A War Between Spies

Chapter 1122: are you alone?

Yang Yi looked at Cupid and Cupid looked at Yang Yi.

After the two looked at each other for a while, Yang Yi suddenly said: "You can go, and I need to check if the person is Nicholas."

Cupid nodded and said, "Okay, please, I should go back to sleep."

Yang Yi suddenly said: "Wait, let me finish the words, hey, you can leave now, but I want to talk to you, so why not, let my people check the body and confirm the identity of the body, and Since we have nothing to do, why not find a place to have a drink?"

Cupid shook his head. "No, I don't go, I have no reason to have a drink with you."

Yang Yi laughed: "Is there a reason, such as handing it over to a friend?"

Cupid shook his head. "No, I don't have friends, I don't want to make friends, so I don't want to drink anything with you, and I don't want to talk to you."

Yang Yiyi’s face should be: “But if you don’t want to talk to me, you refuse to be friends with me. If you don’t be friends with me, I will kill you because I’m too strong for you. The wariness, even the point of fear, so I really want to kill you..."

After a look of helplessness, Yang Yi pointed to the back and said: "There are guns at your head, not counting them, so even if you have any arrangement, a bullet suddenly blows you up. Head, interrupt your cerebellum in an instant, so that you don't even have a nervous reaction, then you have no way, right?"

Cupid smiled and said: "Which is forcing others to make friends, you are so bad."

"It's not good, but I can't help it, so you can talk to me either, or I kill you, or go with you, now the initiative is in my hands, I have the right to ask, and you are the most sensible The choice is to promise, because it is just talking and not losing anything, what do you think?"

Cupid thought for a moment and said: "It makes sense to talk to you is my least expensive way to get away, then let's talk and make friends."

Yang Yi waved his hand and pointed to Anton: "Go check the body, take a photo and extract some DNA for identification. I will talk to him."

After that, Yang Yi stretched out and said, "Please, what do you want to drink?"

Cupid and Yang Yi walked side by side and said: "Don't want to drink?"

"You don't feel bored and you can do it."

"Then drink beer, just find a bar."

"Okay, let's go drink beer."

Slowly moving forward, walking and walking, Yang Yi suddenly said: "When is this task taken?"

"half year ago."

"So how do you get it now?"

"No chance, I couldn't find the whereabouts of Nicholas. Later he hired me to kill you. I took the task. I have to admit that you surprised me. I never thought that someone could continue twice. Set a trap for me, oh, how do you recognize me, the second time."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "I am honest, you are honest, how are you?"

"it is good."

"I recognize your hand, your hand has characteristics, I remember, so I endured it."

"Impossible! My hand has no features!"

"Yes, there are no obvious features, but your hands are a bit too perfect. It's easy to tell the truth."

“It’s easy?”

"It's easy for me. For others, maybe they can't identify it."

Cupid looked at his hand and looked annoyed: "It turned out to be a hand!"

Yang Yi whispered: "Now I can confirm, are you a man?"

Cupid stopped for a moment, then he nodded and said: "Yes, of course I am a man."

"So what is your throat?"

"It’s not natural, it’s training from an early age, and it’s consciously smoothed out.”

"Oh, understand, then you accepted the employment of Ivan?"

Cupid faintly said: "The line is over."

"Sorry, then I have another question. Why did you start today? You just didn't finish it."

Cupid sighed and said: "Because I didn't have a chance to start, even if I accepted the employment of Nicholas to kill you, I still have no chance to see him. This guy is very careful, very very careful, he is even ready to You surrendered, and as long as you can save your life, he is willing to surrender to you."

After revealing a secret to Yang Yi, Cupid smiled and continued: "After picking up your mission, I met Nicholas once. In fact, I have the opportunity to kill him, but the problem is his side. There are a lot of bodyguards. It is easy for me to kill him. It is too difficult to get away. The most important thing is that I know that I have killed my employer. Then I will not continue to be a killer in the future, so I can only wait for a suitable opportunity."

"Before today."

"Yes, just like tonight, I try to get the bodyguards around him to leave him, and with your strength, it is very possible that you will kill him without having to shoot, so the chance is of course tonight."

After that, Cupid looked gratified: "You didn't let me down, I was worried that you couldn't find Nicholas, but I am very confident that you will find the security loophole I am trying to create. ”

Yang Yi also smiled and said: "I just realized tonight that you might want to kill Nicholas. Of course, I am not sure, but you really did, and I am very pleased."

Cupid lowered his face a little and said: "This is impossible."

"What is impossible?"

"You can't think of me going to kill Nicholas."

"It was impossible, but my companion reminded me. I suddenly thought that if you are not trying to seduce me into a trap, but really want me to kill Nicholas? Of course I am not sure, but I do. want."

After a deep look at Yang Yi, Cupid took a breath and said: "Okay, I believe in you."

"Well, and I immediately thought that Ivan might have hired you first, or some other way for you to come, but for now, it is unlikely that you will pay for it."

Cupid whispered: "I owe him a favor."

"Do killers also owe people?"

Cupid admitted, but Yang Yi was not satisfied and asked a question, but this time Cupid did not answer him.

Cupid was silent, and Yang Yi was silent. After a long time, Yang Yi suddenly said, "Are you lonely?"


Silence again~lightnovelpub.net~ Then Yang Yi is facing Cupid: "Can you make a friend?"

"it is good."

"My name is Yang Yi."

"My name is Bobby, no... Bobby is my dog. My name is Sai Wen. Cupid is my stage name. Bobby is the name I used when I was dealing with people. You can call me Saiwen. Call me Bobby, but don't call me Cupid."

"A good game, can you leave a contact?"

Sai Wen nodded and said a phone number.

The two continued on, and the two of them came to the front of a bar, but at the door of the bar, watching the neon signs still flashing, Savin suddenly said, "Don't you drink?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "Okay, then don't drink, goodbye."


Yang Yi and Sai Wen did not shake hands. They just nodded to each other, and one continued to move forward, and one turned back.