A War Between Spies

Chapter 11: Code: Singer

This is not the same as Yang Yi thinks, but commercial espionage is still a spy, and Yang Yi has no choice.

"Of course, sir, I am looking forward to your teaching."

John Jones took a deep breath, then he smiled and said: "Very good, now let me explain the content of our work. First of all, my team has a principle that there is no violence, and it can only be effective in the short term. And have some orders for harvest."

Yang Yi is paying attention to every word that John Jones said because he knows how valuable these words are.

Everything John Jones said was his core secret, and now John Jones has begun to tell him everything.

"As a spy, especially a commercial spy without a national background, we naturally cannot get instructions from the state or superiors. We are highly free, but we have to be responsible for each of our decisions, so, as You must be careful with a leader.

Usually I decide whether to take an order, or a reward, or a task, usually based on several aspects. The first is to assess the risk and then see if the return is worthy of the risk. Finally, consider It is important to look at the credibility of the employer or the issuer.

If all three elements meet my requirements, then I will accept the order. If an assessment does not reach the minimum level I need, then I will not pick up the task. ”

Looking at Yang Yi nodded, John Jones smiled: "You may have to ask, how do we get the task? This is the core secret of most free spies, but it is very simple to say, there are a few very Powerful intelligence agents, they have built their own intelligence trading platform, just like shopping websites, some people sell things and some people buy things, and my partner is the intelligence group built by the Cicero family, not belonging to any country. But the strength is strong."

John Jones stopped talking. He looked at Yang Yi and waited for Yang Yi to raise the question.

Yang Yi really needs to ask questions: "Mr. Jones, what is a free spy."

"The so-called free espionage, hey, you must have heard of freelancers, freelance writers, freelance photographers, do you understand these terms?"


"It's the same, no matter who sells it, whoever sells it is higher, who is sold to it, but it is a pity that it is often thanks to God for being able to sell, so although some of these free people are well mixed, Most of them are at the bottom."

Yang Yi nodded: "I understand, then what about the release of the mission? Is it an information request posted on the website, and then someone will get the information to sell, and others will not see it after the reward. Did you post the information?"

John Jones shook his head. "Let me explain to you that spies can get the most advanced things, but spies prefer traditional and reliable things. The way to trade is the same. The internet is a good thing, but I don't like it because of the network. There is no secret, so the task is not released from the website at all."

Yang Yi nodded heartily because he remembered what Li Fan did to him, so he agreed with John Jones.

"Of course, the network is very convenient, so now some people are trying to use the network to post tasks, but I will never pin my lifeline on the network. For example, the Cicero family occasionally publishes some on their own dark network. Intelligence missions, but these are the lowest-level tasks, and the Cicero family is an exploration of the Internet age, but if it is particularly important, particularly dangerous, and particularly sensitive tasks, they will never be published online for the world. Spy can see."

Yang Yi raised his hand and whispered: "What is the Cicero family? Can you explain it?"

"This time slowly tells you, now you only need to know that the Cicero family is the largest intelligence broker. This family has built a large and comprehensive intelligence network. Even in the world, it is often needed. It is also because of this that the Cicero family can be maintained and transmitted through the information network of the Cicero family."

"I understand."

"I will continue to explain to you that, in general, if a company wants to know the secrets of its competitors, they will ask the Cicero family of intelligence agents that they are willing to pay a million pounds to buy the bidding plan of the rival company. The intelligence of the Cicero family will choose a team that he thinks is appropriate for the quotation. For example, if we think the quotation is appropriate and the risk is not great, then we will take the task and take the money after the task is completed successfully, by the way. One sentence, the Cicero family does not need to worry about their credibility and ability to pay, the name Cicero family is guaranteed."

"If I can't finish the task?"

"I can't get the job done? I can't get the money, but it's not the most important. It's important to lose the status in the Cicero family's intelligence system, which will result in you not getting the task in the future. Of course, failure is inevitable. Anyone may fail, but the biggest factor in determining the status of a team is the success rate. Conversely, success rate is the foundation for a team to survive."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Understand, that is to say, our lifeblood is in the hands of the Cicero family. He decides who to work for and who can earn money."

"That's the case, but the Cicero family is one of the channels for me to pick up the task. For some spy teams, the intelligence business is their only source of responsibility, but not for me, because I have my own long-term partner, if My clerk has the task to look for me directly, so that we can talk about the price ourselves, but if you talk about the transaction yourself, then you have to take some risks, such as the customer's ability to pay."

John Jones explained it in great detail. Yang Yi thought about it and whispered: "So how do you relate to the Cicero family? Oh, you don't have to answer this question, sorry."

John Jones waved his hand and said, "If I want to teach you, I will tell you everything."

Yang Yi sincerely said: "Thank you."

"Any spy doesn't like too many people to know their identity, so we try to contact the single line. I only trade with one contact, but what if the only contact is dead or even dead? It's easy to solve because The special status and status of the Cicero family group, they will have a high-level person's identity is open, you just find this high-level person, tell him your code, he will re-designate a contact, and then everything Same as before."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "So a code with a high success rate is very important, because it determines whether you can receive the task."

John Jones smiled and said: "Of course, I have been running my own code in my life, and the biggest achievement of my life is the highest success rate of a commercial spy. It is time to tell you, me and me. The code for this team is called a singer."

Yang Yi now understands why his father chose John Jones, because even if he has been in the past eleven years, this person will help him.

Yang Yi is very grateful to John Jones, but at the same time, he is also thinking that his father's eyes should be poisonous, and he really has the ability to see through the hearts of the people.


"Yes, singer, the first commercial spy in success, in London, if anyone wants to get a trade secret, then the singer is the first choice."

Yang Yi’s views are often different from others, so he is not concerned about the beauty of the industry’s first commercial espionage.

“How do you know the success rate of your peers and know that you are the first?”

John Jones smiled and said: "I don't know the success rate of my peers. This is the secret of the Cicero family, but I know that my success rate is 100%. So, can someone succeed more than me?"

Yang Yi immediately realized that he had nodded and said: "The success rate of 100% is of course the first, at least the first."

John Jones nodded: "How does a careful commercial espionage organization work? You will see through practice that how to lead a spy organization, you will not be complicated, you just need to remember A little, cautious, cautious, and more cautious."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you for your teaching, then when can I do something specifically?"

John Jones said: "Go outside as your administrative assistant~lightnovelpub.net~ Oh, remind you, please replace your suit, too expensive, not an administrative assistant, and Please go buy a pair of shoes that match your formal wear."

Yang Yi’s suit was bought by his tens of thousands of credit cards. It was a very good dress, and his attempt to buy shoes was frustrated, so his shoes were only bought for a few hundred dollars.

Yang Yi thinks that there is nothing to do with this, but I did not expect John Jones to still see it.

"Okay, I will change clothes, but I still want to know when I can really participate in spying, I can't wait."

John Jones smiled and said: "It depends on your luck, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, because the task is not always available. When there is no work to do, you can only play one. The role of the internship accountant, by the way, tells you that our last mission was eight months ago."

Yang Yi was very disappointed. He thought that he could do some spy work when he came. I didn't expect that I really didn't know how long it would take to get in touch with the spy.

But at this moment, John Jones’s phone rang.

Picking up the phone, John Jones looked surprised, then he connected the phone, and talked a few words about the weather and diet. John Jones hung up and smiled at Yang Yi. The road: "I really don't know if your luck is good or my luck is good. You still don't understand anything. You even have a big task."

Yang Yi’s eyes widened and he was pleasantly surprised: “Is there a task?”

John Jones nodded and smiled. "Yes, there are tasks."