A War Between Spies

Chapter 1124: Invasion - 2,011

For an intelligence organization, know what should not be known, please, this is the biggest achievement.

So if you accidentally find something remarkable, this is an unexpected bonus, and it is still a big gain.

Although Yang Yi has no evidence, he does not need evidence.

Make sure that Ivan is a person who can't be tempted, even a person who is more difficult to provoke than Big Ivan.

There are many people in the world who can't afford it, such as Yang Yi, such as Da Yi Wan, such as the Ram, and now there is another Ivan.

It’s not how strong they are, no, it’s because they are strong enough in a certain field, so strong that no one can provoke, no one dares to provoke.

Yang Yi is provoked by people. He will kill people. He can use any method he can think of. Although he will pay a lot of money, he may even die. But those who offend him will not have a good end, no matter how to provoke him. How strong and how identifiable people are, he can guarantee that the enemy can't afford it.

The same rule is also applicable to the Ivan, the ram is also applicable, and it is applied by Justin of the Cicero family. Of course, there is another Ivan.

And Ivan seems to be the most terrible one, because the invincible killer is really a nightmare for all rich and powerful.

I only spent one night in South America. Yang Yi was going to go home, and things went smoothly. The things that were done were all done.

The main thing is that Yang Yi went to a heart disease.

It’s great to be no longer stared at by Cupid.

Yang Yi believes that Cupid still wants to kill him, but after losing the reason to continue killing him, Cupid will not try to kill him anymore.

In addition, Yang Yi believes that Cupid and he have the same feeling, that is, this opponent is too difficult, it is difficult to get around the point that they are not willing to provoke each other.

Now, it's time to do something.

"Anna, we killed Nicholas, the process is complicated, but the results are not bad."

Anna Starkina smiled, she was very indifferent: "Oh, very fast."

"Some regrets, I have never seen what Nicholas looks like because his head was blown up."

"There is nothing to regret, this is better."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I want to go back to the United States. Do you think I should let me be my helper?"

Anna Starkina thought for a moment and said: "Anton, he is versatile, then Xiao Yu, she has the same color as you. When you need a cover, she can give you a trustworthy back. One is enough."

Yang Yi whispered: "Why is there no Kate?"

Anna Starkina said faintly: "Because she has a relationship with you."

Yang Yi has not spoken for a long time, and Anna Starkina is very helpless: "Think about the things you have to do in the United States, and the people you have to deal with. Do you think Kate is looking at it all?"

Yang Yi sighed long and said: "I understand, but..."

"Xiao Xiao will be angry, but she will not shoot at your back. You should be confident."

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "Well, you always know what I want to say, then that's it."

After the talk, Yang Yi sighed and said: "Notify Boer, let him come to the United States, Wall Street plans to officially start."

"Wall Street plan? This name is too ugly, too straightforward."

"Then you come to think of a name."

Anna Starkina pondered for a long time, then she finally whispered: "Invasion-2014."

"This is the action code you want?"


Yang Yi is very emotional: "It's a very strong Soviet style."

"I was born to destroy the West. Now, we can reach the core and representatives of the Western world!"

Yang Yi Shen said: "Well, then called Invasion-2014, now inform all relevant personnel invading 2014, let them enter."

“Yes, the Invasion 2014 plan was officially launched and the relevant personnel entered.”

"Be careful in Italy."

"You are careful in the United States."

"good luck."

Anna Starkina is very cold: "We don't need good luck, we want to crush everyone who blocks our path with absolute strength!"

"Then crush it."

"You too, I wish the action goes smoothly."

"I wish the operation is smooth."

Yang Yi hung up the phone, and he was very deep in his emotions.

It turned out that Yang Yi had been curious about how Brian looked at Anna Starkina. Now he is curious about how Anna Starkina is looking at Brian. Of course, this question cannot be asked and can never be asked.

Yang Yi came outside the house, and then he waited for his people: "You, the invasion plan is officially started, I am going to the United States, the old demon and the queen go with me, others return directly to Europe, um, that's it."

After that, Yang Yi couldn't help but look at Kate.

Kate couldn't hide his disappointment and loss.

Yang Yi whispered: "Everyone is ready to go, Kate, I have something to say to you."

Yang Yi took Kate's hand and then he pulled Kate directly to his room.

Directly hugged Kate, Yang Yi whispered: "I'm sorry, I am really sorry."

Kate was very sad, she whispered: "It doesn't matter, I know, I understand."

Yang Yi wants to say something, but he really doesn't know what to say. Then he thinks of Anton's teaching. When you don't know what to say, it's better to use action to express it.

It doesn't matter if you delay the last hour or two.

So after more than an hour, Kate finally began to cry in the arms of Yang Yi.

Full of helpless love, can only be separated in tears of helplessness.

"You have to be careful there, be good."

Putting sorrow and disappointment in the bottom of his heart, Kate began to help Yang Yi organize his clothes. After carefully taking care of the neckline, Kate fell on Yang Yi’s chest and whispered: "Don’t worry about me, I have nothing here. Dangerous, but you must be careful. I know that a sentence is called a play, I will not blame you and will not be sad, you must play every play, don't worry me."

"Well~lightnovelpub.net~ I will."

The beloved person squats in front of other women to play every scene. Maybe this is the dialogue between Yang Yi and Kate.

The play is awkward, and the consequences are really more serious than death.

Some sad, but Yang Yi is very serious: "I will play every scene seriously, I promise."

Kate smiled with tears and said: "I know that you are the best, I know you can, well, we let everyone wait too long, now let's go out."

Yang Yi hugged Kate and whispered: "When we have completed our original dream, no matter what it will be, we will quit, then we will get married, have been to no one to bother us, okay?"

Kate nodded hard and smiled. "Okay, that's it."

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