A War Between Spies

Chapter 1172: no plan

When Kate came along with a few people from the Magic Box, Yang Yi did not hesitate and went up to hug Kate tightly.

Before I had to worry about Xiao Yu’s feelings, when Yang Xiao was there, Yang Yi did not dare to be too close to Kate, but now, Yang Yi feels that since the relationship is certain, it’s really boring to hide it. .

When Yang Yi and Kate hugged together, Xiao Yu and Bonnie Qiqi, who were behind, gave a cold and disdainful expression.

Xiao Yu and Bonnie couldn't help but look at each other, and then the two of them turned their heads together and looked at one side, and gave a cold voice in their hearts.

The feeling that the whole world is a rival is really unpleasant.

"do you miss me?"

"miss you."

"I miss you too, miss you very much..."

If Yang Yi and Kate are no one, Zhang Yong can't help but send two light coughs, then Brian.

Yang Yi let go of Kate, but he still took Kate's hand and smiled at everyone: "Our goal today is Basanov, the night knight's people have already set off, when the Russian helpers are attracted to them, We must start to grab Bassanov and keep the whole silence. If you don't encounter a particularly dangerous situation, it is strictly forbidden to shoot. Let's pay attention."

The water organization is finally going to get together to do a big thing, um, still missing Anton.

But the water organization's action team can finally come to the field tough, and at least the Magic Box team finally has a chance to shoot.

Once the strongest force of the CIA, the first shot under the water organization, it is really exciting to think about it.

Brian looked at the old parts of the Magic Box. He said faintly: "We didn't do anything in Italy, just traveled around. This time it's different. We need to get the highest level. This is us. If you are good at it, you don't have to say anything extra. Now let's act."

Yang Yi and Zhang Yong walked together. This time they played against the Russian gang. Their two skin colors could not provide cover, because the Russian gang is fighting the night knight.

Brian and his Magic Box troops drove two cars in front, and Yang Yi and six of them drove two cars behind.

Yang Yi is of course a car with Kate.

Now Yang Yi feels sorry for Kate, full of apologies, so that he does not know what to say.

Driving in one hand, holding Kate's hand in one hand, just followed Brian's car behind them.

Far away, Brian stopped the car and Brian was the first to get off the car.

Now Brian, it’s really a good mood.

I glanced at the car behind, because Brian knew that Anna was in the car behind him. He shook his hand very loudly and said loudly: "Let's go."

Brian and Paul walked side by side, Black Jack, the stone statue, and Jackson behind Brian, and the five people went straight to Norfolk Palace.

"Head, we haven't entered the internal investigation of the terrain yet. Should we investigate it first?"

Brian looked at Paul and whispered: "I have called Anna. Do you want me to tell her to wait for us for another two hours? I need to be advanced to investigate and then decide how to do it?"

Paul has a hard face and whispers: "Hey, I understand your mood, but the preparations for this work cannot be omitted. The more you want to show up in front of Anna, the less problem you can have."

Brian shrugged and said: "I know what to do. The problem is that our opponent is a Russian gang, a gang! And we? We are a magic box!"

Paul nodded heartily: "Yes, our opponent is a Russian gang, just a gangster, then what do you want to do?"

Brian looked confidently: "How do you do this? Just go in and take him out and there is no special plan. If you need to be careful with a gangster, then we are too bad."

Paul turned and said to his back: "Man, what do you think?"

"Go in, catch people, leave."

The answer to the stone statue was as simple as ever. Black Jack shrugged and said: "He is right."

Since there is no plan at all, there is no plan for it.

Five people came to the door of Norfolks Palace, the night was already open, Brian stood at the door and looked at it. Then he shook his head. "I don't like the night scene, but I can go directly to Bashanov from the night. The residence, this should be no mistake."

Paul said: "Yes, from the confession we got, this news will not be wrong."

"Let's go in."

Brian first entered the door, and the noisy music made him feel uncomfortable. The nightclub was not the place he should be.

Looking at the writhing men and women, Brian took a deep breath and said: "Look for the door and go up and find Basanov."

The stone statue raised his finger and said: "I have seen it."

The music is very loud, the lighting is very dim, and the Norfolk Palace nightclub is not very hot, but there are still quite a lot of people, at least 200 people are dancing.

In the dim light, you can see a closed iron gate, no one guards in front of the door, it looks like it is easy to get in.

Jackson looked around, and then he said to Brian: "The number of security guards here is normal, but the number of members of the Russian gang is much less."

"The people of the Dark Knights have attracted them away. If you don't succeed, it will be too shameful. Let's end it as soon as possible."

Jackson nodded. He approached the iron door alone, pushed his hand and pushed it on the handle, and opened the door easily.

Jackson flashed in, and he quickly opened the door again, and they rushed to Brian.

Four people saw that no one noticed them and quickly entered the iron gate.

"Fuck, it's like a trap."

Paul whispered, and Brian shook his head. "No~lightnovelpub.net~ If it's a trap, it shouldn't be so easy. Please, please, we are facing a gang, not a certain Embassy or key units of a country."

After a relaxed face, Brian took the opportunity and said: "Go up, is the third floor right?"

Brian stepped up the stairs and didn't even cover his footsteps.

There was an iron gate on the third floor, and Brian reached out and pushed the iron door. Then he saw two chairs by the door, and two brawny men in suits sat on the chair.

Suddenly looked at Brian, and a few people who followed Brian out of the iron gate, a strong man with a strong accent in English: "Who are you, have not seen you."

Brian smiled with a pure Oxford smile: "Of course it is a customer, five."

. . . m.

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