A War Between Spies

Chapter 1187: Sing

Yang Yi and Kate walked out of the door of the beautiful restaurant. When he walked to his car, Paul greeted him.

"Russia has been monitoring the things over there. The girls who have been imprisoned have been rescued. It seems that they should be properly arranged. More girls have been scattered throughout Europe, with our own capabilities. It’s too difficult to save the words. Anna’s point is to push this into a hot spot and create public opinion pressure. If it can promote joint action between countries, it is the best choice.”

Yang Yi nodded: "Yes, we can't save ourselves, but since we have encountered this, we have to manage the candy. Has the candy been taken over?"

"It takes action before you make a decision, but the candy is really ready."

"Very good, give her a budget of 10 million dollars, not enough to add, to make this thing a hot spot."

"Understood, the second thing, the situation in North Africa is a bit simpler. We basically know the composition of the members of the entire North African gang from Shahed's mouth."

"how many people?"

"A total of twenty-two core molecules, we all agree that these people are sinful and wicked, and it is necessary to erase them."

"so much?"

"Yes, the good news is that most of these people are in London, but a few are in North Africa."

Yang Yi sank for a moment, and finally whispered: "This kind of thing is troublesome and has no good effect, but since we have met it, then let’s take it to the end. These people are handed over to you. I mean to give it to the devil. Box, don't give you time limits, remove them one by one."



"Very well, I am very happy to do this kind of public welfare, so that the world can reduce some evils. Oh, there is a problem. North Africa has collusion with two British officials, and one of the main customers of North Africa is one. Jazz."

The people who deal with North Africa help are not rich, and this Yang Yi has long known.

So what do these people have to deal with?

Yes, Yang Yijue is in need.

Because he can't understand.

"No matter what official or jazz, I want to get rid of it, but these people should pay attention to the means."

"Understood, we will pay attention to the accident."

Yang Yi thought about it and nodded. "There is nothing else, and it is beautiful. The person who punishes should not let go. We have time, come slowly, don't worry."

Paul smiled, then he extended **** to Yang Yijing for a very casual military ceremony, a happy face: "I like to be the spokesperson of God to punish sin, thank you."

Paul turned and left, Yang Yi took the car key and slammed it to open the door.

After Kate got on the bus, she smiled at Yang Yi: "What are we going to do?"

Yang Yi looked at Kate and smiled and said: "We can do anything. It is most important to be happy today."

Kate thought for a moment and said: "These two days have been very...press, the world I saw was too dark, I want to relax."

"Okay, then what are we going to do?"

"You decide."

Yang Yi was afraid of making such a decision. She thought about it for a long time. He tried to say: "Let's go to the nightclub? How about dancing, there are no rules."

"Don't go because I know you don't like the night scene."

"Hey, we can go and sing!"

Yang Yi laughed, then he nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, we can go to sing, there is KTV in Chinatown, have you been there? We can go to sing, we both, we want to sing anything." ""

Kate’s face showed a confident smile, then she nodded: “Well, let’s sing.”

When everyone in the water organization was busy doing things, Yang Yi and Kate ran to sing.

London's KTV conditions are not as good as domestic ones, but Yang Yi needs the mood, and the hardware conditions are not very concerned.

"What song do you like?"

"I like what you like, start with what you like."

Kate asked, Yang Yi answered, then Yang Yi asked Kate, and after thinking for a moment, Kate finally smiled: "I want to listen to you first."


"Because I have never heard you sing."

Yang Yi thought about it and finally nodded: "Well, I will sing first."

Yang Yi chose an English song to sing first. It is a song he is familiar with, and a friend of James Blunt is 'rebeautiful.

When Yang Yi’s voice rang, Kate was stunned, and then she grew up with amazement and finally covered her mouth.

It is not true that Yang Yi’s singing and original singing are quite different, but Yang Yi’s voice is really good, especially when he sings to Kate and you are really beautiful.

When Yang Yi sang a song, Kate finally surprised: "You sing so well?"

Yang Yi nodded, then he smiled and said: "When I was in college, I sang this song with a guitar at a New Year's party performance, and I never sang again."

"Why? Why don't you sing?"

Yang Yi took a long breath and said: "Because there are too many girls chasing me, it makes me very troubled because I still have too many things to do."

"whats the matter?"

"Learning, playing games."

Kate was silent for a moment, then she smiled and said, "Okay, you are right."

Kate took the microphone from Yang Yi's hand, and then she smiled: "I want you to sing because I am worried that you lost the courage to sing after I sang."


"Because I sang very well."

Kate is not a joke, she is serious, and after she sings a song, Yang Yi raises her hand and smiles: "It's really good. If you study professionally, you can be a singer. Why didn't you try to become What about singers?"

"Because I have more important things to do."

"what's up?"

"Be a spy, and wait for your appearance."

Yang Yi laughed, then he hugged Kate and said: "The right decision, then what do we sing next? Hey, I want to sing a Russian song."


"The sacred war, hey, is it out of place? I just have some feelings."

"I want to sing anything, I will sing with you."

The two sang a sacred war in KTV~lightnovelpub.net~ After waiting for the end of the song, Yang Yi ordered a Spanish song.

The next Yang Yi ordered a German song, a chariot rock band.

When the two sang six songs in six languages, in the gap between waiting, finally a waiter couldn’t help but knock on the door and push the door, then she said with a look: "Sorry to bother, I am coming. Send fruit plate."

"We have no point."

Looking at the surprised Yang Yi, the waiter was a little shy: "Oh, this is a free gift."

Deeply looked at Yang Yi, the waiter went out, and then Yang Yi sighed helplessly, facing Kate: "As before, it is difficult to sing without being disturbed, I am very distressed, um, really Very distressed."

. vertex

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