A War Between Spies

Chapter 1274: This is really not good.

When I got on the bus, Yang Yi and Anton sat in the back seat, and then they looked at each other and they endured very hard. Finally they couldn't help but laugh together.

St. Regis turned her head back and said, "What's so funny?"

"You won't understand."

After Anton finished, Yang Yi followed: "You will never understand."

Then the two people laughed together again.

Yang Yi wiped the tears of the laughter and said: "But it is not entirely good news. With such a companion, our risk factor has increased greatly. I really don't want Wahid to go with us to see Bada. Di."

Anton shook his head and said: "It seems inevitable, I think it is a good thing, because such an idiot can be a deputy director, then he will be able to find a way to show his ability and status."

Yang Yi sighed. He picked up his mobile phone and dialed it quickly. "Is it detected?"

"Wahid, Prince Shah, is not the kind of prince who only has a name. He is the real prince. Hey, his brother is the heir to the throne and the director of the Shah Intelligence Bureau. In order to ensure his success. His brother gave him the position of the deputy director of the Shah Intelligence Bureau. Do you understand?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Understood."

"Remind you again, it seems that Wahid is involved in a battle for the throne. He supports his brother."

"I understand, does this have an impact on this mission?"

"It doesn't have much impact, but... I can't make a particularly clear judgment now. If you can maintain a good personal friendship with him, there should be no harm. Our judgment is that his brother's hope for success is great."

"Know it, goodbye."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Yi smiled: "The news of the CIA, Wahid is a prince or a very important kind, his brother wants to inherit the throne."

"Oh, no wonder."

Anton shrugged: "I can hardly imagine how Wahid could be the deputy director of the Shah Intelligence Bureau, and it seems that his power is still very heavy."

After that, Anton was very sorry: "I feel that I still want to dismiss Wahid's idea of ​​going to see Badadi with us."

Yang Yishen shared the same feeling. He nodded. "Yeah, he is like a bomb. The worst thing is that he can't even count the time bombs, but he can explode at any time. I can't carry one around. A bomb is too dangerous."

"Azar is at least a normal person. He may try to set some obstacles for us. Maybe it will bring us some benefits, but he is at least a normal person. I like to deal with normal people. I don't have to worry about being dragged down, just like you. Say, Azar is not a bomb."

Very helpless, after Anton said to Yang Yi very seriously: "I think you have to stop Wahid, it is not good, that is, I and Azar go to see Badadi, you stay behind Just stay at Wahid."

Yang Yi thought about it, then he frowned and said: "If I can go, of course I still have to meet with Badadi, but if Wahid is not going, then I have to stay to stabilize the tile. Sid, can't let him destroy our plan."

It’s too dangerous to be with Wahid. He is like a bright moon in the night sky, hanging in the dangerous place of Baghdad, exudes his own brilliance.

If you don't want to die, you have to be farther away from Wahid.

But in order not to let Wahid destroy his mission, he can only drag him down. Yang Yi feels that his courage on his shoulders is heavy.

The car stopped and was at the door of a luxury hotel in the Green Zone.

When Wahid got off the bus, he couldn't hide his royal family, because in addition to the follower, there were four or five bodyguards and followers around him to give him something to open.

When Yang Yi passed the inspection and entered the rigorous hotel, Wahid pointed to Yang Yi, and then he said: "Give me this friend to a suite, I want to be a neighbor with him. ""

Thanks to Wahid’s goodwill, Yang Yi knows that people don’t like being rejected.

Entering Wahid's room, Yang Yicai found that he was rich, and he couldn't do more than Wahid. You can enjoy the talent and inheritance.

The furnishings and layout of the hotel are average, but Wahid can't stand it.

The strange brain circuit, of course, can't be understood by normal people. For example, Yang Yi can't really understand one thing. That is, Wahid is obviously going to carry out an espionage. If it is such a serious and terrible thing, he can't let him lower it a little. What is the number of followers and the standard of enjoyment?

Wahid made a gesture and asked Yang Yi to sit down. Then he was helpless. "The conditions here are too bad. It is really bad. Please don't dislike the harsh environment here. Please sit down."

Yang Yi’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump twice.

The same is the rich, why can people show so?

Is this the difference between the invisible rich and the rich who are known all over the world?

After scorning himself in his heart, Yang Yi smiled: "The conditions in Baghdad are indeed poor, but you have made up for the shortcomings here."

Wahid put his hand on the road and said, "No, it is not enough. Well, just out of work, I can't pursue personal enjoyment, so I can completely endure the bad working environment. Well, now we start talking about work, Aza Seoul!"

Azar came out from the back of Wahid's entourage and said: "We have already got in touch with Balham. Tomorrow, we will enter Mosul to meet him, on the road..."

Wahid is obviously the first time he heard Azar’s words. He said in a strange way: "Wait, let’s go to Badadi and go to Mosul?"

Azar tried his best not to make his expression look too stiff. He smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, it is not safe enough, we are still... or..."

Wahid put his hand on the road and said, "Let him come to see me, hey, you can be near a little..."

Azar finally interrupted Wahid's words for the first time~lightnovelpub.net~ He lowered his head and whispered: "This is really impossible. Your Highness, Barham can't come."

Wahid looked at Azar.

Azar lowered his head and looked desperate. "Your Highness, this is really not good."

Yang Yi coughed twice and said: "Let Balham come to see us. This is really dangerous for him, so let's go see him."

Yang Yi certainly wants Badadi to come to see him, so he can also inform the black devil of the location and let Satan come directly to the ambush.

But the problem is that Yang Yi knows that this is impossible, absolutely impossible, so don't waste time. Before he can endure the endurance of Wahid, push forward the business.

"Oh, I suggest, it’s better to wait here for news. We went to see Badadi with this Mr. Adjara. The environment in Mosul is too bad."

Wahid did not hesitate, he quickly said: "Yes, Azar, must be faster, I have only set a week for this room."