A War Between Spies

Chapter 135: reconciliation

Every prisoner has only one chance to let go of the wind every week, so Yang Yi wants to see Brian again for a week.

Before seeing Brian, Yang Yixian saw Hank.

The sky is already dark. When Yang Yi is routinely exercising in his cell, a prison guard appears outside his cell.

"3387, your roommate is back, look at him, don't let him run away."

After a routine statement, the prison guard opened the door, and then the other two prisoners dragged a person directly into Yang Yi’s cell.

Hank fell directly to the ground.

The unshaven, his eyes blurred, his body smelling a stench, Hank lying on the ground motionless, but Hanke did not hide the hatred in his eyes when his blurred eyes gradually focused on Yang Yi in front of him.

But very quickly, very fast, Hank turned the sinister eyes into meek, if not Yang Yi has been observing Hank, then he must not be able to capture these changes.

It’s not that everyone is locked up for seven days of confinement. Yang Yi is very easy to come over, but Hank, obviously, he has collapsed.

In the time of the mental breakdown, I can still hide my true thoughts. Yang Yi thinks that Hank is really a personal talent.

Who said that when a thief must be very embarrassed, who said that when a thief can not be very embarrassing, who said that a thief can not have the temperament of killing such as mowing?

Hank’s heart is very fierce.

Yang Yiwei was on the ground and looked at Hank very seriously: "Although you want to kill me, you have been locked up for a week, so I forgive you."

Hank’s eyes were still very confusing and did not respond to Yang Yi’s words.

"Don't pretend, your disguise doesn't make sense to me."

Yang Yi said a faint sentence, then he stood up and took a large piece of chocolate from his reserve, and then he went to Hank and whispered: "Hungry?"

Hank’s head moved slightly and looked at the chocolate in Yang Yi’s hand, but did not speak.

Yang Yi has some intolerance: "Don't pretend in front of me, I will give you three seconds. If you can return to normal, I will give it to you. If you are still in a state of mental breakdown, give me a death." ,One."

Hank immediately said in a very weak voice: "I am hungry, I am starving to death."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "Well, I don't know if you are awake, or you are awake, but you are doing well, although not as good as me, well, I have a proposal, you do me. The younger brother, I will give you food and protect you."

Hank did not hesitate: "Well, give it to me..."

Yang Yi suddenly put her hand down and looked impatient: "This is not right, I hate it, um, let me think about it, we will reconcile, I will not bully you, you should not think about killing me because You are useful to me, so I hope to change the situation now, and you should be honest, I know that you are not so weak, but you like to play yin, which makes me feel insecure."

Yang Yi stood up, then he took out a rope twisted with sheets, and once again squatted in front of Hank, his face said indifferent: "If you lie to me, I will strangle you and then hang you. In bed, tell the prison guard that you are suicidal, so if you don't want to die, you'd better tell the truth."

Hank wanted to sit up with his hands, but he was too weak, so he lay back on the ground, and then he was very weak: "I have barely eaten this week, I have drunk twice, eating After two small pieces of bread, I am starving and giving me food."

Yang Yi gave Hank to the chocolate in his hand. After Hank took over, he used the teeth to open the package.

When Hank eats chocolate, it is very characteristic. He puts the chocolate in his right hand and puts it in his mouth. The left hand is open between the right hand and the bottom of the nose, so that others can't see what he is eating, and there is no way. I took things away from his hand.

Hank ate very quickly, but all of them bite the chocolate with a small mouth.

Hank quickly finished eating chocolate, and then he looked at Yang Yi, his eyes were complicated.

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Tell me, why do you want to kill me and tell the truth."

The rope on the handle was shaken. Yang Yi smiled and said: "I can see if you are lying. If you lie, I will kill you, so you should be honest and frank, lest I misjudge your words. ""

Hank breathed a sigh of relief, then he whispered: "I hate people bullying me, I don't want to be a younger brother, I don't want to join a gang, so I can only kill you. I would rather kill you after being sentenced to prison." Life imprisonment, not willing to be a pet dog."

Yang Yi frowned and said: "Just because of this?"

"Yes, it is because of this."

Yang Yi frowned, but he decided to believe Hank’s words, because some people are very heavy about freedom, not the kind of freedom that is lost in prison, but when others’ younger brothers can only be called to drink. freedom of.

Some people are willing to join the gang in prison to survive, and then they can leave the prison faster, and Hank Ning can be sentenced to life imprisonment, and he is not willing to become the younger brother of Yang Yi. This is only a different degree of emphasis on the two freedoms. .

Yang Yi suddenly stood up, Hank was shocked, and then he watched Yang Yi with vigilance, but Yang Yi went back to the corner where he piled things and took out a bowl of instant noodles.

Holding a bowl of instant noodles, then Yang Yi took out a thermos cup from the heap of debris. He opened the noodles and poured the hot water from the thermos.

Put the hot noodles in the hands ~lightnovelpub.net~ Yang Yi returned to Hank, then he squatted and smiled at Hank: "The whole prison, only I have hot water Only I can have instant noodles every night."

Hank couldn't help but lick his lips.

Yang Yi suddenly said: "We will reconcile."

Hank snorted, then he whispered: "What do you mean?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "At this point, I can't accept that we are equal setting. You still have to be my younger brother, because I have to learn how to unlock this kind of thing, but I will not bully you. I won't let you do anything for me. You just teach me. My sentence is coming soon. After I left prison, it doesn't matter. What do you think of this proposal?"

The scent of the instant noodles is heavier. Hank couldn't help but swallow, whispering: "I can teach you, but you can't assign me to do anything, and I can't limit my freedom."

Yang Yi shrugged her shoulders and handed the noodles in her hand to Hank. She smiled and said, "The deal, this is yours, but I suggest you eat it later, but it hasn't been soaked yet."