A War Between Spies

Chapter 1257: Education issues

Bored, boring.

It’s the end of the matter of getting Chris back to his wife. It’s easy and simple, it’s so much fun, and then there’s no more.

When I came by private jet, a group of people were in a hurry. Now I have to go back. Everyone is not so anxious, because it is okay to go back anyway, and it is very difficult to fly in the air for seven or eight hours.

So it’s better to stay in San Francisco for two more days.

"Do you see what Chris is like now? God, the family is really a disaster. What is more terrible than the disaster is a big disaster. Now Chris has to face a very important problem, that is, let him lack the education. How the son adapts to the new identity, new life."

When Anton came in, he said a lot, and then he finally couldn’t help but smile. He looked at the gloating scene: "A son who has never seen him since birth, hahaha, Chris’s head is big. I promise that his head is really big."

Of course, he is still very concerned about his younger brother Yang Yi. He is curious: "Oh, what happened?"

"Nothing, Chris is completely unrecognized where his son is, Sandra wants to teach his son, but... you really should go see it."

Yang Yi stood up and said: "Go, go see."

Anton was a bit dumbfounded. He said loudly: "You really want to see it? It’s very embarrassing. I can’t stand it until I come back. Hey, okay, let’s go see it.”

If you have a lively look, of course you have to look at it.

In a deluxe suite, Sandra is educating his son, and Chris is standing on his face.

"He is your father, you should listen to him!"

"so what?"

"You should listen to him!"


"Because he is your father!"

"Which is it?"

"You should communicate with him well, instead of making a cool look, no one cares. He wants to exchange feelings with you..."

"I have to accompany him? Please, I am very annoying."

Chris's son Rick speaks very well. He is a little precocious. Whether it is appearance or psychological precocious, but a clever and precocious child means entering the rebellious period earlier, and Sandra is obviously It is a woman who does not teach children.

Chris has suffered.

Sandra couldn't stand the conversation with her son's tug-of-war. She raised her arm and wanted to go down to her son's head. At this time, Chris was rushing: "Don't! Don't use violence, he just and I am still a bit strange, just wait a little longer."

But Rick’s head was at this time, and his face was not convinced: “Do you dare to beat me? If you hit me, I will call the police! They will deprive you of custody. The United States has child protection laws. You If you dare to hit me, I will call the police!"

Sandra’s hand was stiff in the air.

Yang Yi couldn't stand it anymore. He coughed twice and then walked over to Rick.

Looking at Rick, Yang Yi smiled and said: "You are very smart. It is really good to use law to protect yourself when you are so small."

Rick twisted his head to the side.

Yang Yi turned to the other side and continued to talk to Rick: "The Child Protection Act is designed to prevent children from being subjected to domestic violence. However, the US Child Protection Act is too harsh, although it is intended to be good. But they have also trained a large number of children who are completely ignorant, because the parents of these children have been deprived of a very important educational skill, that is, they should fight."

Rick twisted aside again. Yang Yi came back again and smiled. "But you are still not smart enough. Otherwise, what you saw last night should be instructive to you, right?"

Rick’s eyes finally changed a little. Yang Yi smiled and said: “Yes, I can put you in jail. You can try to call the police and see if the police will protect you or follow my request. You are thrown in jail."

If Yang Yi is not even a bear child, then he really should not mix.

In fact, the smarter the child, the easier it is to deal with. If Rick is lying on the ground and starts to roll and cry, Yang Yi is not good at educating him.

"Or another way, the United States has child protection laws, and it is very strict, but there are many countries in the world that do not have child protection laws. At least there are many countries that allow parents to play children. Let me think about it, too much. It’s really too much. Do you want to immigrate to that country?”

Rick snorted, and he whispered: "You won't do this, because it's not necessary, my mother won't let you do this, oh, right?"

Rick looked at his mother, but Yang Yi smiled and said: "You don't understand. Now her opinion is no longer used. I want to hit you and hit you. If you want to kill you, you will kill you. When you go to that country, you will take you to that country. Do you want to try it?"

Sandra looked serious: "Enough, you scared him!"

Sandra wanted to protect her child, Yang Yi put it down, but Anton immediately pulled out the gun, aimed at Sandra's head, and then held Rick's forehead in one hand.

Anton smiled very embarrassed. He said to Sandra: "Do you think he is joking? No, you didn't figure out the situation! He said that if you let you die, you will die soon, because he never makes jokes."

Chris was a little nervous. He took Sandra and whispered to Yang Yi: "Hey, don't, they don't understand the situation."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "I hate children who are not sensible. Well, I am actually helping you. I just want your son to receive a good education. If he refuses, or he is not doing well, then I ...... I will not kill him, but I can severely beat him! "

After the talk ~lightnovelpub.net~ Yang Yi is facing Anton Road: "Hit him, let him have some memory."

Anton was a bit stunned, and he looked at Yang Yi with a look of resentment.

The decent black devil, even to be used as a thug to scare children?

But Anton still picked up Chris's son, and then he started to pump up on his ass.

Absolutely not bad, but definitely hurts.

After a dozen slaps of the fan, Anton let go of Chris's son, and then Yang Yi looked indifferently: "Remember? Today is just a small warning. You have to obey afterwards, then you have to go to school. You will get the best education and get the best teacher, so if you still can't learn well, then you must have a problem. If it is your problem, I will teach you!"

Rick wanted to cry and didn't dare to cry. He just nodded awkwardly.

Yang Yi was very satisfied. He smiled and said: "Now, apologize to your mother, then go back to your room and reflect on it. If you want to call the police, there is a phone in the room."