A War Between Spies

Chapter 1318: Orphan

The shield was pushed in and entered the back door of the main hall.

Both the offensive and defensive sides used a lot of grenades, but there were several loud noises in the hall, but it was not caused by grenades.

When Anton listened to his heart, Satan was forced to use their bombs. If they could not repel the attack, everything was over.

Although it is a pity, but Anton will not be too difficult to accept, no matter how powerful people, as long as they still fight, then they will die on the battlefield.

The shield went in, and the team that followed followed in, and the overall situation was fixed.

Anton did not show how unacceptable, but he knew that Satan should be finished.

The gunshot suddenly stopped, and the person who had just broken into the back door actually began to withdraw. And Anton suddenly opened his eyes and looked at everything that happened in front of him with great horror.

It’s not easy to get in, how come out again?

The shield finally quit, and the python had to vomit blood, but the battle was over, and Satan’s people did not pursue it.

"what happened!"

The python screamed, one of the two men pushing the shield turned: "Head, they took the head as a hostage!"

After paying a lot of sacrifices, so many people died, and they finally broke into the hall, and they just quit.

The only reason is that Satan took Badadi as a hostage in the front, but there is a problem. If the Steel Madonna is only employed by Badadi, then this is the case, both sides have already become red-eyed. Next, how important Badadi is, the Iron Maiden will not retreat. .

Anton understood that he was only guessing, but he can now confirm that Badadi is the man of the Iron Maiden. Yes, Badadi is definitely a man of the Virgin Mary, and it is the head of the team.

Anton felt that this was ridiculous, but there are more ridiculous things in the world, not bad.

Anton did not say anything. He turned his head and couldn’t wait any longer, lest the Steel Lady gave birth to a murderous mind.

If you don't take Badadi's life as one thing, the attack on Steel Madonna is very close to success, but if the Steel Madonna does not want Badadi to die, then the attack is meaningless.

The python has been silent for a long time, very long.

Finally, the python waved his hand and whispered: "Stop the attack!"

When Anton saw the python, it was a post-war conference.

Everyone is talking, everyone is expressing their opinions, and they have to say that Badadi’s supporters are still very many. Now everyone sees it, and Badadi can’t be saved alive, but no one Willing to give up.

Of course, those who are willing to give up Badadi are dead.

The python finally raised his head. He looked at the crowds in the house. He said a few words. After discovering that there was no effect, he suddenly raised the volume. The loud voice: "Everything is quiet!"

The room was quiet, and the python stood up and said: "We have to face a reality, that is, Badadi can't come back."

Everyone's face was very ugly. When Anton thought that the python would give up, the python was a calm face: "But I am not going to give up."

"So many people have died, and our best fighters are all working together..."

One person boldly said that he found no one to refute him. On the contrary, after watching him, he continued: "If Badadi will die, then what is the meaning of our persistence and sacrifice?"

This is a big truth, but also a reality, but the python is a faint saying: "The enemy has a lot of wounded people. They have not been able to persist for a long time. If we add more strength, we may succeed, although the hope is not great, but as long as If you stick to it, there is always some hope. If you give up, then Badadi is really finished."

After that, the python was silent for a moment, then he sighed: "I want to decide, we will continue to try to rescue Badadi, then let the last member die, we also have to rescue Badadi because he It is the meaning of our existence."

"No, you have more important tasks, more..."

The python raised a hand. He stopped others from trying to persuade him not to die. Then he continued: "Go and put all the bombs around the main hall. If our final rescue operation also fails, detonate the bomb and let The enemy is buried with our body."

If you don't succeed, you will become a man.

The magic is that the Iron Maiden really has such a determined attitude?

The Iron Maiden is also a mercenary, mercenary, and should not have such a determined attitude. If every mercenary can ignore life and death, then what is the significance of making money, or why they should be mercenaries.

The army with faith is terrible. With mercenaries of faith, is it a mercenary?

I really don't know how Badadi did it. Obviously, although the python now directs the Virgin of the Steel, Badadi is the key to let the mercenaries of the Steel Our Lady be willing to die. This must be done. clear.

Anton did not know that this was Satan's luck or misfortune.

Fortunately, Satan holds that Badadi is a talisman. Unfortunately, if the Iron Maiden is to be spelled out, no one will be willing to fight with his hands and feet in order to save Badadi.

The python has said that it is full of explosives. If they can't get in, they will bury their bodies together with Satan and Batadi.

This kind of order should be refuted by someone, but no one speaks, everyone has defaulted to the python's plan.

Some of the pythons waved their hands, and he whispered: "Go ahead and prepare for it~lightnovelpub.net~ to prepare the explosives!"

The crowd that had just been chaotic had quietly dispersed, and in the end there was only one python left in the room.

Anton sat down. He looked at the python for a long time and finally whispered: "Is it worth it?"

The python looked at Anton, and he said calmly: "What do you see?"

Anton spread his hand and said: "Of course I saw it, I am not a blind man. I just want to ask if it is worth it. After all, hope is really not big."

The python sighed and said: "Badadi is dead. All the efforts we have done before are in vain. I don't think we can bear the burden again. There is no chance, so we will either fight for it, or... ...it's better to die."

Anton nodded and whispered: "I wish you good luck, all you need is luck."

The python smiled, then he quickly became firm, and then he whispered: "Luck will be on our side, because the long-standing facts have proved that no matter how difficult we are, but ultimately Must be able to solve!"