A War Between Spies

Chapter 1247: Mo back

time flies.

Yang Yi is in a state of doing nothing, he is engaged in the most dangerous work in the world, but now he seems to be out of touch with the world.

What Yang Yi needs to deal with now falls into a delicate balance.

I don't know how many people want to kill Aaron. Now, the key point of killing Aaron is Yang Yi.

But all those who want to kill Aaron can only wait, whether it is inside the CIA, or the cleaners, or the KGB, Brian, or Yang Yi himself, they can only wait.

Just because Aaron is the only breakthrough.

Therefore, Yang Yi was caught in a delicate balance.

Three months later, Xiao Yu has healed, and Yang Yi has nothing to do.

It seems that I have lived a retirement in advance.

Bohr took care of the bank, and it was mixed up on Wall Street. Chris is now a newcomer to Wall Street, regardless of whether he is a financier or not, whether he is a substitute for Boer, he Now that he has resources and money, he is a man of the wind.

Of course, Chris is indeed not awkward. Although he does not understand the financial circle, he can't live without him because of Chris's emotional intelligence and his ability to lie to the dead.

Jetro’s arms business is very impressive. In just a few months, the proceeds are constantly coming into the pockets of every stakeholder. Since the death of Djoy Mather, the arms business that had been stagnant has progressed. It started to boom.

Every month, the dividends that I get will make Yang Yi feel that the arms business is one of the most profitable businesses. Even if I remove the distribution to the CIA, Jeter’s own profits will leave the water organization behind. Pen money.

Jetro alone can afford all the activities of the water organization.

Of course, Yang Yi has legal income, he has a lot of places to pay, because he does have the best professional managers in the world.

Although this part of the money will not be directly paid to Yang Yi, but stay in the company's account, but Yang Yi, who has hundreds of millions of dollars in legal income every month, is indeed the most profitable person in the world. One of them.

Yang Yi didn't know why he was caught in such an embarrassing situation. It is really distressing to have money and no place to spend.

Even more distressing is the problem that no more money can be solved.

Yang Yi followed Xiao Yu's back. He pushed the wheelchair for Xiao Yu, although Xiao Yu's wheelchair is an electric wheelchair that does not need to be pushed.

"I don't like New York. You shouldn't get me to New York. It's not a big one at the shooting range."

Yang Yi put Xiao Yu in front of a table, the table was full of bullets, Xiao Yu put his gun box on the table, then she opened the gun box and took out her rifle.

The bullet was loaded into the magazine, and the bullet was inserted into the progress gun. Xiao Yu aimed at the target at 300 meters. She shot a gun without aiming.

Xiao Yu is very anxious, she looks calm, but her current shooting rhythm is not right, so Yang Yi knows that her heart is not as calm as it seems.

Just after playing a magazine, Xiao Yu put down his rifle. She removed the magazine from the gun and put the rifle and the empty magazine back into the gun box.

Picking up a pistol, Xiao Yu turned to Yang Yidao: "Don't you shoot a few shots?"

Yang Yi went forward, picked up a pistol, and stood side by side with Xiao Yu. The two sat together, one stood, and slammed into the nearby iron target.

Xiao Yu hit hundreds of bullets, then she put the pistol on the table again, just smiled and watched Yang Yi shooting.

Yang Yi also stopped. Xiao Yu sighed and suddenly said, "Do you know, I actually hate such a day."

Yang Yi nodded gently and said: "Understand."

"No, you don't understand. Actually, I don't want to see you at all, because I know you are sympathizing with me now."

"Not sympathy."

"That is, no matter what you say, you are sympathizing with me now. I don't need anyone's sympathy. Actually, I don't need your apology. So if you feel that I am jealous, I will spend more time with me. No need."

Xiao Xiao smiled very calmly. She rubbed her hair with her hand and smiled. "I am me. Whether it is healthy or me, I don't need it. It's been a month. You are here with me for a month. Every day I push a gun, take a walk, oh, to be honest I don't need this."

Yang Yi spread his hand and said: "I just want to accompany you."

Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "I thought I liked it at first, but now I find that I don't like it. Really, I don't need anyone to sympathize, don't misunderstand, I don't want to close myself, I just Don't need sympathy, understand? Your face looks heavy, although you always try to show a very calm look, but you can't stop me, so I hate this feeling, I have begun to adapt Now the body is up, but you are always reminding me to remind me that it is now, um, I will not say it, you know."

Yang Yi is speechless. At this time, he really does not know what to say.

Xiao Yu continued to faintly said: "I don't blame you, but you have to accompany Petra during the day and Bonnie in the evening. Kate will meet you from time to time. Who do you like to know?" ”

"not me……"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Oh, I really don't care about this. I don't want to move. But it doesn't mean my heart is going to be imprisoned. I am still free, so you don't have to sympathize or plan. What to compensate, we are not possible, I did not have this idea because I was injured, but I knew from the beginning that we are not possible, I, I am me, I can not accept a heart, I I like you is my business, I like you but have nothing to do with you, understand?"

Yang Yi has some confusion in his heart~lightnovelpub.net~ He has been in a lot of trouble recently.

Xiao Yu puts her hand on Yang Yi and smiles. "Oh, no matter if I can walk in the future, it doesn't matter. At least now, don't call me every day to remind me, remind me that you sympathize with me or I am sorry for what I am, I don't need it, I really don't need it."

Yang Yi sighed heavily, Xiao Xiao smiled and said: "Okay, this is good, you can still be friends in the future."

What else can he say? Yang Yi turned and waved at the care worker standing in the distance. Then he said to Xiao Xiao: "I went to work, you... well."

Xiao Yu waved his hand and smiled. "Goodbye."


Yang Yi turned around and he began to walk backwards. Then he heard gunshots from behind him. Xiao Yu’s shooting was very urgent. He knew that Xiao Yu’s heart was not as calm as he looked.

I want to look back, but Yang Yi did not look back. He nodded to the female care worker who took care of Xiao Yu, and then went out of the shooting range and did not look back.