A War Between Spies

Chapter 1276: trace

Four cars fanned out in a quiet desert, and the lights in front of the car were dimly lit.

It is not so difficult to cross the border. There is a GPS direction, and you don't have to worry about the most troublesome direction of travel in the desert. Basically, as long as you have a good meeting point, you can then arrive according to the GPS guidelines.

So the role of Azar is reflected here, only he knows where the meeting point is.

The car stopped in a desert, and Azar whispered to Yang Yi: "It's here."

Yang Yi looked around and was dark, so he whispered: "Do you just have to wait?"

"Yes, they should come."

Azar got out of the car. He looked around and couldn't see anything in the dark. So after a while, he went back to his car and took a night vision goggle. After watching it for a while. He pointed to one direction: "See, where are they."

There was no light, but Yang Yi slowly saw a car slowly coming over, and then a man in a robe with a headscarf jumped from a pickup truck.

Azar went over and he said loudly: "Hello."

I took off the headscarf on my face and hugged it with Azar. Then the people who came to meet Yang Yi did not say anything extra, just sighed: "Go, follow."

The speed was a bit slow, but Yang Yi was not in a hurry. He let St. Regis drive slowly behind the pickup, and then he took out the satellite phone and dialed Aaron.

"Sir, you have already taken the lead. Do you have any new instructions?"

Aaron said faintly: "After arriving in Mosul, contact again. There are no new instructions yet, just stand by."

Yang Yi hung up the phone.

The tasks in peacetime are different, or different from the normal tasks. This time, Yang Yilai is more like the execution of Aaron’s private will. Therefore, Yang Yi does not have a CIA Middle East person to meet him, and no one will support him, even if he Whatever you have encountered, it is impossible to get air support or cover.

But in contrast, Yang Yi can directly contact Aaron. For other CIA agents, they are eager to do so.

"How long do we have to go, can we let them turn on the lights?"

St. Regis was impatient, and he finally made a complaint with Yang Yi.

Yang Yi couldn't help but smile: "Impossible, they are afraid of being hit by air and not afraid to turn on the lights."

St. Regis left the steering wheel with both hands. He said: "What kind of jokes, do you still need to watch the lights at night? Please, what ages are there, if you still need to be visually attacked, then... these people are here. What do you want!"

Yang Yi shrugged: "It’s better to drive than to drive. Oh, don’t forget that it’s the Russians who are hitting them now. Maybe they think the Russians’ night bombing ability depends on it.”

St. Regis stunned, and then he shook his head. "I won't comment any more. Ok, let's go slowly."

Azar whispered: "Let's go, these people... are stubborn, and it's better to do things in a way that they think is reasonable."

After driving for more than three hours in the dark, the pickup truck with the road finally turned on the lights, and the team finally got on the road again.

It has now entered the area controlled by Ess.

The front of the car was marked with a **** flag at the back. Although the road was pitted, the speed was much faster.

Azar finally breathed a sigh of relief. He said: "It will be a few more hours, no more danger."

The sky began to shine, and Yang Yi looked at the scenery outside. Although the roads were deserted on both sides, they could also see some traces of the war.

Especially on the roads, you can often see dense potholes. Some of these potholes are caused by years of disrepair, but quite a part of them are obviously craters.

But the traces of the war were not very obvious until Yang Yi saw several bodies thrown by the roadside.

For the first time, Yang Yi felt the cruelty of the war. He had seen the war in Ukraine, but the Ukrainian civil war did not give him a deep feeling.

But here is not the same, because the body that Yang Yi sees is obviously a family, of course, it may not belong to one family, but there are two male and one female adults in the body of the roadside, and there are two children, it is natural. It will be treated as a family.

Knowing that there is war, but seeing the child's body, this is the first time for Yang Yi.

The car quickly drove past. No one was interested in the bodies that had already begun to rot on the roadside, but Yang Yi saw the face of a dead body.

After the decay, the body of the dead body was originally a black hole in the eye, so that Yang Yi’s heart suddenly seemed to have suffered a heavy blow.

Yang Yi took back his sight and he looked at Azar.

Azar did not respond, he may not even realize that Yang Yi has been shocked by the body of the roadside.

"We may not see Balham today, hey, he is very busy right now."

Feeling Yang Yi's gaze, Azar thought that Yang Yi was concerned about other things, so after a brief explanation, he lowered his voice and said: "After Mosul, you can relax, but you may Not too fond of it, um, where the woman is not very...worthy."

Yang Yi shook her head and said: "It doesn't matter, although the sooner the better, but I understand."

Finally close to Mosul.

The city of Mosul is not big, but it is very famous and a famous city, but now Mosul has only a broken wall.

The car started to enter the city. Although there were many armed men, but after seeing the black flag on the car with Yang Yi who entered the city, ~lightnovelpub.net~ no one tried to stop them.

It seems that it is very simple to want to mix into Ace.

Of course, it is easy to mix in Ace, but it is not easy to get close to Badadi.

Yang Yi was directly taken to a house that looked quite intact. The whole house was built of stone. Although it was narrow, it can be seen that history has been a long time. The most important thing is that the house is very strong.

Yang Yi, they were taken to the place, and then the pick-up pickup truck left directly. Azhar, who got off the bus with Yang Yi, said with a tired face: "The way they do things is like this, don't worry, it will be soon Someone came to receive us, and now they are all ready, you can choose a room to take a break."

In a war-torn city, it is not easy to have a clean and tidy place to rest, and the place where Yang Yi gets the rest is still very neat, not too clean.

When I walked into the living room, the layout was complete. There was a tapestry on the wall. Standing in front of the tapestry, looking at the tapestry and the black blood on the nearby beach, Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief. I definitely don't want this room."