A War Between Spies

Chapter 1351: I just did it.

From Lisbon to Vienna, it is not too close. If you drive, it is a bit far away, but Yang Yi is really not too afraid to fly to Vienna.

Driven on the road and told the highway, Yang Yi entered the border of Portugal.

I certainly can't always use the image of the old man. Also, Yang Yi has never gone back from the boat. The yacht has to find someone. The search is definitely not found, but the trace of Yang Yi may be exposed here.

What to do, of course, can only continue to disguise, continue to be closer to Vienna.

Portugal and Spain, these two countries are not the key areas of the water organization, so there are no safe houses in these two countries, no one responds.

But it won't be particularly difficult.

Because Yang Yi has left the United States now, he is no longer fighting against a country by himself.

Now Yang Yi faces the biggest threat to the gray-clothed people. It is no longer a intelligence agency such as the CIA or the FBI. However, the gray-haired people are only a mysterious organization. It is impossible to completely control the two countries of Portugal or Spain. Therefore, Although Yang Yi can't relax her vigilance, she will certainly not be chased by the police.

Yang Yi drove the car down the high speed, and then when he passed the small bridge on the country road, he felt that he had found a suitable place, so he parked the car on an open space, confirmed that no one was there, and reopened the trunk. .

There is a handbag in the trunk and a trolley case.

Without moving the box, Yang Yi took up the bag and walked through a small forest to a small river.

Open the bag, and the things inside are almost the same as those in the movie.

A few passports, driver's licenses, credit cards, a pistol, a stack of euro cash, a few pieces of clothing, and what you need for makeup.

The most intimate thing is that there is a knife in the bag. Although Yang Yi first put the knife on his body, then he changed his clothes and soaked himself into the river.

Unloading a makeup has to find a small river without a person. This condition is hard enough, but Yang Yi can't find a hotel to live in. It is easy to live in a hotel, but when I go in, it is an old man. When I came out, it became a A young man, this will definitely be a bit of a hassle.

With special medicine, Yang Yi can remove the camouflage on the body now, and although it is in the river, Yang Yi still thinks that he is taking a bath.

Because in the week of the boat, Yang Yi has not taken a shower, although his disguise is not afraid of water, will not wash the prototype to reveal the prototype, but this does not include taking a bath every day.

Therefore, Yang Yi is stinking now and is not an exaggerated rhetoric.

After taking a shower in the river, Yang Yi went ashore and changed clothes. He took the passport and turned himself into a passport.

Next, the car needs to be replaced.

Yang Yi drove to the downtown area of ​​Lisbon, then he parked his car in the parking lot of a shopping mall, then rented a car, and then drove the rented car park to put the things on the car into the rent. In this car, at this time, Yang Yi was the first step.

After all, this is in Portugal. If it is in the United States, Yang Yike would not even dare to rent a car.

Yang Yi had enough rest on the boat, so he did not stop after renting a car. He drove directly from Lisbon to Madrid.

When he arrived in Madrid, Yang Yi also paid for his car rented in a different place. Then he changed his position and changed his appearance. Later he continued to rent a car. This time, he rented a car that Madrid can rent. To the best car.

Can't be a sports car, too eye-catching, Yang Yi rented a Mercedes-Benz car, if he wants to drive slowly to Vienna, it is certainly more comfortable to drive a better car.

In Madrid, Yang Yi lived in a five-star hotel. Although it was not a time to escape, it was not enough to live comfortably.

When I entered the hotel, Yang Yi wanted to have a good night's sleep.

It is not so dangerous now, the rest has to rest, Yang Yi does not want to stretch his nerves too tightly.

It’s day and afternoon, and after another hour or two, it’s going to be dark. Yang Yi plans to wake up and go to dinner, and then he will set off again the next morning.

But just after sleeping for less than half an hour, Yang Yi woke up.

There was no feeling of uneasiness and no warning, but Yang Yi woke up. Then he lay in bed and began to think about his own journey.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, that is, it is too smooth.

Think again, Yang Yi still doesn't feel that he has something wrong, and he doesn't feel that he has encountered any problems now, but he wakes up and doesn't feel sleepy. So, let's do more. .

Yang Yi thought for a moment, there was no special reason, just want to do something, add another insurance for his own safe situation, nothing more, but since I thought of it, I will do it well.

So Yang Yi left the hotel where he lived, went to the nearby supermarket to buy a small bag, and then on the way back from the supermarket, he saw a small hotel not far from the five-star hotel where he lived, thought about it. Yang Yi returned to the five-star hotel where he lived, once again pretending to change his identity, and then wrapped the necessities in a small package, and went to the small hotel and opened a room.

Very cumbersome, because there is only one person, so what is tedious.

The Spaniards were lazy. All the shops basically closed after dark, so Yang Yi rushed to buy a trolley case and a backpack before the dark and placed it in the small hotel.

Then Yang Yi returned to the five-star hotel and retired the room. He drove his baggage to stop at a no-man's place, then returned to the small hotel to take the empty box to the parking place, changed the baggage into a box, and then drove the car. I found another five-star hotel with an empty suitcase.

After a series of tedious and meaningless operations, ~lightnovelpub.net~ Yang Yi, who had entered the new hotel, changed his appearance and then quietly left the five-star hotel at ten o'clock in the evening. I rented the car myself, but took a taxi and then took a taxi. After changing a few cars, I finally came to the small hotel to live.

Yang Yi didn't know what the meaning of his operation was, or the sentence, he wanted to do it, so he did it.

Yang Yi had eaten dinner and went to bed and rested at 11:30 in the evening. When he woke up again, it was twelve o'clock.

This time, I woke up and was woken up. Yang Yi’s alarm on the bed made a drip sound, but the sound was not loud, but the small sound was also an alarm.

The alarm was from the room of the five-star hotel, and the alarm sounded, indicating that someone broke into the room.

Yang Yi took the siren and there was an image on the siren. Three people entered the room of the five-star hotel before and after, and they had guns in their hands.

Yang Yi's cumbersome operation is not meaningless, but he does not know what those who come to the door are coming, but no matter who they are, Yang Yi knows that his troubles are coming again.