A War Between Spies

Chapter 1123: breeze

"Sir, I killed Nicholas."

When I heard Yang Yi, Aaron was very unbelievable: "Nicholas is dead? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am very sure that although his head has been smashed, I have collected some DNA for verification."

Aaron took a long breath and said: "You did a good job, much better than I expected. Now that Nicholas is dead, the internal interests can end, then Nicholas's territory is yours, all of you. It’s up."

"Thank you, sir."

"You don't have to thank me, this is what you deserve, but you have to do things well after you take over. Don't let too many people complain. I know that you can kill all the people who complain, but this will not solve the fundamental problem. ”

"Of course, sir, I know how to do it. There are not many people who have complaints."

Yang Yi hangs up the phone. Now, the CIA is no longer his resistance. To be exact, the CIA will not impose any resistance on him, but will become his help.

Yang Yi hung up the phone, and then he said to Anton: "After we should launch a storm on Nicholas's remaining forces, or should we appease and draw the people left by Nicholas?"

Anton thought for a moment and said: "Every year, everyone is for money. If you can give Nicholas more hands, then comfort, if you give less, then kill Nikolas people, but I It is recommended that Jetro personally do these things."

Yang Yi thought about it and nodded. "Yes, it is time for Jetro to do it myself, and I should go to the United States. I am going to the CIA headquarters to do what I should do."

After that, Yang Yi suddenly said: "That Ivan..."

Yang Yi looked at Bonnie. He didn't know if he should say this in front of Bonnie, but after thinking for a while, he still whispered: "That Ivan, he doesn't seem to look so simple."

Bonnie said nothing.

For Yang Yi, Bonnie is a close outsider, so some words he would subconsciously want to avoid Bonnie, but now, Bonnie has established a close relationship with him and the water organization, if still hiding , then it will definitely hurt people.

So Yang Yi decided to say something he had guessed.

Anton Shen Sheng: "Ivan, what's the problem with him?"

Yang Yi said faintly: "We have discussed it. As the relative of Da Yiwan, it is also the only blood relative of Da Yi Wan. It is the only successor of Da Yi Wan. Why should Da Yi Wan arrange Ivan? What about South America?"


Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Now I think it may be that Ivan is not just an arms dealer. You have found that the relationship between Ivan and the killer is very close."

Anton thought for a moment and said: "Is there? Can you prove that Ivan and the killer are very close?"

Yang Yi nodded: "Yes, when Ivan was caught by the CIA in South Africa, Ivan used two killers to save his uncle, and these two killers are the people who have left the shadows. They are This is the best killer in the world."

"Where did you get the news?"

"CIA, CIA has been investigating for a long time, but they can't confirm the identity of the two killers, but I can be sure that Ivan has found two killers. If you connect Cupid, it becomes very interesting, isn't it? An arms dealer, Why is he so close to the top killers?"

Yang Yi looked at Anton and said: "Is it like a person who likes to use a killer when Ivan's performance in the Italian Cicero family?"

"Not at all, he is direct, bloody, cruel, and likes to destroy the enemy's whole family with the most direct and thorough means. Such a person is unlikely to use his killer to solve his biggest enemy, specifically to solve his own enemies. He should take people into the home of Nicholas, grab all the Nicholas family and kill them one by one in front of Nicholas, which is in line with his style."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Can Ifan have a killer group on hand? If the killer is his most important, or the most trusted force?"

"In this case, Ivan might use the killer instead of killing Nicholas himself."

"So Ivan’s current performance is an illusion? Can you think so?"

Anton thought for a long time, then he shook his head: "You should discuss this with Anna."

Yang Yi took a breath and said: "If you associate all kinds of irrationalities and then boldly draw conclusions, although it is somewhat unbelievable, it is still very reasonable. That is, Ivan is not only an arms dealer, he also operates. Only a killer organization can explain why he is in South America, not in Europe or Asia. Only in this way can he explain why he can always find the best killer easily. The most important thing is that the only way to explain why he will Use the killer to solve Nicholas."

Anton nodded: "It makes sense."

Yang Yi looked at Bonnie and said, "Is that the case?"

Bonnie shook her head and said: "I don't know, how can I know the things of Ivan and Ivan, their affairs have nothing to do with me, so you shouldn't ask me, I just think that your suspicions are somewhat reasonable, only That's it."

Yang Yi laughed, then he continued: "Since the shadows were wiped out overnight, there was no more influential killer organization in the world, but now there is a new killer federation. Appeared, it is like a communication platform between killers, and the name of this organization is called the breeze. Although it is not as good as the shadow of the year, it is already very influential."

No one spoke, Yang Yi said to himself: "We are doing intelligence. If we are doing intelligence, we must pay attention to all the news that may be useful. Who can think of it? The breeze boss turned out to be an arms dealer, and it turned out to be a big Iraqi The discovery of Wan’s nephew is really interesting.”

Xiao Yu said: "Are you so sure?"

Yang Yi smiled and laughed ~lightnovelpub.net~ Road: "Not very sure, but also a little sure, believe me, except for a very influential killer organization in the underground world, there is no other reason for Ivan to stay in South America, based on this, I can basically conclude that he is the creator of the breeze."

After that, Yang Yi shrugged and said: "Of course, this is not our business, but since we are doing intelligence business, then this news has something to do with us. The boss behind the breeze, this news is very good. Is it?"

Anton whispered: "It's still pretending not to know. Otherwise, we can deal with the killer all day long."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Of course it is pretending not to know. How can this news be told casually? It will be dead. I am only sure of one thing. That is to say that I must have a good relationship with Ivan. Don't offend him easily, but there is no other idea."

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