A War Between Spies

Chapter 1346: Moderate

Use a driver's license or social security number, there are a thousand, this sale...

In Yang Yi's view, this sale is simply an insulting IQ, but for the black guys here, a thousand is a huge sum, yes, a huge sum.

Yang Yi is not a big deal with $10 million, but in this black community, a thousand dollars are enough to buy.

Although the driver's license can be done after people get a lot of things, but this black buddy cares?

The answer of course is that I don't care. I was discovered by the police. He was pointed at the gun and was hijacked. Isn't it normal for the driver's license to be robbed?

Is there something wrong?

"One thousand! You are serious! I have a driver's license, for you, I will give it to you now!"

The driver's license came out. Yang Yi took the driver's license and smiled and said: "At night, when I leave here, I can give you money. Well, now I need to borrow a bathroom."

Thankfully, these black people are mixed, but they don't like to live in the garbage dump. There is some smell in the bathroom, but it is still clean.

Yang Yi carefully washed the sink several times, then he poured a bottle of black ink into the sink, added water, added some brightener, added some tackifier, stirred for a while, and put the liquid inside on the back of the hand. After smearing it and looking at the color, Yang Yi felt almost the same.

Yang Yi took off his clothes. He began to wipe the black liquid on his body and slowly spread it from head to toe. This is a meticulous work, but the speed is not very slow.

After ten minutes, Yang Yi turned himself into a black man, and then he began to make up his own makeup with the simplest things, changing his face, especially the shape of his nose.

After half an hour, Yang Yi completed a very simple camouflage, but simple camouflage is not a bad effect, just can not be washed with water, can not last too long.

As for the camouflage effect, of course it is still good.

When Yang Yi came out of the bathroom, a few people sitting outside were collectively stunned, and then someone immediately rushed into the bathroom to see if there were any people inside.

It’s not a strange thing to go in with a white man and a black man.

"Mike? Mike..."

There are two Mikes in the house, and they look at at least seven or eight points. They say that they are twins and there is absolutely no doubt.

A dozen black buddies all stood up, and now they watched Yang Yi with a fearful look.

"You...what are you, why do you become Mike's look, wow, will you be magic?"

Yang Yi spread his hand. He used a very black posture, and a very black tone. He even said that the tone was very black: "Hey, brothers, don't be too surprised, I just put on makeup."

"But you are a white man! Fuck! Why do you become like this, are you a special agent? Just like... like Ethan Hunter, like 007?"

Yang Yi once again applauded: "Agent? Spy? No, I am just a... commercial spy, guys, I stole something, the FBI is looking for me, that's it, but like 007, sorry I can't do it. ”

A spy, alive, well, spies are rare, or they can't be seen, but this time it's different. A living spy appears in front of these gangsters, and it looks better than the movie. Be magical because he has become another person.

Someone has started to feel scared.

"Man, you won't kill us..."

Yang Yi haha ​​smiled and said: "What kind of joke, do you think I am like the kind of person who will kill? No, guys, I don't dare to kill people. It is one thing to steal trade secrets. Killing is another matter. Where the judge is different."

“Yes, my brother was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder. It’s not the same as going to prison for a few days.”

Yang Yi will speak black slang. He even knows a lot of gestures of gangsters. Basically, let him pretend to be a black man. There is no problem except skin color. Now, even skin color is no problem.

It’s just that these people originally thought of Yang Yi as a fat sheep, but now, they began to respect Yang Yi. At the very least, they would not think about killing Yang Yi and then stealing all the money from him.

"Sit, sit down, everyone, we just have to wait for the dark to leave, just don't let me find me, I can pay some more money, cash, we are brothers right now, I know you won't Selling a brother, there is no benefit to working with the sliver, and I am a very generous person. I am willing to share the money I have earned to my brethren. I have always been like this."

"Well, buddy, can you make a lot of money this time? There must be a lot of money!"

Yang Yi sighed and said: "I can earn a lot, 50,000 yuan, I can earn 50,000, but the premise is not to be discovered, and I have been discovered now, so I have not earned that 50,000 yuan, And I have to stick a lot of money, Fuck! I am not lucky this time."

Yang Yi wants to say that his business can earn tens of millions of words, which is beyond the imagination of these people, and 50,000 US dollars, well, for these people is a huge amount of money.

Hey, Yang Yi is like a child, and has been idle with this group for a long time, until dark.

"We sent Mike away, guys, set off."

Yang Yi is now called Mike, the real Mike stayed at home, and Yang Yi took his driver's license and followed several black buddies and left the house where he was temporarily settled.

To be honest, whether it's the CIA or the FBI, they don't pay too much attention to a group of blacks.

Especially a bunch of black gangsters ~lightnovelpub.net~ Because Yang Yi He is also a person, many people inside the CIA know, so no one believes that Yang Yi will find a bunch of black gangsters to help, because, because these people The level is really too low.

Going out, driving a windy but very old car, putting all the glass down, putting the music in a loud voice, four black people singing rap, driving the car out of their community.

Yang Yi is of course in this car. He saw the police and saw the car that was definitely an agent.

A police car flashed a warning light. A policeman stopped the car that Yang Yi was sitting in, let the driver put the sound down, and the police let all four people get out of the car.

This is a temporary inspection. The police are responsible for the inspection, but the FBI agents are nearby.

"Show your driver's license, what are you doing?"

Yang Yi was not nervous. He showed his driver's license and was searched by the police. Then, Yang Yi was able to get on the train again. The police did not find any trouble with them.

In this way, Yang Yiguang was right to leave the first layer of encirclement.