A War Between Spies

Chapter 1210: Shocking treasure

Yang Yi is gambling.

Now he is betting on winning.

Of course, it is not pure gambling, but Yang Yi has made a basic judgment on Aaron’s mentality.

First of all, Yang Yi's value is very great. Whether he is a person who wants to betray a cleaner or a cleaner who is picked up by Aaron, his value is extremely high.

Then, Bonnie’s value is also high, and Aaron said that he is completely uninterested in Bonnie, which is unlikely.

Therefore, Yang Yi dared to gamble, gambling, and gambling Aaron was testing his character.

Sometimes, character defects are not bad things.

For example, a spy should be unaffected by feelings. When faced with multiple choices, choose a method that is most beneficial to the task. As for personal emotions, it should be suppressed and abandoned.

But then the problem is coming again. People have feelings, some people are selfish, and everything is based on their own interests. In order to survive, you can kill anyone. This is the choice of most people.

A robot without any feelings is more suitable as a spy, or is a person who is emotionally rich and will be misled by emotions to make a wrong choice suitable as a spy?

In theory, robots are more suitable, but throughout the history of the world, the legendary spies are all people with extremely strong beliefs and extremely passionate feelings. For the motherland, they can give everything.

A guy who can protect his woman without hesitation in order to protect himself, when there is a test, how likely is it to pay for the organization?

Yang Yi has this basic judgment, so he feels that Aaron does not want to really kill Bonnie or himself.

However, Yang Yi took a gun and fired on himself. He didn't know if there was a bullet in the gun. He didn't know if the gun could start, but he could only shoot at himself.

Sometimes you have to bet, you are gambling, the rest of the road is good, the gambling is wrong, you have to take your own life.

why? Because not only is Yang Yi aware of the importance of character to a spy, Aaron certainly knows it, and Aaron certainly knows that Yang Yi will think that this is his test.

Then, if Yang Yi does not gamble, how can Aaron believe that he really would rather die than to start Bonnie?

If Aaron really wants Yang Yi to kill Bonnie himself, I have to know that this possibility is still very big, it is really big.

So Yang Yi gambled, he made a bet with his own life, and then gambled to win.

But the gambling won, passed the test is over?

Of course, it is impossible to end. This is just a test of personality. Only then, if Yang Yi is so simple, he can completely win the trust of Aaron, then why should the cleaners pay such a big price.

"Is this a test?"

Yang Yi is not very surprised. If she is particularly surprised, she is insulting Aaron’s IQ.

Yang Yi is only very calm: "Is this meaning? I said it will show you sincerity, so you do it, I feel very uncomfortable."

Aaron also smiled and said: "It's just a test of personality. I don't like people who are particularly unbelievable. I can't trust such people. Now your personality test passed, but your sincerity is where I haven't seen it yet. ""

Yang Yi looked at Bonnie and said, "What does she do?"

Aaron thought for a long time, then he finally said: "We can not kill her."

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "Impossible, she is my person, no, she is my woman, she is still my person, no matter what identity she is in the cleaner, what is her status, done Nothing has anything to do with the future, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Aaron shook his head. "You know that this is impossible. The limit I can tolerate is to let her go after knowing what she knows."

Yang Yi raised his right hand and said impatiently: "I know that you want to bargain, forcing me to pay a higher price, but it makes no sense to do so because I don't want to get anything from you now, really, I don't even worry about you. I will kill me after the event, but now, the only thing I want to do is to let the cleaner pay the price, then my condition, the only condition that I can't change and the possibility of concession is Bonnie."

Yang Yi stared at Aaron, and Aaron looked at Yang Yi.

After thinking for a long time, Aaron finally nodded: "I agree, I have the right to make this decision, so you can rest assured that Bonnie will never be disturbed in the future!"

Aaron agreed, and then Yang Yi expressed sincerity.

All the conditions mentioned before, or all tests, must be done to what Yang Yi can do.

Yang Yi took a deep breath, then he slowly said: "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Fifty hours."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "Fifty hours, the time is a little too long, but the person responsible for the cleaning and cleaning of me will definitely wait for my news. Even if I have a chance to change, he will wait for me. Message."

Aaron nodded. "Can understand, you want to lead him out?"

"Yes, I will lead my contacts. He is responsible for communicating with S-level customers. The position is very high and the role is very important. Through him, you can even find the top of the cleaners!"

Aaron reached out and said, "Wait, have you seen the top of the cleaners?"

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "I have seen it, of course I have seen it twice."

"What identity?"

"Member of the Presbyterian Church, one of the heads of the United States, one of the two responsible persons in the United States."

Aaron’s face was immediately serious. He reached out and waved at Keaton, and then he pointed to Yang Yidao: “Your memory is very good, and his appearance is spelled out.”

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "No! It doesn't make sense. Every time he meets, he has made a disguise. Now listen to me, don't think about shooting from the top, you should do it... No, what we should do is immediately comprehensive. Attacking and cutting off the tentacles of cleaners in the US and Europe, I know a lot of things."

Aaron nodded: "You continue."

"I immediately contacted Irvine, my contact person. It has been a long time. I don't know if he will come out personally or send someone to test me first. If I just coma for five hours, then..."

Yang Yi seems to have some regrets~lightnovelpub.net~ Aaron is in turn comforting him: "No way, this is really no way, your situation is quite dangerous, if you can catch your contacts It is of course the best, if not, then we can at least gain something."

Yang Yi whispered: "Before I meet Elvin, you need to be fully attacked. How long will your preparation time be, because once I have seen Irvine, chances are that I have no chance to do it again! So yours Action must be fast, time must be short!"

Aaron seemed a little excited, and he was trying to suppress his excitement.

"How many clues can you provide?"

Yang Yi looked at Aaron, then he whispered: "Some are clues, some are cleaners divisions that I know the details. I want to say that you earned a lot, really, when I give you the information, You will know how big the treasure in my mind is!"

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