A War Between Spies

Chapter 1139: Conscience will hurt

Yang Yi occasionally feels that his conscience is stung.

Although it is just a moment, his conscience is indeed stinging.

The dinner was on schedule, and the guests began to enter Oscar Bell's home. Petra became more and more excited, and she became more and more nervous.

Excited about Yang Yi is about to become her new boyfriend, and is a fair-sounding boyfriend, the tension is that girls are still somewhat shy.

Oscambell did not introduce Yang Yi in front of every guest, but Yang Yi and Petra always showed very close, even if more and more people, they will hand in hand to say some whispers, still from time to time I kissed them, so the relationship between the two of them can be seen as long as they are not blind.

Finally, Oscar Bell looked at Yang Yi and hired him. Then, when Yang Yi planned to go by himself, Petra took his hand and walked over.

"This is Mr. Greg, he is Yang Yi, hey, you have seen it, he is Petra's boyfriend."

When Oscambell introduced Yang Yi with the introduction of the younger generation, he proved that he had recognized Yang Yi’s identity as a boyfriend of Petra. Of course, with the last sentence, it is very recognized that Yang Yi can already regard him as Petra's fiance.

When Greg reached out to Yang Yi, Yang Yi shook up, and then he smiled and said: "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Greg."

Greg looked up at Yang Yidao: "I am also very happy to meet you, Petra is a good girl, she is growing up, I can get her heart is your luck, at the same time I I am also happy to be happy with you and Petra, you are a lucky, young man."

"Yes, I am really lucky."

Yang Yi hugged Petra at the right time, and Greg laughed, then he and Oscambell walked into the living room.

No more important people will come in the future, because Oscar Bell has already entered, which means that Greg is the highest and last guest.

"Who is that Greg?"

"He, do you know him? He is the president of Chase Bank."

Yang Yi was shocked, because compared with Oscambell, Greg is the real giant crocodile on Wall Street, the biggest giant crocodile, and the lame can make the whole Wall Street tremble.

No wonder Petra will be surprised, because for a person who is determined to enter Wall Street, it is really unbelievable to know Greg.

Now, I can finally explain to Aaron.

"Sorry, I am going to the bathroom."

After talking to Petra, Yang Yi went to the bathroom, and then he took out the phone and was called by Aaron.

"Oh, I have all done things."


"I am in my girlfriend's house. Her father has hosted a dinner party and invited many celebrities. I am attending as Petra's boyfriend. In addition, the president of Chase Bank is here, and her father introduced me. Greg, um, I also got the blessing from Greg."

Aaron took a deep breath, and then he said in a disappointing joy: "Yes, you are perfect, very good, really good."

"Is there anything else? If I don't have one, I have to go back to the reception."

"Nothing, concentrate on enjoying your dinner, man, you enter the upper class, congratulations, haha."

Aaron’s sentence haha ​​did not know whether he was congratulating Yang Yi, or satirizing Yang Yi, let Yang Yi feel it, it should be ironic meaning more.

But manage him so much.

Yang Yi returned to the reception, and then he quickly felt that the atmosphere seemed a little dignified.

Petra pulled Yang Yi aside, then she was a little nervous and looked a little angry: "You... dear, you won't..."

Yang Yi raised an eyebrow and said: "What's wrong? Is there anything?"

Petra groaned for a moment, then she pulled Yang Yidao: "You come with me."

In the corner of a no-man, Petra took out his mobile phone and whispered: "Our things have spread on the Internet. Well, I hope that you will not be angry because of some remarks."

Yang Yi took a look at it and found that in the financial sector, he and Petra confirmed the news of the relationship of love has made headlines.

I don't understand, even if Petra is the daughter of Oscar Bell, it is not a matter of talking about love.

"Someone must have secretly told our media about our affairs. It is too much among these guests. At least the media should be notified after leaving, and those who say it are too irresponsible. They... ”

Petra looked at Yang Yi with some worries, and then she whispered: "You don't want to listen to the reporter's nonsense."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Oh, is it so fast, I have to look at it, rest assured, I will not be so easily angry."

The reason why the news is not because Yang Yi and Petra fall in love, but the breakdown of the marriage contract between Petra and Carlson is the big event that the media really cares about.

Because Petra and Carlson’s dissolution of the contract means that the Medelaon Group has lost a very important capital injection, this is important.

There are many speculations about Yang Yi’s identity in the website news, but most of them think that Yang Yi is a soft meal. This is what the word reveals between the lines. Some people have already sent a vicious attack on the identity of Yang Yihua’s identity. Of course, this kind of low-level mistake of racism will not be committed, but the people following the post are not so polite.

Yang Yi saw that it was just a smile, only the arrogant keyboard man in the world, where their barking can change, the answer can not change anything.

Petra knows what will happen tonight's debut. She insisted that her father hold this dinner and insisted on publicizing the relationship with Yang Yi. I knew that these things would happen.

The announcement of a relationship with love is small, and the blow to the Medellon family is big.

Needless to say, after the opening of the stock market the next day, the shares of the Medelalong Group will definitely fall.

Petra really is for Yang Yi, these things should not have been announced so high-profile, but she insisted on doing so.

This woman is really deeply in love with her ~lightnovelpub.net~ After realizing this, Yang Yi’s conscience was deeply stabbed again.

It hurts very much.

After taking a look at the news, Yang Yi returned the phone to Petra, then he hugged Petra and whispered: "I'm sorry, thank you."

"Why are you sorry, these are what I should do."

"I let you withstand the pressure that you shouldn't have."

After Yang Yi explained it, whispered: "Medron's financial situation is very bad."

Petra hesitated, but she still said: "Yes, it is very bad, my father intended to invest in shares, but now, there is no..."

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