A War Between Spies

Chapter 1166: old lady

When Xiao Feng followed Yang Yi out of the hotel, his face was still a little nervous.

It’s not that Yang Yi said that nothing is fine. It’s really reassuring. I have to let Xiaofeng see that it’s okay, but now, Yang Yi hasn’t proved himself.

"Be careful, the Russian gang hasn't found where we are hiding, but they must know that we are hiding in Chinatown. Now I am worried that they have blocked the road in Chinatown, so we have to be careful."

Yang Yi is curious: "Does Russia have such a big force? Do you dare to open the road with a bright future? Whoever gives them the courage, the British can't turn them over."

Xiaofeng’s face is not awkward: “Russia is looking for people in North Africa. The police saw that they were three shorts. Of course, they didn’t dare to seal the road like the police, but these people must have arranged their hands to stare. our."

"I want to know if they can distinguish the faces of the yellow people?"

Xiaofeng hesitated a moment and said: "This is a bit difficult for them, but it is still possible to hold a photo."

The two talked a few words, Xiao Feng's look suddenly suddenly stiff, eagerly said: "Russian, two people wearing black clothes over there."

Yang Yi looked at the two middle-aged people wearing Adi jerseys smoking on the side of the road, but their eyes were swept away and stopped at all.

Yang Yi took a breath and said: "No, this is like a Russian mafia. It is like a street gangster."

"It was originally a small role in the beaten horse. You thought that they all wore black suits. Russia has a mysterious love for Adi. In Russia, it is still in Britain."

Xiaofeng frowned and said: "I didn't see a policeman. They should all be Russian helpers. They have to start to die. We have to find a way, can't..."

Yang Yi raised his hand, then he pointed to the two Russians, but he just pointed it out and immediately received it, and did not let the two Russians see his movements.


Xiao Feng’s voice just fell, but he saw two people suddenly coming out of the crowd nearby.

These two people, one is Zhang Yong, his face is the best camouflage in Chinatown.

The other person is Paul.

Zhang Yong and Paul almost reached the two Russians at the same time, and then the two Russians also noticed that they were wrong, and they all threw away the cigarette butts in their hands.

A Russian man shouted at Zhang Yong with a vigilant face, but Zhang Yong just turned his head and looked at him, and then he continued to move forward with a calm look.

Zhang Yong and Paul were opposite each other. The two of them sandwiched the Russians in the middle, and when they crossed, they happened to be side by side with the two Russians.

Zhang Yong walked over, and the Russians around him had fallen to the ground, but his hands were still moving.

The Russian who Paul passed by was also on the ground, but he twisted his neck and twisted it on the ground.

It just twisted for a few seconds, and the Russian finally did not move.

Silent, calm, like nothing has happened.

Xiaofeng was a little worried. He touched his head and then looked at Yang Yidao with a puzzled face: "What happened?"

Yang Yi shrugged and said: "The Russians are dead, then we are also dead, is it fair?"

"Oh, um, fair!"

Xiaofeng hesitated for a while, then he pointed to Yang Yidao: "I asked them how they did it? Didn't see the blood."

Yang Yi said: "One is the cervical spine that has been twisted, and the other one... I don't know the truth. Whoever hasn't got the best job, you said yes."

Xiaofeng frowned. "Although you said it is very simple, although this situation looks very good, I always feel that something is wrong."

"Where is it wrong?"

"Too... is it easy?"

“It’s not easy, is it easy? It’s all shots.”

Xiaofeng still frowned. He followed Yang Yi and went on two steps. Then Yang Yi Shi went to a car and naturally opened the door and entered the car.

"What car are you preparing?"

"No, I am coming by taxi."

"What about this car?"

"Oh, I stole it. Didn't you see me unlocking it?"

Xiao Feng took a breath of cold air and said: "I was still in the hospital when you left, but I don't know if you have this skill, um, it's very powerful."

"Fortunately, it is mainly because the captain is looking for a good school. What kind of talents are there, except that the speech is not good, the food is too bad. Just go in and be careful that the chrysanthemum does not protect... Well, the other is really good. I am the one to learn where to go."

When the voice just fell, Yang Yi started the car, and then he said with a relaxed face: "Fortunately, I just thought I would lose face."

Xiao Feng’s black line on his face: “Don’t show off, now I’m beginning to believe that you can fix it.”

Yang Yi opened the car. At this time, Xiao Feng looked a little tight again. "Russian! A lot! It must be with a gun. Be careful. The Russians are very black. They dare to shoot on the streets. They There are definitely people who are watching here, there will be more people coming..."

Xiaofeng said nothing and said nothing, because the three cars that had come out of the momentum suddenly stopped, and then they did not wait for the people in the car to come down. Two people walked out from both sides of the road and took a look at the clothes. A pistol with a silencer fired into the car.

The effect of the silencer is far less exaggerated than in the movie. The sound of the silencer is still very big, but it sounds a lot smaller, at least not the pedestrians on the street will immediately disappear.

After the gun was fired, the two men put the gun in their arms and continued to move forward without any problems, leaving only the three cars with blood on them to stop.

Yang Yi drove around the car from the road, and Xiaofeng took a breath and said, "Is it still arranged?"

"Well, it’s not me, I just called and told them the place. Other things are arranged by others. These people should be one...the old lady arranged it, like her style."

"Old lady? So? Is it killing people on the street? Is it too arrogant?"

"Well~lightnovelpub.net~Russian old lady is on this style. If it is more embarrassing, the Russian mafia can’t compare with her. I just called her before I arrived. She thinks she can do this, then that’s it. Did it."

"What old lady is so embarrassed? What?"

"Now is my person, it turned out to be a KGB."

Xiaofeng nodded his face and said: "Oh, no wonder, um, no wonder! KGB, that's quite awkward."

Yang Yi opened the car and looked at the right and said: "No one else? Russia can't help, just a few people?"

Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The Russian gang will certainly not be just a few people, hehe, but he is not sure, maybe it is just a whistle."

. . . m.

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