A War Between Spies

Chapter 1237: Dog blood

The black devil wants to use nuclear bombs in the United States. This kind of thing is of course impossible. It is impossible to think about it, because what it means to use a nuclear bomb means the reconstruction of the global order.

Reconstruction of order is a statement that seems to be taller. To put it bluntly, or to say popularly, once more than one nuclear bomb has exploded in the United States, even if it does not immediately start the Third World War, the war will definitely erupt. It will definitely break out.

The black devil is not a terrorist, they should not do such a crazy thing.

But what if Jalibin is the kind of person who is in charge of his flood after I die?

So, is Yayabine planning to use nuclear weapons? This question has to ask people who are most familiar with Yalebin, such as Anton, such as Anna Starkina, but since they can’t say the same, then only Can ask the ram.

Yang Yi waited for a while, watching Anton and Anna Starkina have nothing to say, so he can only worry: "Well, I want to ask the ram, I must contact him personally."

Anna Starkina whispered: "Wait a minute, even if the Black Devil is going to do something, what does it have to do with us?"

Yang Yi took a moment, then Anna Starkina continued to say faintly: "We only need to bring our eyes and ears. As for what the black devil is going to do, do you need to manage it?"

Yang Yi said: "What about the US and Russia?"

Anna Starkina shrugged: "What can I do, World War, Nuclear War, but this is what we are doing. If Aaron is worried about this situation, he will find a way to crack it if he wants to see this situation. No matter what we do, it’s useless, so simple, so why bother to manage it."

Yang Yi took a long time and finally said: "The Queen is still in the hospital in Washington. If Washington is attacked by a nuclear bomb, then what should I do?"

Anton whispered: "What can I do? I can only pray that the Dark Devil doesn't want to do too much, but I think if the United States really fights with Russia, what harms us to us?"

If the two great powers start the war, the intelligence dealers will cheer. If it is a world war, then both the intelligence dealers and the arms dealers can revel.

Of course, the only premise is that luck is better, don't hang up when the war begins.

Brian finally spoke again. He said with helpless face: "When the black devil wants to do something, don't guess it. What's the point? We can think of these Aarons too, so these problems still give him a headache. Now, the only thing we have to do is wait to see Yalebin’s end and see what his funeral will look like.”

Brian still has experience, Yang Yi waved weakly: "Okay, then we will concentrate on handling our tasks, so next..."

Thinking for a while, Yang Yi found nothing to do.

Since you only need to bring your eyes and ears, just look at it.

"The old demon, pay close attention to the movements of the black devil, if there is new progress, they should inform you of the right, so we will wait for the news."

Yang Yi stood up, then he whispered: "I have to take a break now."

Kate had never spoken, but when she saw Yang Yi stand up, she also stood up.

Yang Yi and Kate left alone. After there was no other person around, Kate finally whispered: "How is Xiao Xiao?"

It’s always coming, Yang Yi’s mood is very complicated.

"She is okay, her body is recovering well, that is... the mood is definitely bad. You know, she can't move now."

Kate sighed and Yang Yi stopped. Then Kate, who walked with him, stopped after Yang Yi and looked at Yang Yi quietly.

Yang Yi Ghost makes the difference between the gods, whispered: "I'm sorry."

Kate's face turned white, and she grabbed her mouth with her hand.

Yang Yi looked at Kate very strangely because he didn't know why Kate had such a big reaction.

Kate finally let go of her hand, then she whispered: "This is not fair!"

Yang Yi was a little worried, and he looked strangely: "What are you talking about?"

"It's not fair, I know Xiao Yu, I am also very sad, but if I was there, I will choose to block the shot for you!"

Kate’s voice has already brought a cry, and she trembles: “Now Xiao Yu, are you going to abandon me? Unfair, it’s not fair, I can do it...”

Yang Yi cried and laughed, then he grabbed Kate's hand and looked helplessly: "You think wrong, I don't mean that..."

"What do you mean by saying sorry?"

Yang Yi’s face was distressed: “Because, because I worried you, of course, because of Xiao Yu, because Bonnie, hey, I don’t know what to say, but I really didn’t want to break up with you.”

Kate watched Yang Yi for a while and said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it is serious. I admit, I have to admit it now, that is, I also like Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu is hurting me so that I can't bear it, but I won't choose to break up with you. I like her, right. She is jealous, but I won’t say that I don’t want you anymore. I can’t do anything like this.”

Yang Yi grabbed Kate's hands, and then he lost his face: "Xiao Yu is a very proud person. If I choose to be with her because of sympathy, then she will never accept it."

Kate thought for a moment, whispered: "Yes, she is indeed a very proud person, she will not accept anyone to give, especially the feelings of charity."

Yang Yi smiled and laughed ~lightnovelpub.net~ He pinched Kate's hands and whispered: "So, our feelings will not change, I think how to make up for Xiao Yu, not because of sympathy for her and I am sorry to leave you because of her embarrassment, just because I feel sorry for you, you are such a proud and self-reliant girl, but now you are always scared for me, which is really unfair to you. ""

Kate sighed. She hugged Yang Yi and whispered: "No way, who makes me love you."

Yang Yi thought about it and thought, and finally whispered in Kate's ear: "Xiao Yu may be cured, the promise of the gray man."

"what did you say!?"

Yang Yi hurryed: "Hey, you know it, don't tell anyone now."

Kate nodded again and again, her look was obviously a lot easier, said: "You are not lying to me?"

Yang Yi is waiting to explain, but listens to Anton whispering in the back: "There is news!"

Yang Yi turned back, and Anton walked quickly, then he whispered: "The news that has just been received, the ram is doing well, and Yalebin may be able to do so!"