A War Between Spies

Chapter 1258: You asked the wrong person

Chris opened his hand to Yang Yi and whispered: "You scared him."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "No way, don't give him a little bit of it, it will be harder to educate later, and I didn't let him immediately admit your father, so I just let him apologize to my mother without you. This has already I am taking care of Ade’s emotions, and I don’t have to thank me.”

Chris smiled twice and said: "I still want to thank you."

Anton took the gun up. He stared at Yang Yi and said: "Don't let me see this kind of thing in the future! If it spreads out, I will kill you."

Yang Yi smiled and waved in front of Chris Anton said:. "What can I say, thank you guys, thank you for me to beat my son."

"you are welcome!"

After returning to Chris without a good breath, Anton looked at the excitement and saw that Anton’s anger was gone.

At this moment, Schultz, who had been watching, couldn’t help it anymore. He got in front of Yang Yi and whispered: "Boss, Anna or Brian have something to say to you?"

"No, what happened?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing."

Yang Yi was curious, but he didn't ask. After looking at the watch, he said loudly: "Everyone, let's take a break and return to New York by plane at night, so we can sleep back at night."

Schultz was anxious, and he hurriedly said, "Go away this evening?"

"Yeah, is there any problem?"

Schultz was hesitant, but he whispered: "We are in San Francisco, it is not far from Seattle..."

"Yeah, what about that?"

Schultz continued to hesitate: "I mean, um, it’s not far away."

"I know, the question of flying for an hour, but what about it?"

Schultz swallowed, he wanted to say something, but he suddenly realized, so he immediately said: "You know, you are deliberate, your memory is so good, you must remember to hug punk and live in Seattle!"

Yang Yi spread his hand and said: "Know, of course I know, but what happened?"

Schultz hurriedly said: "I have been in the United States for a long time, but I have not seen hugging punk yet!"

"Hey, what about that, you can go see her, don't you have the money to buy a ticket? Or I will give you a private jet for you to use? This is nothing."

Schultz finally collapsed, he said loudly: "Why can you help Chris why can't you help me? You know what I want to say!"

"What are you going to say? I don't know."

Looking at the innocent Yang Yi, Schultz finally took his foot and angered: "Forget it, I will not go!"

"Hey, come back."

Can't be teased anymore, and it's really anxious to tease Schultz. Yang Yi coughed twice and said: "Do you know why I don't help you?"


"Who can help you get your girlfriend?"


Yang Yi smiled coldly and said: "Since you know it is me, why should you listen to Brian and Anna?"

Schultz whispered: "I can't bear to reject the demands of the two old people. Also, they really say that they will help you to help me get punk."

Yang Yi took a shot of Schultz's shoulder and said: "If you need anything, just ask me, is it necessary? Stupid, I found that your IQ can exist on the computer, such a simple thing, really, Really..."

After reluctantly shaking his head and sighing, Yang Yi said to Schultz: "Now go to Anton, he will let you do what you do, do not have a woman, go."

Schultz shook his head again and again, whispering: "Boss, I don't want to hug punk to accompany me to bed, I want her heart, I hope she can fall in love with me!"

"Love you, in place to unlock more postures?"

Yang Yi suddenly found that he couldn’t adjust his voice, so he coughed twice and took a chance to take it through Schultz. He whispered: "Then you shouldn’t look for me, you see me. Experienced people?"

Heavy patted Schultz's shoulder, Yang Yi whispered: "Brother, you really look at the wrong person, I can help you kill and set fire, win the woman's heart, you still have to find Anton. ""

"You have the most women in the water organization."

In a word, Schultz made Yang Yi speechless.

"Anton's means is too low, he will only get, but what I want is a girlfriend, I need more advanced needs, spiritual needs, boss you must understand right, you are so smart, I That is to say, I need your help, let the punk hug you like me, let her fall in love with me..."

"Take her with your true emotions and impress her with your heart."

Schultz shook his head and whispered: "It’s useless, it’s useless, and it’s too low-end, so I need your help. Boss!”

Yang Yi sighed. He pointed at his nose and whispered: "Look at me, take a good look at me, handsome?"

"Really handsome, I am very convinced."

Yang Yi immediately said: "Then you still ask me? Didn't you find that I was being chased? You asked me how, how..."

There is murderous!

More than one murder!

Yang Yi was shocked. He didn't lift his head. He said, "I am the woman I love, that is..."

"do not talk!"

The opening was Bonnie, Yang Yi raised her head, and Xiao Yu turned back in a wheelchair if nothing had happened. Bonnie looked helplessly: "We have heard it."

"Kid, do you say that I am too low-end?"

Schultz turned back in horror, then he shook his head and stepped back, facing Anton. "No, no, I don't mean that. I am just, I am just, I just think, you got it wrong..."

Anton looked deep, and he stared at Schultz: "You thought I would only go to bed~lightnovelpub.net~ and can't get their heart?"

Schultz cried and said: "I am not, I don't, I don't know!"

Anton put his hand on Schultz's shoulder and said in a haze: "You are really a fool. Look at the little egg. Isn't it normal for him to be so popular with girls? And you, you are so Short, a baby face that makes a woman pity but can't fall in love, you want to learn from him? What can you get from him?"

Anton let go of Schultz’s hand. He pointed at his nose and said, “Look at me, I am not handsome, but the woman who loves my love and death can form a group. You know this means What is it?"

Schultz had a feeling of sudden realization, and he hurriedly said: "What does it mean?"

Anton smiled coldly and said: "It means you asked the wrong person, stupid!"

Schultz stunned, and he immediately grabbed Anton's arm and said with a sincere heart: "What should I do? Please, teach me!"

Anton smiled again and said: "No, I won't teach you because I am angry!"