A War Between Spies

Chapter 1246: return

The first thing after returning to the United States is to see Aaron.

Aaron really attaches great importance to the funeral of Yrebin. With the current technical conditions, photos and videos can be transferred to Aaron’s hand in the first time after the filming, but Aaron insists that Yang Yi will return. See him at the first time.

"how are you feeling?"

"What do you feel?"

“What do you feel after seeing Yrebin’s funeral?”

While reaching out to signal Yang Yi to sit down, Aaron couldn't wait to ask Yang Yi's feelings.

"Well, I feel very shocked. I didn't think that Yalebin could get the treatment of the state funeral, and it was a national funeral."

Aaron nodded. After a moment of contemplation, he pointed to Yang Yidao: "Is those photos taken by you personally?"

"Yes, shoot it directly with your mobile phone."

Aaron's manual movement, his body leaned closer to Yang Yi, then he sighed: "So do you think there is anything strange about the funeral?"

"The whole funeral is very strange, oh, I understand what you mean."

After a little thought, Yang Yi nodded: "This funeral has a martial law, but it is not confidential. Yalebin's tomb is no longer a strictly conservative secret. He has an epitaph. In addition, Puqin not only attended the funeral, but also Hosted the funeral, this is a super-standard treatment, in general, it is like a funeral that the initiative to let the outside world see."

Ordinary people and spies are not a world, so ordinary people don't understand what's going on, but spies know what's going on.

Aaron took a picture. He put it on his hand and tapped the photo with his finger. Thoughtfully said: "The holy black devil, this statement is very interesting, especially what I can hardly imagine is that This sentence is said by Puqin and added."

Yang Yi is just sitting on the side. He is just a bystander. If Aaron wants to make any judgment, he will not give his own opinion unless Aaron asks.

"What does the black devil say?"

Aaron suddenly asked, Yang Yi was thinking for a moment, a deep face: "If Yalebin is not treated as it should, they will give Russia an unforgettable lesson, these people miss the Soviet Union, they Accepted the reality, but did not dare to resist the reality, if they want, then they can really cause an incalculable loss to any country, but Yrebin has received the best treatment, so the black devil is very satisfied, they specifically want to do What I don't know, after the funeral of Yelebin, my contact with the Dark Devil was interrupted again."

"So do you think that Yalebin’s funeral is active or passive in Russia?"

"Proactive, it is not a passive funeral to Yalebin after being threatened."

"You saw the funeral, then you think that the person who held the funeral was from the heart of respecting Yalebin, or a form, a ritual that had to be completed, but after the ceremony, no one would think of it. ”

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "It is from the heart, this is not a perfunctory funeral, they really respect Yalebin, IMHO, sir, I also respect Yalebin, because this person really It’s too strong, he’s so powerful that even if he’s already dead, I’m still feeling subconscious when I want to marry him.”

Aaron smiled. "Do you dare to marry him? It really takes courage to do that."

With a long sigh of relief, Aaron regained his body and returned to the chair. Then he looked at Yang Yidao with a look: "From your point of view, come to the conclusion of this funeral. What do you think is the meaning of this funeral?" ?"

Yang Yi thought for a long time, said: "From the perspective I observed, this funeral is what Yarebin deserves. Even if Yalebin did not continue to fight against Russia, Russia would have to give him this funeral. Then, this funeral is more like a statement, but the attitude of expression is a bit strange. I am puzzled. Who is the Russian who wants to express his opinion?"

"go on."

"Russia demonstrated on the secret front. They showed their aspirations and confidence to return to the Soviet era by giving them the most solemn treatment. But in the current situation of Russia, the significance of doing this is that they are Under the current unfavorable circumstances, I will stick to my bottom line."

Aaron sighed and said: "The war is for politics. The war on the secret front is of course the same. In terms of Russia's current unfavorable situation, they have this attitude very easy to understand."

Aaron didn't talk too much with Yang Yi. He thought for a while, then he said to Yang Yidao: "I have an important meeting later. I won't talk too much to you today. You can go home and rest. For a while, I will give you anything in these days."

Yang Yi stood up and whispered: "Then I will leave, first sir, I will go to New York first."

Aaron nodded, then he smiled at Yang Yi: "Your girlfriend is recovering very well. Oh, if I have time, I will spend more time with her. In addition, I will try my best to keep her body vital. She needs to maintain an optimism. Mentality."

Aaron was very concerned about Xiao Yu, Yang Yi nodded and said: "Thank you, I will take care of her."

Sighed, Aaron said: "I understand your mood, um, but Petra, you should not be too cold, try to spend more time with her, I know your situation, but also understand your mood, but Petra is really important to us now."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "Yes, I know, sir."

Aaron nodded, then he suddenly said: "Oh, one more thing, the security director Walter is looking for you, for a trivial business ~ lightnovelpub.net~ but I think he is going to talk to you The distribution of arms revenues is a problem."

Yang Yi nodded: "Okay, I will go see him."

Aaron is very indifferent: "It's all people, we don't want to eat alone. If you want to make appropriate money, just give them a part. Make your own decisions, just don't let our brothers have any complaints." ”

After taking over the arms of Deyo Mather, it is natural to give the money that the original Deyo gave to the CIA. Now, Jetro’s arms business has also been done, and it is still smooth and natural. It's time to take the money to share it.

Of course, Yang Yi knows what Walter wants to see him. He can enter the CIA. The main task is to investigate Aaron. Now it is time to talk about his progress.

Walter will not personally meet with Yang Yi, using official business as an excuse, but it is appropriate to meet private interests for publicity.

It’s just that Yang Yi is considering whether to sell Walter, mainly because he can’t figure out whether Aaron’s investigation into the CIA is being carried out inside him, but after thinking about it, he decided to wait again, now It is not the time to rush to be loyal to Aaron.