A War Between Spies

Chapter 121: key

It is not so easy or too fast to get a new person to join, because there is only a chance to get in touch with other prisoners during the release time.

However, Yang Yi thought about many possibilities, but never thought that this would be the case.

When he returned to the cell and was routinely exercising every day, he saw the prison guard appearing outside his cell. Then, a pair of feet with a slap in the foot came to his cell and stopped. Come down.

Resting on the wall with both feet, hands on the ground, Yang Yi, standing upside down, turned to the prison guard.

Knocked on the iron fence, the prison guard yelled at Yang Yi, and then loudly said: "You come to a new roommate, bad guy."

Yes, Yang Yi is now nicknamed in prison, and his nickname is a bad guy.

The bad guy who got the nickname, of course, was because Yang Yi was looking for something to fight with others all day. Although he did not fight now, the other nicknames that his prisoner called him stayed and affected the prison guards.

But no other prisoner dared to call Yang Yi a bad guy, and the prison guards are certainly not here.

Yang Yi is looking at the new prisoner.

The white man, in his thirties, is about one meter and eight meters. He has a little hunchback and a pair of glasses. He looks a little handsome at first glance, but when he looks closely, he feels that this person’s face is a bit unclear. His handsome.

The prison guard opened the prison door and then grabbed the prisoner's hand and opened the handcuffs.

"Go in."

Pushing the prisoner into the cell, the prison guard yelled at Yang Yi: "Bad, look at him. If he tries to open his ankle, then you will scream at him and inform us by the way."

After that, the prison guard closed the iron gate and then went away.

What is this operation?

Yang Yi was still immersed in surprise. Owen transferred his roommate and arranged for a jailbreak thief to live with him. What does this mean?

Looking at Yang Yi’s expression, the prisoner looked at him and confirmed that the prison guard had left. He then sighed long and then turned to Yang Yidao: “Hey, man, hey, say you!”

Yang Yi suddenly returned to God, then he looked at the prisoner: "Well?"

The prisoner looked at the cell and said to himself: "It's not bad, it's much better than the Los Angeles prison. How long have you been here?"

"A year and a half."

"Do you know who I am?"

"do not know."

"You can call me the key, my name is the key, good guy, tell me, who is the most powerful boss here, tell me, I will not treat you badly."

The key looked at the bed. Since Zhang Yong slept in the upper bunk, Yang Yi had been sleeping in the lower bunk. Even though he did not change with Gewell and Hammer, he looked at the cover on the lower bunk. The key slammed at Yang Yi and said, "Hey, buddy, help me, move your things up, I slept in the bottom bunk."

Yang Yi looked at the new prisoner with some worries. He felt that the newcomer had apparently not figured out the situation.

"Don't lie, hurry up, I am already tired."

Yang Yi sighed softly, then he sighed: "What is the name, what crimes have been committed, how long is the sentence?"


Turning to look at Yang Yi, the person who claimed to be the key seemed a bit unpleasant, but after seeing Yang Yi piled up in the corner of the wall, he immediately said: "What is that?"

"Smoke, candy, and instant noodles."

The younger brother’s confession and the things he grabbed from other prisoners have piled up, and there is no place in the cell, so Yang Yi piled up in the corner and covered a piece of cloth on it, but it still looks great. A bunch.

Looked at the pile of things, then look at Yang Yi, and then look at the pile of things, the key suddenly changed his face, and then he immediately said very well: "My name is Hank, I committed theft, was I was sentenced to eight years in jail, and then I escaped from prison and added another four years. Now it is a 12-year sentence."

Yang Yi nodded, and then he was curious: "What have you stolen, where you stole, why is it so heavy?"

"Hey, this is a long story. I like to steal some art. I also have a strong interest in jewelry. But I am in prison because, um, I was sneaked into a mansion in Los Angeles and was caught by the police while stealing something. They told me to endanger national security. Fortunately, my lawyer gave me strength. In the end, I only sentenced to eight years. In fact, they wanted to sentence me to life imprisonment."

Yang Yi feels that it is not quite right, because it is only less than eight years in the case of burglary. If there is a wounded plot, it will not be as light as eight years. As for life imprisonment, for a prisoner who is simply a theft. It is too heavy to say.

"Why is this so clear?"

"Hey, I found something interesting when I stole something in a mansion, and then I spread it out on the Internet. I told you that the content of those videos is wonderful! But I didn't expect it to be a The senator's home, and the protagonist in the video is the senator, so I was stared, someone set me a set, led me to a house, and the police were outside, then they said I stole a national secret document and wanted to give me a life sentence."

Hank looked like a face. He turned his hand and smiled. "But I didn't touch the safe. I didn't feel right, so I didn't touch it. The cameras they placed didn't capture the most critical evidence, so I was only sentenced to eight years. It was a revenge, and I should have died, or at least life imprisonment, but I was only sentenced to eight years."

Yang Yi stretched out his index finger and shook it a few times. Then he whispered: "It is twelve years, you have been added for four years."

"Oh, that's just a side effect of jailbreaking, but I'm still successful, but it's not very good luck."

Yang Yi grabbed the towel and rubbed the sweat on his face. Then he pointed to the wall and said: "Where to go ~lightnovelpub.net~ Hold your ears with both hands, I don't want to let go. ”

Hank threw his own cover onto the upper bunk, and immediately slammed down to the corner of Yang Yi's designated corner.

Yang Yi looked at Hank and said indifferently: "The heel is on the ground, not against the wall."

Hank immediately became painful because he couldn’t kneel down like an Asian, and he was very painful to follow him.

Why did Hank meet before and after, why did he want to bully Yang Yi with the old-fashioned faction, and then quickly changed his attitude, just because Yang Yi was in the corner of the pile of things.

In prison, the boss who is not a hegemonic party may have so many hard currency in the prison, so Yang Yi has a lot of good things, then he must not be a prisoner who can be bullied, but on the contrary, he can bully any A newcomer.

Yang Yi does not like to bully people, but let a newcomer open his eyes and know who is the boss is still necessary.

After Hank squatted in the corner for half an hour, Yang Yi finally said: "You said that you call the key, then you are very good at unlocking?"