A War Between Spies

Chapter 1113: Between laughter

By exposing yourself to attract the enemy, but it can't really be killed by the enemy, so it is really necessary to use the technology as a bait.

Yang Yi and Anton went on the road.

"Why me? You know that it is dangerous."

"Dude, isn't you Kate?"

Anton shrugged and looked helpless: "The fool knows that you are a bait."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Even if you know, can Nicholas hold back? Since he must kill me, then of course he must kill me, so even if he knows it is a bait, he has to hook up."

Anton sighed. He stopped his foot and whispered: "It’s dangerous to go forward again. Is the address given by the cleaner here?"

"Yes, but I don't know if Nicholas is not there."

"Whether it's gone, let's do it."

"So we rush in like this? See people kill? Not good!"

"What's wrong, now, are you still afraid to make the movement too big?"

"I am not afraid of too much movement. I am afraid of Nicholas's people, but his mother came with heavy weapons. Just two of us, rushed in? If you see someone, you will kill it. If you are seen, you will be killed."

Anton shrugged: "You don't know the strength and habits of the black devil. How many people are there? If you have more people, will you stupidly go forward? Fast forward and fast, no matter how many you kill, leave the person once you have no chance. ”

Yang Yi took a breath and said: "It will definitely be caught up. Once you are caught up, you can get rid of it."

Anton looked impatient: "This is your plan, now you are afraid?"

"I am not afraid, just feel really helpless, obviously a life-saving job, but I have to do it myself. This is like a boss."

Anton smiled and said: "When the boss is going to have the boss's consciousness, if Nicholas kills us and can do it alone, you certainly don't have to personally go on the road, but who makes you the goal."

Yang Yi has a pistol in his waist and a hand in his hand. He and Anton walked and talked, and they went all the way to the place where the people of Nicholas gathered.

"You said we can find Nicholas?"

"It's hard to say, it shouldn't be, I don't think he is likely to be here."

"Take him out, let's go."

Yang Yi sighed, and Anton pulled the clothes wrapped around the rifle and said, "Why do you insist on a pistol?"

When he spoke, Anton pulled the bolt.

Yang Yi used the Glock 17 gun to smash the head on the top of his head and said: "The scalp is itchy, why do I have to use a pistol, because I haven't practiced the rifle yet."

"I am ahead, you keep up."

"No, no, no, I am in front, in case I didn't hit you, you will give me a gun."

Anton smiled. "It seems that I will be very busy tonight. To be honest, I still have no confidence in your shooting."

"You are waiting!"

Yang Yi is full of confidence: "Where is this?"

"Yes, it is here."

“Why don’t you have a whistle?”

"Because they don't need it, who can think we will fight back."

"Yes, let's go."

Yang Yi took the gun in one fell swoop and walked forward with both hands holding the gun. Anton lifted the rifle and followed him to the right rear.

There is a row of cars at the door, a total of seven, from the number of vehicles can also roughly figure out how many people inside.

Yang Yi thought that it was necessary to unlock the lock or violently destroy the iron gate, but when he arrived, he discovered that the iron gate was not locked at all.

Gently pushed open the iron gate, Yang Yi took the gun and went in. Then he just passed a short corridor, and he looked at a South American face and looked at him. Yang Yiwei was a shot.

It’s another shot.

It’s two shots.

Anton couldn't help himself. He shot a bullet and killed the South American who was running wildly from the back.

The man who suddenly encountered a shot in the back of his head, the entire Tianling cover was smashed.

Yang Yi whispered: "This is an accident..."

"No, this is not an accident."

"This is an accident!"

"This is definitely not an accident!"

"But this is a real accident!"

"Oh, this is not an accident. I know that it will be like this. The distance is not meters. The enemy is standing still. He wears this tactical suit but there is no gun. In this case, you can still fight, how do you do it? Or four shots?"

Yang Yi has nothing to say, not that he does not want to say, but that he can't say it, the enemy is not a blind man, and this time finally rushed over.

Yang Yi suddenly fired. He shot four shots in a row.

Hey, hey, hey.

Four shots and three people fell to the ground, and this shot was absolutely to the extreme.

"What do I say? Fak!"

Yang Yi fired another shot, but this time after he made a sound, Anton shot two short shots and killed two enemies.

"time to go."

"Let me play a few more!"

Although he said that he would like to play a few more, Yang Yi still turned around and left.

Anton made several consecutive shots and pressed the enemy to be chased into the house. Then he followed Yang Yi and quit the iron gate.

Yang Yi and Anton retreated on the road when they were not slow, and held a pistol. Yang Yi Shen said: "You saw it, I killed three people with four shots. At this level, what do you think? ”

The enemy chased it out, and Yang Yi and Anton did not shoot, but the enemy that was chased after a gunshot fell to the door.

From the gunshots, it is Xiao Yu’s gun.

"Please explain the following things. You have two more shots, but you didn't hit the target. If it wasn't for me, you would die."

"If it wasn't for you, I would hit him."

"No, you are definitely dead. I didn't give him a chance to shoot, but you gave him a chance to shoot."

"I understand, I mean, if you are not there, I will not be able to fight, understand? This is a mentality problem, because you are next to me, I am very relaxed, so I did not hit the enemy."

"No, no, the more relaxed, the easier it is to hit. This is common sense."

"Common sense is not suitable for use on my body~lightnovelpub.net~ I am a violation of common sense, it is so powerful."

Yang Yi has some big words. It seems that the enemy has not seen it. A large number of enemies have emerged from several exits at the same time, but the continuous sound of gunshots has caused all the enemies that have appeared to fall to the ground.

Anton looked at Yang Yi and said: "Shameless, you are so shameless to kill yourself. If you need to shoot and kill the enemy, it is best not to rely on the timeless spelling. To be honest, I am really Worried for you."

Yang Yi said faintly: "No, if it is dangerous, I will not go to the air. The more dangerous I play, the better, so you don't have to worry about me. If you don't believe, we will walk."

"Okay, bet, I killed you for you, give me a dollar, how?"

"Are you humiliating me?"

"Are you just looking out?"

"Well, one dollar, that's it."

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