A War Between Spies

Chapter 1243: wish you happiness

Yang Yi and Grevatov sat down face to face, and Anton and Talta continued to watch the funeral of Yelebin with a telescope.

Gleevav seems to be a very calm person. He waited for Yang Yi to ask him. He said slowly and calmly: "The reason for the graffiti is very complicated. The reason why the nuclear logo was chosen is because of Yalebin. Time is running out."

Yalebin’s physical condition is only known to himself and to some of the closest people, so Yang Yi understands Yalebin’s helplessness, that is, he should have a better choice, but he has no time.

The hero is late, that's it.

"We already know that the cleaners have nuclear weapons, but Yrebin does not know what the purpose of the cleaners is. He must be vigilant, but he cannot conduct a more detailed investigation of the cleaners because the cleaners and the rams also have big Ivan. The interests of the relationship are too close. I can say that the cleaners must possess nuclear weapons. The provider is Dai Ivan. As for the quantity, there are conservatively estimated to be more than 50 nuclear warheads."

Yang Yi's brow wrinkled, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of fear.

The explosion of five nuclear warheads on the territory of a nuclear power may not cause a nuclear war, but fifty nuclear warheads, whether detonated on the territory of that nuclear power, will inevitably lead to a nuclear war.

Check out the nuclear bundling strategy.

More than 50 nuclear warheads are enough to cause a devastating blow to a country. This is not just a military effect. If nuclear warheads are detonated in a metropolis, then the attacked country will either choose to die, in economics and politics. Finish the egg, or choose everyone to finish the egg together.

Unfortunately, no matter the country, it is almost the only option to bring everyone together.

But why is Yarebin going to graffiti on the Statue of Liberty?

Grevatov finally spoke up.

"The existence of the black devil is no secret to the cleaners. We have even made several contacts, which means that we have lost the basis of the covert operation, and the black devil and Satan are already tied together, and we can't Initiating the action, so Yrebin chose to remind the world that New York may be hit by a terrorist nuclear attack."

Yang Yi is a handkerchief: "So the sign of the Statue of Liberty is just a warning?"

Gleevav shook his head. He thought for a moment, and finally whispered: "No, not just a warning, but an ultimatum, but this ultimatum is meaningless because we don't have a nuclear warhead, but this sign is right. One makes sense."



Grevatov sighed. He looked at Yang Yi, a slightly melancholy saying: "Baskov was the vice captain of the Black Devil, except for those of us who continue to follow the captain, who is also Yalebin. Skov understands everything. When he sees the news, he will know what happened in the United States. In fact, the main purpose of this act is to warn Basquef."

Some complicated, but there must be a reason, Yang Yi nodded: "Please continue."

"No matter how nervous the relationship between the United States and Russia is, but a nuclear war is strongly avoided by both sides, so after we graffiti, Russia and the United States have actually had the highest level of calls, and Basquef must communicate to the United States. The meaning of this sign, and he did."

Gleevav suddenly showed a distressed expression, then he whispered: "I can't talk to you about the rest."

Yang Yi is almost pleading: "Don't be like this. You have barely revealed any doubts. Yalebin let you tell me, you have to make it clear."

Gleevav thought for a long time, then he finally said: "Well, that sign is a test. If Basquef does not respond, such as not actively contacting Yalebin to ask what we are going to do, then Yaribe will not tell. Anything about him and the cleaners, but Basquef asked, and he explained to the United States, and reminded the United States that after a possible nuclear strike, Yrebin thinks he can believe."

Still do not quite understand, but Gleevtov continued: "Baskov will continue to explain to you, I only said that I can say, because I do not want to destroy the Basquef plan, um, Yalebin and Basquef made a secret conversation and handed over some of the evidence to Basquef, then..."

Gleevav looked at Yang Yi for a while and finally said: "Then you are selected."

Yang Yi pointed to himself and said: "I?"

"Yes, Yrebin thinks that you are the only one who can take up the secrets of finding out, not your best, but he has no choice."

Yang Yi is completely unrecognized. He only feels that he seems to be a chess piece for someone who is inexplicable.

"The black devil is too famous. Now that he has lost the best spy effect, no one in the United States or Russia, where Yrebebin can think of, can't be sure, because no one knows what the gray man and the cleaner have infiltrated. To the point, you are the only person who is sure to choose between the gray man and the cleaner, and maybe you will be a part of them, but..."

Gleevav pointed out that Yang Yi, smiled and said: "You are Chinese, and Yalebin thinks that you still have Chinese in your heart, then you should do something for your country, so you are relatively reliable. That person, of course we are not sure, but you are the only choice."

"What is the only choice."

Gleevav took a breath~lightnovelpub.net~ Road: "Not our undercover, but you are still undercover, and Basquef is your natural ally, so you are selected, you can borrow KGB The power, of course, requires you to get in touch with Basquef. Tomorrow, you will meet, and he will tell you what kind of convenience you can provide."

Yang Yi frowned: "You mean, I became the undercover of the KGB without knowing it?"

Grevatov smiled and said: "Yes, because only you have no choice, even if you have a choice, it is a good choice for us, and although we are not sure, but have no choice, so you are Yalebin and The only person in Basquef who can count on it."

Yang Yi sighed. He touched his head and said: "I hate you like this. Really, it seems to give me any great benefits. But I haven’t done it for you in the end. It doesn't have any benefits, just like A duty free spy."

Grevacov smiled: "When necessary, we will provide you with the necessary help, and the KGB will provide you with the necessary help, and you can also gain friendship. Isn't that a big benefit? Of course, what you said is actually true. Even if there is no benefit, you don't have to cooperate with us. Therefore, I wish you a happy and successful cooperation with the KGB."