes, and then he finally put the file into the bag again.

Now Yang Yi understands that Aaron’s evidence to him is not for what Ivan believes is that Nicholas is secretly trying to deal with him. It feels like he is explaining to Da Yiwan why he should be shot to him.


Aaron and Da Yiwan definitely have more insider information~lightnovelpub.net~ So when they see something, they can understand what happened, but Yang Yi can't. He has too little information to see. These can't be guessed at all.

Yang Yihe finally picked up the portfolio and then returned to the room with Kate and Bonnie who had breakfast with him.

After entering the room, Yang Yi directly handed the portfolio to Bonnie.

Nothing to say, nor to explain anything, Bonnie will naturally look.

Bonnie looked at the file, Yang Yi looked at Bonnie. He felt that Bonnie should not have too much information, so she should not get any useful information to observe her look.

But after Bonnie finished reading the document and gave it back to Yang Yi calmly, Yang Yi understood one thing. Bonnie knew a lot of things, much more than he thought.

Bonnie’s look was too calm. After seeing an intelligence that was really surprising and at least extremely curious, Bonnie shouldn’t be so calm, so she’s either not paying attention to it. Not what she wants to cover up.