A War Between Spies

Chapter 115: Beast

Half a year, when the wind blew, where Yang Yi went, the prisoners stared at him without warning, or simply a group of people left their legs.

Yang Yi thinks that he is about to cause public outrage.

Now Yang Yi has followed twelve younger brothers.

Yang Yi walked around with no purpose, and wanted to find a person who could bully and practice, but those big gangs didn't want to provoke them for a while, and those gangs with a small number of people saw him simply hiding.

Unless you see a person going up, Yang Yi is really not good enough to find a suitable training object.

After Owen received the money, it was really in place. No matter how Yang Yi picked up the incident, the prison guard never took him away for education. At most, Yang Yi injured the person and then grabbed his two younger brothers to clean up, but also Not too much.

Therefore, now everyone in the prison knows that Yang Yi and the prison guard have some kind of secret transaction. He is not good at others, and others can't do it.

Then these prisoners will of course hide from him.

After strolling around, Yang Yi found Zhang Yong helplessly, sat in front of him, then waved his hand and let his younger brothers leave.

"Not playing?"

"You can't find the right person. The little gangs have all played it again. Some of them have been played twice. I don't think it makes sense to practice this again."

Zhang Yong nodded and said: "Well, it really doesn't make much sense. You have to find a master to play. I am talking about a master in the general sense."

Yang Yi sat across from Zhang Yong and said, "Is there a master in this prison?"

Zhang Yong thought for a moment and nodded. "Yes, there must be a master in this prison. There are black and white South Americans. You can see from what angle you are, but they are all in the gang. As for the true masters. I still know two, but you haven't seen it because they are all in a single cell, and they can't let the wind out, can't let the wind out here."

Yang Yi was excited and said: "Where are they?"

Zhang Yong looked at Yang Yi and said: "You have been coming for almost a year. I don't know if this Tsuen Wan prison is the most dangerous prisoner in the United States?"

Yang Yi took a moment, then he pointed to the inmates who got together: "Isn't that just?"

Zhang Yong smiled, and then he looked at his face: "There is no need to bring with you, what a dangerous prisoner, they are just gangsters who are not born murderers, I tell you, really powerful people you I can't see it, because they are all in another prison, single cell, handcuffs and ankles can't be picked off. Only one day a week can release the wind. In other times, even eating in the cell must be in their cell, and the confinement is also closed. Almost, no, it’s worse than the confinement."

Yang Yi was excited. He whispered: "There are some people inside, do you know?"

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief, then he leaned back on the back of the chair and looked at the sky with his eyes: "I know one, the beast Wayne, he is in this prison. If you can see him, you know why. Called the beast."

Yang Yi whispered: "It's amazing?"

"Put him out, all the prisoners here must be his prey. He is the only person I have in this prison who is not sure to overcome. The beast, if not for him to be here, I don't want to go to the prison to hide." ”

"You know him, right?"

Zhang Yong just smiled and said: "Know."

"I will know when you look at you, you must be a prison for him!"

Yang Yi said very positively. Zhang Yong smiled and nodded. "Yes, I went to jail to kill him, but I don't know that he was locked in a single cell where the super bad guys qualify." After I knew where he was being locked in, I thought it might be better to shut him than to kill him."

Yang Yi whispered: "Why? I mean what is the relationship between you, why are you killing him?"

Zhang Yong twisted his neck and he smiled. "This is a story about betrayal."

"Can you talk about it?"

Zhang Yong’s look suddenly seemed to have some pain. His hand on the back of the chair unconsciously slammed, and then he whispered: “I am not a lone ranger, I have not been single-handedly, I also have a bunch of brothers. But they are all dead, so this is a tragedy about betrayal, a tragedy for me."

After the lightness of the expression, Zhang Yong smiled and said: "Don't ask some things, I never ask your secret, and you better not inquire about the secrets of others."

Zhang Yong picked up the playing cards at hand and smiled and said: "Come, let your younger brothers come over to play cards. You can take a license and you are not allowed to enter."

Yang Yi did not call his younger brother. He just looked at Zhang Yong and said with a look of hesitation: "I understand, you are not coming to the prison to hide, you... just to kill the beast Wayne!"

Zhang Yong helplessly said: "Don't you tell me? I don't want him to die now, I want him to be locked in a small cell with a donkey, which is more uncomfortable than killing him, so I don't want to kill. He."

Yang Yi shook her head and whispered: "I understand what you mean, but you don't want to hide, you are watching the beast, you are here to guard the beast Wayne, make sure he is still in that single cell. Even if he is locked here, this is already a prisoner’s prison area for normal people. You also feel that you are tolerant of the beast, so you don’t kill him, but you are not willing to leave, you are here. Keep him and watch him in the place closest to him!"

Zhang Yong sighed ~lightnovelpub.net~ helplessly looked at Yang Yidao: "If you look at it, you can't understand it. Anyway, I am free here, and you are also learning things, then you can feel at ease." Isn’t it good to do your own thing? It’s good to know too much.”

Yang Yi is sincere and sincere: "Brave brother, I know that you think that it is a better punishment to shut the beast Wayne, but do you need to abandon freedom in order to punish him? You should kill him and go out."

Zhang Yong’s face sank, and then he whispered: “This is my business, it doesn’t matter to you, don’t talk about it now, let’s play cards.”

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Brave brother, it is not worth it. Isn't the beast Wayne going to be shut down for a lifetime, have you been guarding him here, not worth it, you should kill him and make a complete break!"

Zhang Yong sighed and said: "You don't understand, you don't understand. It doesn't make much difference to me to live or die. No matter where you are in hell, all I have to do is to ensure that the beast is warm. The place is worse than me, and it is more painful than me. This is the most important thing for me."

After that, Zhang Yong sighed and smiled. "Come, let's play."