A War Between Spies

Chapter 111: Responsible for yourself

Yang Yi returned to the cell and Zhang Yong was already inside when he returned.

Zhang Yong sat on the bed, and when he looked at Yang Yi, his eyes were particularly cold.

"Brave, what's wrong with this?"

Zhang Yong took a breath, and then he slowly said: "You can play ten at a time, right? Is it bully?"

"Ah, what's wrong, no..."

Yang Yi was confused. He didn't know what Zhang Yong said about these words.

Zhang Yong stood up and walked over to Yang Yi, then suddenly shot, and directly slap on the face of Yang Yi.

A slamming sound, Yang Yi immediately covered his face, and then he was very shocked: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Yong said coldly: "Are you not awesome? How can you not hide?"


The bang was a crisp sound, and Yang Yi lived on his left face.

Yang Yi felt the burning pain on her face.

As the saying goes, if you don’t beat your face, Zhang Yong doesn’t want to hit his face if he is angry. Yang Yi thinks so, so he angered: “You have a problem! What are you doing!”

Zhang Yong did not answer Yang Yi's question. He just stepped back two steps. Then he put his hands on one hand and made a Wing Chun's starting style. He immediately went to Yang Yi.

Yang Yi rushed to fight quickly, but his hand had not waited for Zhang Yong, his chest was painful, and then immediately stumbled back a few steps until the back hit the iron gate.

Yang Yi felt that even breathing began to be difficult. He slowly slipped to the ground, and Zhang Yong was fierce: "Stand up!"

Although Zhang Yong often used to make a move, but Zhang Yong can always point to it, Yang Yi is so hurt for the first time, so miserable.

However, Zhang Yong is still merciless. If he does not spare strength, Zhang Yong’s fist will not kill Yang Yi, and he will definitely interrupt her bones.

"stand up!"

Zhang Yong shouted in anger again, Yang Yi bit his teeth, and used his strength to support himself to stand up.

"Come on, come hit me, are you not very good now, come hit me, come!"

Zhang Yong was another roar. Yang Yi bit his teeth and suddenly rushed over to Zhang Yong.

Yang Yi was very angry, so he didn't have the strength to start, but he grabbed Zhang Yong's arm and was easily set aside, and then he punched a heavy punch.

This time, Yang Yi was kneeling on the ground and curled like a shrimp. The pain could not even be heard.

"Get up! Stand up!"

Yang Yi’s tears and tears are all down. It’s not that he is weak, he can’t control it at all.

After a while, Yang Yi was on and off: "Get up... don't come..."

Zhang Yong took a long breath, then he squatted down and looked at Yang Yi’s face. He looked angry and said: "Do you think you can play now, do you feel that you are invincible?"

After Yang Yishen’s sleeves rubbed on his face, he slowly turned over and lay on the ground. Then he was helpless. “Why do you fight so badly, I’m not awake! I don’t think I’m invincible, or I won’t Lying here! Afternoon! It hurts me!"

Zhang Yong grabbed Yang Yi’s clothes and hanged Yang Yi from the ground in the air. Then he said with awkward words: “How dare you stop? Well? I want to ask you, where are you coming from? Confident to stop, leave space and reaction time for your opponent? How can I teach you!"

Yang Yi suddenly realized that Zhang Yong beat him even when he was dealing with the angels of Hell, and finally stopped.

"I, I am..."

Yang Yi stuttered: "There is no mercy, no love, but, but..."

Zhang Yong let go of his hand, and Yang Yi immediately lay back on the concrete floor. He continued to lick his teeth and turned over again.

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief, then he whispered: "Where is this place?"


“Is there a prisoner in the prison?”

"No, but..."

Zhang Yong said evilly: "Shut up! No, but no, you idiot! The person you are facing is the most dangerous group in the world. If you give him a chance, then you are dead!" When the opponent stops, you stop. Do you think this is in the ring? If this is not in the prison but what will happen outside, he can shoot a gun and kill you with one shot!"

Yang Yi’s weak road: “But this is in prison, they have no guns, so I stopped...”

"To shut up!"

Zhang Yong looked even more angry. He grabbed Yang Yi’s neck collar and angered: “If you know the wrong, you will change it! It’s not a sophistry, you idiot! If you make a mistake, you will die! Dead!”

Yang Yi opened his mouth, and then he whispered: "I was wrong, I understand, Yong brother, I remember, I will not commit again in the future, absolutely not!"

Zhang Yong took a long breath, and then he said to Yang Yi with a fierce look: "Do you think that you can beat a dozen prisoners? Is it great? I tell you, no! They are a group of scum, just a little more than ordinary people. Just shameless than ordinary people, give him a gun, he dares to shoot, just like this! They are not masters, they just dare to pick up the ordinary people of the knife, understand?"


"So don't think that you are awesome, you are a half-tone, you are a dead master, not to mention you are just a beginner, you are not a master, don't rush to put your tail on the sky!"

Yang Yi slowly sat up~lightnovelpub.net~ Then he whispered: "I'm sorry, brave."

Zhang Yong’s angry hand waved and said: “You are not sorry for me. You are not responsible for your own life. Do you know how many masters are there in the world? You can’t see them, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist, you want to be a spy. People, but you don’t even know how dangerous the world you want to mix."

Slowly, Zhang Yong said: "Master, because of the will to die, such people have every year, do not know how many, you have to understand that now is not a fist, it is a gun! You can quickly pass Bullets? People hook your fingers will kill your life! Do you think you can fight the world invincible? Fart, a child can kill you with a gun, African doll soldiers shot and killed you rare. ”

Spit, Zhang Yong did not feel good: "You are like this now, you are a dead master, as for the gun, hehe, or do not do it, you must ensure that the opponent lost the ability to move, never Give him a gun to give you a chance to shoot! You are very powerful, and you dare to give it to others."

Yang Yi whispered: "I know it is wrong, brave brother, I promise not to commit any more in the future."

Zhang Yong said slowly: "You don't have to promise me, you can remember it yourself, you have only one life, you are responsible for yourself."