A War Between Spies

Chapter 134: This is a tragedy

Few of the world's people are good people, and very few are bad people. Most of them are not good people, but they can't talk about bad ordinary people.

In the prison guards, of course, there is no shortage of time for the prisoner to have no feeling at all. Seeing the prisoner is a person with a walking dead, but more prison guards will still be affected by the prisoner's emotions.

Everyone has a heart.

Looking at Brian's appearance, don't say Yang Yi, even if the clincher, who did not know the name of Clint, Yang Yi, was in a burst of uncomfortable feelings.

Brian's face was pale, and there was only endless sorrow on the old face. The eyes that were impatient and hopeful were just a godless at the moment. The so-called death is Brian's look.

Brian looked up at Yang Yi, and then he began to turn slowly. The foot on his feet was not the kind of iron chain worn by Hank's feet, but a few iron blocks that could move. It is estimated that there are more than a dozen. The kind of heavy weight, when turning around, Brian’s movements were slow and looked very miserable.

Yang Yi suddenly made a strange saying: "Wait, you... smoke?"

Brian stopped turning, then he looked at Yang Yi and whispered: "Thank you."

Yang Yi looked at Clint, Clint shrugged and made a helpless expression, whispered: "Give him one."

Yang Yi took out the cigarette and placed it directly on Brian's mouth. After Brian opened his mouth and held the cigarette, he took a lighter and gave Brian a cigarette.

With a smog, Brian bent over and took the cigarette in his hand, then he sighed and there was another prison guard against Clint: "Sorry, I may have trouble you again, but I am not crazy, I just have a little hope, except for you and the newcomers, I have no one else to ask, I am not crazy, really not crazy, sorry."

After apologizing to the two prison guards, Brian looked at Yang Yi and nodded softly. He whispered: "You gave me hope for a while, although the time is short, but this is my many years. I have to thank you for the same name, thank you."

After speaking, Brian nodded slightly to the three people, and then continued to move toward the small door step by step until he walked into the small door, then slowly slammed against the wall, and then Sit on the floor, take a long sip of the cigarette, and hang his head on his arms.

Brian didn't move yet, but soon his shoulders began to smoke, and although the voice was small, he could still hear him crying.

Clint sighed softly and twisted his head to the side, while another prison guard shook his head and slowly closed the iron door.

Yang Yi distributed two cigarettes to the two prison guards, and then ordered one for himself. Then he whispered: "This is really, really..."

Clint’s face was irritated and whispered: “There are those Russians, **** Soviets, and the KGB has made him miserable.”

Another prison guard yelled at Yang Yi: "He is a spy and very powerful. I heard that he was a great man before, but he was stared by the KGB. He fell in love with a Soviet spy, and then he betrayed. Country, this guy looks pitiful, but he deserves to be deserved, do you understand? He deserves it!"

Clint whispered: "I thought the spies wouldn't have love, hey, he was really miserable."

Brian’s name, Yang Yi, just knew, but when he first saw Brian, he knew that Brian was the spy of the detainee.

Yang Yi also imagined how to talk to the old spy who was locked, how can he relate to him, but he never imagined that it would have been an intersection with Brian in such a situation.

So how do you go on? This Yang Yi is really not sure.

"He seems to be very old and his condition is not very good. Maybe he will die soon, but what I think now is whether he will commit suicide?"

Yang Yi finally spoke. He looked at the two prison guards and whispered: "Two, I shouldn't say this, but I want to know if you commit suicide, would you have trouble?"

The two immediately nodded together, and then they shook their heads in unison.

Clint whispered: "He won't commit suicide. In addition, he is not old."

Another prison guard is also whispering: "Yes, he is only fifty years old and still can't talk about old age. I don't know how old it is, but certainly not sixty."

Yang Yi was taken aback and said: "But he looks like he is seven or eighty years old."

Clint shrugged: "It will be older to keep someone in a single prison for decades."

Another prison guard smiled: "He feels that he is not crazy, but no madman feels that he is crazy, so he is crazy."

Klin’s characteristic head: “Yes, how many years have passed, he still wants to find the Soviet spy who had cheated him. God, it’s a poor madman.”

"This is because of love, ha, despicable traitors, great love, it is ironic."

The two prison guards snorted a few times. Clint rushed to Yang Yidao: "Go, he has an hour of air release time. I will send him to the cell later, but don't wait here now."

Yang Yi followed Clint to go to the lounge. After waiting a few steps, Yang Yi suddenly said: "Man, what if Brian is dead? I have never understood, if he is really guilty." Www.lightnovelpub.net~ Then why not kill him directly but must be shutting him?"

Clint looked at Yang Yi and shrugged: "Why don't you kill him, because he was sentenced to life imprisonment, I think, maybe he is alive, what value is there, he was originally locked in his own prison, but There is no prison in cia and it can't replace the function of the prison. So he was locked up here. I heard that there were people from cia who would ask him some things, but that was a long time ago. No one still remembers this old. Guy."

Yang Yi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. "In fact, I want to talk to Brian. I am curious about him. Maybe I will hear an interesting story. Of course, I Just think about it."

Clint laughed, then he applauded: "Why not? He is not dangerous now, and he is not a very important prisoner. He has long been forgotten, but what is good with him? Chatting, a sad and hateful traitor, his story is definitely a tragedy."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "The tragedy can make people feel more impressed. Don't you think so?"

Clint waved his hand in disdain and said, "I like comedy more. Well, I will let you talk to him if I have a chance. This is not a big deal."