A War Between Spies

Chapter 1341: emergency procedures

It is definitely a more effective means of injuring rather than killing when creating chaos.

When the gunshots sounded, Yang Yi could run away with the bright light. He couldn’t stay and shoot the guns right, but there was something wrong with Anton because he was sent by at least four people to leave, unless The black devil can kill the four people around him for the first time.

But Anton is also likely to be killed, and this is obviously not what the Black Devils are willing to see.

So after the shooting, Anton did two things.

"Protect me! They want to kill me!"

The first loud noise, let the person who escorted himself confuse in such a moment, then it is enough. If there is any use, let’s not say it at least. At least this scorpion is always right.

The second measure, Anton, with his hands behind his back, hit his body to the left and he collapsed.

Anton’s situation had already stabilized. At this time, it was no longer necessary to have a gun on his head. Therefore, Anton got a chance to escape.

Kneeling, with a dexterous movement that is completely inconsistent with the slightly fat body, the hands behind him are covered from the feet, and Anton’s hands are in front of him, then he leans against his shoulder and will be close to him. When the man fell to the ground, Anton stretched out his hand with his handcuffs and once again took a pistol that had just been thrown out.

The safest way to deal with people like Anton is that the only safe way is to kill him with one shot, otherwise there will never be absolute safety.

Both hands were squatted behind and even the road was awkward, and the hands went to the front, and they ran as much as they could.

Anton held a gun in his hands, twisting and twisting, but the speed was very fast and rushed in the opposite direction of Yang Yi.

The black devil six people can play the cover fire in a flash, definitely stronger than an infantry company. This is no exaggeration, because they only have six guns, but each gun will not fall, this kind of firepower It is really terrible.

Yang Yi did not go to meet with Anton. He did not meet the people of the Black Devil. He ran to the safe zone in one breath and ran to a crowded place. He looked at the people who had just taken care of himself and were not nearby. He immediately started his own escape.

The black devil will cover the escape of Anton. The greater their movement, the safer Yang Yi is.

But Yang Yi is not alone.

After waiting for two days in New York, Yang Yi is not easy to leave New York, but others in the water organization can come to New York. The simple question is just a phone call to arrange things.

However, people are coming, but Yang Yi does not intend to meet them, mainly because the pressure brought by gray people and cleaners is too great.

The cleaners are allies.

But from the moment when St. Regis could not die, but had to die, Yang Yi was not completely convinced of the allies of the cleaners.

Who can't use this world? In other words, who is essential?

Yang Yi feels that his role is very important and should be irreplaceable. However, if he is not irreplaceable, but only a part of the planning chain?

If the cleaner has said it before, can you still believe it? Can you believe in all? Dare to believe in all?

Even within the water organization, is it true that everyone can believe it?

Why is the spy pressure so great, because the pressure can't be small, let's just say that Xiao Yu is the cleaner on the bright face, Rodriguez is the undercover of the cleaner, Bonnie is the liaison to the cleaners. Now that Xiao Yu is credible, Bonnie can guard against it, Rodriguez has been eliminated, but is there anyone else?

Chris? Bohr? Even Brian, they don't look like cleaners, but if they say they are cleaners, Yang Yi won't be surprised.

The dead St. Regis is like a cleaner, but he is a cleaner, so at the moment when St. Regis died, Yang Yi still believed who.

Once the suspected seed germinates, it is really impossible to die again.

Therefore, Yang Yi now only believes in himself, even if he needs the help of the water organization, but also the use of skill is originally his strength.

For example, Yang Yi will never tell everyone his intentions. Everyone may know a certain part of his plan, but he will not know all about it.

Of course, on the other hand, Yang Yi only gave birth to the guards, but they did not regard the cleaners as enemies. Therefore, all these are preventive measures, not hostile measures.

The most important thing now is to get out of danger and then go to a safe house to change the look of the present.

I have to change my identity, because Yang Yi has not been completely exposed, but it has not been completely exposed. He has already met many people who have arrested Anton. If those people are alert enough, it is less than three minutes now. It should already be someone looking for his whereabouts.

Even if the arresters are slow, at the latest fifteen minutes, someone should start looking for the whereabouts of Yang Yi.

Counter-espion is the work of finding a needle in a haystack. It is a job of smashing and smashing. It is not to say that it is better to miss a thousand and not let one go, but it is better to investigate a thousand people in vain, and never miss one. This is definitely the basic rule.

Appeared, and then disappeared for unknown reasons. OK, now Anton is the number one wanted criminal, then Yang Yi is at least the No. 2 No. 3 wanted man. After finding it, it is no problem to investigate, but no one can be found. That can't be counted.

So now Yang Yi has to run, and he has to run fast, but also have to run skillfully, but the time left for him is really not much.

When a country’s intelligence department is like a headless fly, there is no clue. When Yang Yi and Anton can really sway and walk on the streets of New York, it’s fine, but once they reveal a little clue, then The same.

When a country's intelligence agencies began to look for two people, and two people with some features and clues, the speed is faster than many people imagine.

The nearest safe house also takes half an hour's drive, but half an hour is too long. If it is not good, it will be dropped from the sky. The helicopter loaded with special forces will be on the way.

Therefore, I can't go to the safe house. I can only change my identity in the middle of the road.

Yang Yi sat in the taxi and sent a message. How long did the United States receive a message, immediately shouted at the taxi driver: "Parking, parking."

Throwing a banknote, Yang Yi ran quickly after getting off the bus. He ran more than 20 meters. He paused a car in the same emergency stop and took a small bag from the window. Then, the feet did not stop, and quickly rushed to an alley next to it.

I rushed into the alley, Yang Yi glanced at the inside of no one, immediately indented into the gap between the two trash cans, at this moment has been completely disregarded, and he opened the bag and put the clothes inside. When he threw it into the ground, he took out a black hood that only showed two eyes, and then put the hood on his head.

With a headgear, Yang Yi poured a bottle of water from the bag into his head~lightnovelpub.net~ Now Yang Yi is watering his head instead of calming, but to change himself. The hair color, and the hood is re-watered, because he does not want anyone to see anything that he has changed after the hair color, so he had to make a funny move with a hood.

Although the CIA has Yang Yi's file and has a clear photo of Yang Yi, it is absolutely impossible for the CIA to determine the position of Yang Yi. The suspect and the determination are two different things.

For example, half of the CIA is now chasing Yang Yi after disguise, but once Yang Yi is confirmed to be here, then all the people who come to arrest him are.

Washing his head with a hood, Yang Yi began to change his clothes, then he did not pick the hood, stuffed the clothes he had just replaced into a bag, and pulled a similar grenade-like thing in the bag, then Stand up and spread your legs and run towards the other side of the alley.

Yang Yi ran away ten meters away, a dazzling light flashed, and then immediately a flame, what he discarded quickly turned into ashes, although the means of eliminating the physical evidence was too conspicuous, but in the thousands of degrees After the high temperature is burned, no evidence of his material or DNA will remain.